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Pocket Bishonen

If you haven't heard of it, there is a website called Bishonen where you catch anime guys (and some real ones). Bishonen means pretty boy. Well, I thought I would share the ones I caught with you. Some, I caught of course because I thought they were cute. Others, just cuz I thought they were cool. And for a few, just for the hell of it. Oh, I looked through and couldn't find Fred Lou, so I think I'm gonna submit him.


I couldn't help it. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's cute! It was just for the hell of it.


Again, just for the hell of it. Although, Tracey really isn't that bad. Ya, all he does is sketch things, but he's not horrible. It wasn't his fault Brock went away.


Well, I finally saw Slayers. But I caught him before I saw it. You have to answer some questions before you get a Bishonen. It's funny though, cuz I just guessed from the things I had heard about him. The questions were really easy for Gourry, but the ones for James and Butch are sooo hard!


He's not one of my favorites, but I thought it would be nice to have him in my new collection. *Rubs hands together* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA! A HOT ANIME COLLECTION! *returns to normal* I was saying...


How could I not have him? He's sooo awesome! Ryoko would love to CATCH him. Know what I mean? Wink! Wink! Nudge! Nudge! Say no more! Say no more!


First time I saw Gene, I thought he seemed kinda wierd, but he's actually really cool! Not as cool as Fred, (to Dee, Fred is the greatest man in the world. Of course, next to Tenchi, James and Harry) but he's pretty cool for the main good guy. Unlike a certain 10 year old we know.


Of course I had to catch him! Would my collection be complete without the femine, funny, idiotic guy? It took a little help from Dee, because I know alot, but not as mych as I would if I was in love with him. lol. Sorry Dee. :)


This guy I caught cuz he's just sooo cool! I love him! He's sorta hot too. Dee thinks he might have a crush on Sasami. I think that would be a cute couple.


Poor Zelgadiss. He just wanted power. Zel is awesome! He's really cool cuz he's all mysterious and calm. Even though he has those funny markings that he got from Rezzo (or Shabrinigdo) he's still pretty cute at times. In case you don't know, he's from the show Slayers.

Wierd Al Yankovic

Isn't this cool? You can catch people besides anime! We all know it. WIERD AL RULES!

Han Solo

Forget about Luke Skywalker. Han Solo is the coolest! I mean, he's cute, smart, a good fighter, and his best friend is Chewbacca!

Jim Hawking

They got him! They finally have him! How could they had not had the mature, smart 11 year old until now? Well, I know one of my friends, Renae, will be happy. He's probably the smartest one of my collection. Except for Brock :)

Fred Lou

Look who else they got! FRED! The funniest guy in Outlaw Star. And quite funnier than the funniest people in other shows as well. Of course, we know he is the gayest.(Is that even a word?) Some people may say that James is pretty gay, but really he's not because most people say that it's because of his voice (Eric Stuart, the coolest guy ever) and cross-dressing. But, his voice is actually quite manly in Japan, and EVERYONE seems to crossdress in anime. Anypoo, I'm getting off the subject. Well, Fred is a total bishonen. Why are all the gay guys so cute?


This is *drools*...Shinobu. He is from the series Here is Greenwood which was taken from a manga. It features voice actors such as Megan Hollingshead (Nurse Joy) as a guy O_o, Matthew Milter (Gary), Ted Lewis (Tracey) and Eric Stuart (Brock, DUH!). Shinobu is a calm, spiritual guy. I think that is why I like him so much. His sister, Nagisa, is always trying to get revenge on him. I can't remember exactly how it goes, but one of my favorite things that he said was, "Very different from my family. Open and friendly. It rather disturbed me."


You probably already knew I caught him. It was actually sort of hard for me, but, with strategy of elimination, it became easier and I caught my Brockie! Or Takeshi, whatever you want to call him. Isn't this a cute pic of him? I love it!


I don't know who this guy is. I just looked up info and caught him. Why you ask? Because his name is CARROT! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!


This is the worst part of my collection. At first, I thought they didn't have Ash, but I looked closer. WHY? WHY MUST THEY HAVE HIM? He is neither hot, nor does he have any sort of a personality. People seem to WANT him to be hot. Look at this picture they drew of him! That doesn't look like Ash! I'm not saying this picture is hot, I'm saying it's okay. But Ash is just damn ugly! And besides, if he was hot his stupidity would overcome it. AAAAAAAAH! What has this world come to? If I didn't like him, why did I catch him you ask? Well, the pleasure of the catch was worth it. Click here if you want to see what I mean.

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