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Memory Two:

The Beach

It was a beautiful summer day and I had nothing to do. Then the doorbell rang. I answered it. "Brock?"
"Hello, my darling"
He pulls a white rose from behind his back. "Would you like to come to the beach with me?"
"You are so good at surprises. That would be wonderful. Let me go get on my skanky bikini that reveals almost everything so we can make this pleasant could-be-family beach into a big whore-pit."
We arrived at the beach. We were suprisingly the only ones there. We walked down near the coast to a picnic blanket with lit aromatherapy candles. We ate a romantic dinner and then he walked over to me and kissed. Passionately, VERY passionately. We rolled around on the beach just like in that 98 degrees video, "I do." Except, without Screech and I wasn't cheating on him with 3 other guys. Then we made out until some Seaguls started to come and peck us to death (but we made it out alive.)

Back to The Brock Page
Memory One:The Meadow
Memory Three:The Rose Garden
Memory Four:The Double Date
Memory Five:The Eiffel Tower
Memory Six:The Keg Party
Memory Seven:The Jerry Springer Show