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Memory 4:The Double Date

"Alright, fine!" Through all my disagreements Brock had convinced me to go on a double date with Misty and Ash. I personally did not like either one of them but Brock, being the caring person that he is, had already set it up. We drove down to the La Pierre Restaurant to find Misty wearing a skanky whore-like miniskirt (and I mean MINIskirt) clinging on to Ash who was apparently trying to inform a champion pokemon trainer of how to raise a pikachu. We stepped outside. "Oh hello Brock,"said Misty batting her eyelashes.
"Hi Misty, Hi Ash," greeted Brock but Ash was still trying to get the champion's attention. "This is my girlfriend, Haley,"said Brock.
"Uh, girlfriend?" asked confused-looking Misty.
"Ya, this is a double date. Did you think I was gonna come alone?"
"Ash, I thought you told me we were going to have a threesome," Misty whispered to Ash.(But I still heard her.)
"Well, why don't we go on in," I suggested. So we went in and had an "okay" dinner. As good as it can get since we were with idiot boy and skank-ass bitch. "Would you exscuse me?" said my very polite Brock. Then he started walking toward the buffet. "Um, I have to go to piss," said Misty. Then she stumbled out of the booth and ran off. Since Ash was still trying to talk to that champion (who happened to be sitting behind us) I looked back hoping to see my wonderful brock but instead I saw Misty trying to flirt with him. I jumped up and got right in front of Misty's face. "Why are you flirting with my man, BITCH!!!"I yelled.
"He wants me!!! Not you!!!" Misty screamed.
"Whatever you whore!"
"You guys, calm down!"Brock said getting in between us.
"Go on Brock, tell her you want me!" Misty demanded.
"Where did you get that idea? I love Haley." Brock put his arm around me and we walked out the door. I looked back to see red-faced Misty looking at us like a revenge-full bull who just got stabbed in the ass. We had just arrived at mt house when Brock said,"You know, that was some pretty cool stuff you said to Misty."
"But it makes me think, I mean I trust you and everything but...,"but before I could finish Brock interrupted me.
"Haley, I would never cheat on you."
"You wouldn't?"
"Of course not!" Brock leans over and kisses me.

Back To The Brock Page
Memory One:The Meadow
Memory Two:The Beach
Memory Three:The Rose Garden
Memory Five:The Eiffel Tower
Memory Six:The Keg Party
Memory Seven:The Jerry Springer