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Spikes, Slits, and Sweet Love...

Haley here, the number one Brock fan at your service. You all know it, Brock is the hottest animé character on TV (Dee may have disagreements), and he also has the best personality! (Dee may also have disagreements) That's why I'm madly, deeply in love with him! And remember: He's MY man, and anyone who tries to get between us will get bitch-slapped! (In case you can't tell I'm the psychotic, cursing, slightly obsessed one)

5/15/01-Well, my friends, I think we have all survived the return of the Pokerap! It really wasn't all that bad, except for when they spelled out Pokemon. Geez, that got annoying. Did anyone notice the scene where they all looked they were dancing? I thought that was a cool scene. Brock was holding Meowth! It was cool. But, James was dancing with Misty while Jesse was off to the side. -_- Hmm...nothing like that has ever happened before. It was kinda cute actually, but I don't think it was anything. But, did you notice the scene that looked very wrong with Ash and Pikachu hugging in the sky. Man, that looked wrong.
8/11/01-NO! Just after I made a page about the scariest pokemon ever, I see the commercial! THE COMMERCIAL! Goldenrod City is going to be TWO episodes long and in the commercial it shows the gym leader using a...a....NOOOOOOO!
8/18/01-Finally, Goldenrod and the M...M...Miltank is past us. The episodes weren't all that bad. Especially at the begining when Brock wanted her to kiss him on the head so he slammed himself into the wall. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...ha...

Happy New Years peeps! I knew I haven't updated in a while, but that's going to be my resolution! I've got a fanfic on the way, and perhaps I can finish a couple of others. I'm going to have manga scans and other fun stuff up soon from my good friend Sonikku, in a week or two at the most.

I lied. I haven't been able to update in a long time, so I can't tell you when I will or won't. So...ya, but I may have some crap comin up, and yet I may not. YOU WILL NEVER KNOW! *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN* My comp had a virus, and I wasn't able to get on and crap. so...ya...

4/13/02-Blah, I said I would never stop updating when I made this site. Heh...never say never, eh? I'm not gonna stop updating competely, but it's definetly not going to be as often as I used to. I'll prolly add more ever noticeds all the time, and stuff like that. I, being the dumbass I am, missed the episode today! AND IT WAS ACTUALLY GOOD! BLAH! So, I'll watch afterschool to try and catch it. Then, I'll prolly do a page on that girl since she liked Brock. Gomen ne minna! (sorry everyone) Well, sayonara!

Brock's Bio
Go to the Polls!
The Love Connection
Go see why Brock is the best character on Pokemon!
See why Brock gets no credit for anything!
The Wilhemina + Brock Page
See what I have observed how Brock has changed during the series
Have you ever noticed...
Go here to see my Bishonen!
Go here to see my favorite Brock scenes!
Go here to see some of my fav side characters on Pokemon!
Go here to see some my opinions on some subjects on Pokemon!
Go here to read some Brock Fanfics!
Well, there's only one fanfic at the moment :)
Go here to read some Top Ten Lists!
The Ultimate Battle: Tracey Vs. Brock!
The Scariest Pokemon EVER!
Something Stupid I Did Course, Isn't Everything I Do Stupid? Heh...^_^;
Go here to get links to some of my fav websites!
Link to Me!

Boogie on Back to the Pokemon Party!
Does anyone know why I always end with exclamation points? It's not that exciting. ^_^;

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This many peeps since 6/24/01 (My other counter sucked!)
