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What's With All This?

Okay, I think I may have figured out a couple of things. You know what one of the most annoying things about Pokemon is. THE POKERAP! Why the hell do they have to have that? AAAAAAAH! It's the most annoying f***ing thing in the world! And you know what is crazy about it, the advertise it like it is something special! On every single old video it says "comes with a full-length pokerap!" Do they really think everyone is just going to fast forward to the end JUST TO WATCH THE POKERAP! They could be doing that for you to think, "Wow! This is a good deal!" Or, maybe the pokerap is something more. Perhaps, a subliminal messagore? A subliminal messagore is something that is flashed by the screen so that you think about it, but you don't know you think about it. A long time ago they used it in theateres. They would flash the word popcorn so fast you couldn't see it, but you would think about popcorn and go buy it. Kinda crazy, huh? Well, I don't know if they used it in theateres, but it's a good example. Of course, you all know the pokerap is on, but it's a good way for you to see all the pokemon and know their names so you can, "catch them all." That is another thing. "Gotta catch em all Pokemon!" I mean, that in itself is a way to advertise sneakily. I have figured out something that no one seems to notice. Either I'm incredibly stupid and it's so easy to notice that no one talks about it, or I have no life and have actually paid attention to something that no one cares about. All the names seem to be puns in the show. Misty likes water, Brock likes rocks, Melody plays that instrument, Mary owns Mareep, Jesse and James, Butch and Cassidy, Duplica...the list goes on and on. So, why is Ash called Ash? I don't know, but I have figured out why his last name is Ketchum. Think...Ketch um. Gotta catch em all. Gotta ketch um all! Another crazy way to advertise, or they just couldn't think of a last name. Crazy, isn't it?

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