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Brock's Best Moments

Pokemon's best episodes and moments are the ones that deal with TR and Brock. Well, here are my favorite episodes and moments with Brock. So, this is the best of the best!

A Showdown at Pewter City

Once, before Pokemon was good, there was an annoying 10 year old boy, a little yellow mouse that constantly said,"pika!," and a girl with year-round P.M.S. And then, later, a lavender-haired guy, a talking cat, and another girl with year-round P.M.S. came into the picture making the show a little bit brighter. But, something was still missing. Until the day when the annoying 10 year old boy stepped up to the entrance of the Pewter City Gym to get the Boulderbadge. That day, my friends, was the first episode of...DADADADAAAAAAAA! Brock! Well, it all starts out when Ash walks in the Pewter City Gym to find the wise looking Brock. (He's also kinda creepy!) Blah! Blah! Blah! Brock beats Ash when Onyx pretty much crushed little Pikachu and Brock orders him to stop. Now people who are anti-brock would say this is becuase he is arrogant, but we KNOW he is not arrogant. Onyx was hurting the little rat. Brock was being nice. Like he said,"I really don't want to hurt your Pokemon." Anypoo, Ash leaves and this old smelly guy who sells rocks tells the story of Brock. Brock can't travel because he has to take care of his 10...I REPEAT!...10 brothers and sisters that he has to take care of since his deadbeat dad left to try the Pokemon League. Then, his mother suddenly died. His father never came back because he had failed miserably and did not want to show his face. The old smelly hobo then helps Ash strengthen Pikachu up for a rematch with Brock. Of course, Ash tries again and things don't really go well for him when water starts coming out of the pipes. As Ash starts beating Brock because of a stupid fault, all Brock's brothers and sisters start hanging on to Ash telling him to stop becuase they don't want their brother to lose. (AW! How sweet.) Anypoo, Brock tells them to stop, and Ash stops Pikachu because he knows it's a stupid fault. Later, Ash is walking down the road when the hot sexy mama-jama yells to him. Brock gives him the badge, declaring that he did win, (even though he didn't) and that he didn't really care because it's not battling that he likes to do. Instead he likes raising pokemon, and he wants to be a Pokemon Breeder. (HAHAHAHA! Oh, sorry Brock.) Then, the smelly old rock-selling hobo comes up to Ash and Brock and takes off his mask to uglier Brock? AAh! It's Brock's daddy. He says that it's time that he take care of his family, and he wants Brock to join Ash on his Pokemon journey. Brock then gives his Dad-known as Flint. Now isn't that clever?-a notepad and tells him all the stuff he needs to know. (I like this part.) But, there was soemthing else I liked in this episode that we see many other times. That is...

The Pink Apron
Of course, I had to mention this. Some people think it's girly of him to wear the pink apron, but I think it brings out his manliness! ^_^; In some way or another. Anyway, I really like his pink apron. One of my teachers always said,"Real men choose pink." Well, I like all the scenes with his pink apron, but the best scene was...


Don't ya just love the pic? Well, I got it from Anypoo, this was one of Brock's classic scenes. When he walked into a dirty lab, Proffessor Ivy said,"Oh exscuse me, we've been so busy we haven't been able to clean today." Brock then seemed to crouch and grumble in agony. Then, he tied his bow, and KABOOM! Superbrock! The cleaning man! It was so cool when he washed the dishes all fast. I recommend you see it. It's in the episode...

Pokeball Peril

Well, besides the Superbrock scene, this is the scene where *sob* Brock *sob* leaves! AAAAAAAAH! The evil Proffessor Ivy has lured her into the trap! At least he left out with style in his pink apron on the top of a roof pointing while Zubat flies above him. THAT was cool! My poor Brockie! Why did he leave? Well at least he came back in...

A Tent Situation

After the Orange Island leagues (thank god!) Ash cheerfully runs up to his house and runs into the kitchen trying to find his mom. Instead he finds a nicer surprise...BROCK! When they se Mrs. Ketchum, she explains to the others that a couple of days ago she was walking with Mr. Mime when she kept hearing a noise. Like her son, she was being an idiot and kept stepping over the grumbling, gaunt-looking Brock. Then, she says he's just been wonderful with the chores. Of course, Mr. Mime and him have been fighting on who does what. (Love that scene too.) She also explains that he won't explain why he left. Every time he hears Proffessor Ivy, he huddles in a corner and screams,"Don't say that name!" Well, in the next episode Brock declares he's back, and Tracey leaves. :) And thus, the Johto Journeys begin. Hey another one of my favorite scenes was in the Johto Journeys. That is...

Military Brock

When stupid Togepi and a baby Sentrit get trapped in one of TR's contraptions, the intelligent Brock makes up a plan. Suddenly in military fatigues, he tells everyone his plan that involves Onyx digging a hole, and Misty's water pokemon making it all sludgy so the tank will fall in. He is sooo smart! I don't think Misty and Ash would survive half the time if Brock wasn't there to get them out of all this crap. Even though I usually don't go for the whole guys in uniforms, he was sooooo hot! Speaking of uniforms...

Brock the Rocket!

In the episode,"Ditto's Mysterious Masion", or something to the title of that, Brock, Misty and Ash meet Duplica and Ditto who want to become Dittomasters! Their dream is to imitate people for show, but ditto can't seem to change his face. Anypoo, TR steals Ditto, and in order to get him back, Brock, Duplica, Misty and Ash dress up as TR and say a funny motto. At the end, Ditto is back and is able to change faces. Just so I can get my opinion out now, Duplica should be in another episode! *Ahem* But, back to Brock! Man, if he was a rocket, he would be the hottest of them all! Geez, but he surely doesn't fight all the time like they do. Well, he has a couple times. Including...

Brock vs. Damien

While Brock, Misty and Ash travel along, they notice a Charmander on a rock. Ash, being the incredible idiot he is, tries to catch it. The Charmander does not cooperate though. Brock then notices that it was probably abandoned. (He's so smart!) :) Anypoo, they travel to a Pokemon Center and the three overhear a guy talking proudly of how he left a Charmander. Brock, being the hot sexy sweetheart he is, stood up to the guy. It almost got them in a battle, but Nurse Joy caught them. Even though most people don't seem to talk about this, I find this a big scene of Brock. He stands up for what he belives in, and not in a corny way like Ash. This also proves that he really cares about pokemon. Much like that one in the episode...

The Little Big Horn

In one of the thirty million episodes it takes for Ash to get to Violet City, there is one (well, actually two) that seem to stick out. It all begins when they are heading toward the next gym and they notice something rattling in the bushes. It looks like a pair of eyes, but infact it's a Stantler's horns. A baby Stantler. Brock tries to get close to it so he acts like a Stantler. (At one point he actually licks it! Yuk!) Then, the three notice a million Stantler who chase them. While they are running, the herd of Stantler suddenly disappear. Officer Jenny then pops up, and Brock tells her that a herd was there. Then, they all go down to the station. After Officer Jenny explained that there had been a herd in the park recently, TR enter the scene. They are being chased by a herd of Stantler. The three say their motto and then continue to run off. Officer Jenny, Ash, and Misty run in to the station, but Brock stays outside. He stands in the way of the herd of Stantler. Brock though, isn't hurt. The Stantler pass through him and the young hurt Stantler crawls out into view. In the station, Brock explains everything while he bandages up Stantler. The young Stantler was afraid so he made the illusion. The way he knew is because how the Stantler dissapeared so suddenly and how the Stantler would pass through lightpoles and such. That night, the Stantler falls asleep in his lap. Aw! The next day, Brock takes the Stantler out and forces it to go out where it belongs. Blah! Blah! Blah! I don't feel like typing. But, basically, TR comes and tries to steal it and then Brock (with the help of a herd of Stantler) saves it. There is a really cute scene where Brock catches the Stantler. Well, bladee blah! The Stantler goes back with it's herd. This episode was definetly a big Brockie episode. I also remember that Officer Jenny wasn't the usual meanie she is to him. Except for that other time with...

The Megaphone

The was an episode called, "The Case of the K-9 Capers that wasn't very good until the last five minutes. There was a megaphone that TR made that when you talked into it sounded like someone else. Brock talked into it like Jenny and said things like, "Oh Brock is sooo good-looking!" It was really funny! I guess if you didn't know what that megaphone does, you would think Officer Jenny possessed Brock. Hey, that reminds me of...

The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

One of my favorite episodes, this starts out with a Brock definitive moment, has cool Brock parts throughout the show, and ends with a Brock definitive moment. On their way to Saffron City, the trio stop at a small town to relax. Ash and Misty say that they've had a great summer full of adventure and Brock says,"To kids like you summer is about adventures, but to me summer is about bathing suits, and girls to wear them." As they are walking in the festival, they hear the story of the Ghost of the Maiden's Peak. When her knight boyfriend left, she stayed on the peak to wait for him. She waited there so long that she turned to rock. Brock, of course, falls in love with her. Then, both James and Brock are hypnotized into being compeletely obsessed with her. Brock is so into her that when she starts to take him away, he wants to go. James, with a squeling voice like a baby, pleaded for her to let him go. Anypoo, they get away from the ghost. At the very end (near where Ash blushes at Misty in a kimono), Brock stares out at the night at sighs saying, "If only you were 2,000 years younger." Cool Brock scene.

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Go here to see another one of Brock's best scenes: The Wilhemina + Brock Page!
