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The Ending

This is something most of us have thought about I'm sure in one form or another. WHEN THE HELL IS POKEMON GOING TO END? *ahem* What I meant was, how is it going to end? And if it does, how will it end? I hope that when it does end, it will have a somewhat definite end. Not like one that they just sort of keep traveling and no one explains if Brock ever gets a chick, if Ash ever becomes a trainer (not that we care that much), if Tracey ever becomes a great pokemon watcher, and one of the most controversial issues: if J and J get together. Dee and I were hoping the show would end at the end of Johto, but I have heard rumors of another world. AAAAAH! I do like Pokemon, but right now it's just sort of dragging on. (If you read this like 5 years after I wrote this, The Totodile Duel was just on). I think it will start to get good after a while, but anyway, a reason I want it to end is so that some questions could be answered. Hopefully by the end, we will find out what Proffessor Ivy did to Brock. I think the way it will end is Ash will become a Pokemon trainer and defeat Gary. Gary, since he has become mature, will probably handle it pretty well. Team Rocket, whether the dodgemasters at Pokemopolis like it or not, will probably show their feelings for each other in some way. Even though Gymshippers probably won't like it, since Ash is the hero in the show, Ash and Misty will probably show their feelings for each other in some way. Brock, will lie in a corner and wilt away into nothingness. JUST JOKING! Brock will probably get some girl. Probably someone who he has had hints toward like Suzi, Melanie, or someone else who likes to raise Pokemon. I have no idea what would happen to Tracey, since he really doesn't have a big dream except for being a Pokemon watcher. I think somehow they will show that he has succeded. I also think something like that will happen with Brock that will show he has succeded with breeding. HAHAHAHA! BREEDING!!! A SUCCESFUL BREEDER! That was for all you fellow perverted minds. The same thing will happen with Misty and water pokemon training. I think it would be interesting to see TR quit TR. Boy, that was confusing. Or, maybe somehow they will actually get praised by Mr. Gio. Hey, I like that name. I think I'm gonna call him that now. HAHAHA! MR. GIO! Anypoo, I also hope that in the end Tracey gets a chick, because he doesn't really have anybody (Ash and Misty really didn't include him that much). I still haven't decided what I think will happen to Professor Oak and Ms. Ketchum. I don't necessarily think they will get together though. Anypoo, that's just what I'm thinkin. Hmm, I think I covered everything. Well, almost. If you wanna keep reading what I think, go hereorback to the Brock page
