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Why Does He Act Like That?

Unless you have a brain the size of a corn in crap, you must have noticed just how much Brock flirts with girls. Some people use this as a negative point against Brock. I think I know just why he flirts so much. The answer is simple. He just wants love. He knows he can find it anywhere, and wants to find his true love. I have some evidence that may back this up. These lyrics which I found off Brock-O-Rama are from "Takeshi No Paradise" which is the Brock song from Japan on Pokemon Kareokemon. This sort of describes him some:

La-La-La, La-La-La, how wonderful,
La-La-La, La-La-La, the row of the characters!
La-La-La, it's, La-La-La
< NE> < E> < SA> < N> !

Yes, I know. I fall in love so easily!
Because of broken pieces of my heart, there is no
space to put my feet!

Even if they think me too frivolous a guy.
Even if they ridicule my stupidities.
For me, for me, I have a dream for me!

So, La-La-La, how wonderful
La-La-La, La-La-La, the sound of the word!
La-La-La, it's, La-La-La
< NE> < E> < SA> < N> !

Yes, I know. The broken heart is so painful!
My heart got deflated utterly, I can do nothing but laugh!

Even if they think me a guy who doesn't learn from the failure.
Even if they ridicule my clownish doing.
For me, for me, I have a dream for me!

So, La-La-La, how wonderful
La-La-La, La-La-La, the sound of the word!
La-La-La, how wonderful, La-La-La
La-La-La, my paradise!
La-La-La, it's, La-La-La
< NE> < E> < SA> < N> !

We can all imagine what Brock's paradise is. :X Just joking! Back to what I was talking about. What was I talking about...OH YA! Another piece of evidence is from the episode, "Love, Totodile Style." When Brock talks to Totodile after Azumaril hugs Golduck he says,"You can't expect to win every battle, but love is worth fighting for and if you're brave and courageous and never quit, you can come out a winner, just like me." Of course, he's only won one battle out of *counts on fingers, toes, and Dee's fingers and toes* uh...alot! But, I think that sort of explains that he just wants to find love and he will do almost anything for it. I do think though that he should take a different approach. ^_^;

If you want to see some of Brock's love interests go here.
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