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The Eiffel Tower

I walked out of the airplane and into the airport. I looked around for my darling Brock. All around I could not find him. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and stared into deep black slits. My heart melted. He held out a white rose.
"How was your flight?"
"Oh fine. How was Gym Leader Convention?"I asked.
Brock shrugged. "Okay. Misty and her sisters were all over me," he saw my look, then added quickly. "Nothing happened."
"I wish I could have been there. Too bad I had to work off my debts for breaking Professor Oak's G.S. ball."
"Ya, I thought he was going to kill you when he heard the crash. Well anyway darling, I have a surprise for you."
"Another surprise?"I couldn't believe how many surprises Brock could make up. We walked hand-in-hand towards his car. He put a blindfold over my eyes. After about 30 minutes, we came to a halt. He led me out of the car and took off the blindfold. Right infront of me was the beautiful and marvelous Eiffel Tower.
"Oh, Brock, I think this is your best surprise yet!"
"I've got a better one at the top for you." When we reached the top, he brushed his lips gently against mine. My heart skipped a beat. He knelt down on one knee. I grew tense. His hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. I became very nervous. he opened the box and a diamond ring was shown.
"Haley, I love you and want to be with you. Will you marry me?"
"I don't know. I don't know, this is all so sudden." Brock stood up and leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled away. I ran. Even the sound of Brock's voice calling to me didn't pull me back. I ran until I got to a crystal clear fountain. Well, it would have been crystal clear if it hadn't been pissed in several times. The tears ran down my face and fell into the urine-filled pool.
"Vat is za matter sheri?"
I looked up into the glazed eyes of an old Parision wino. His breath almost knocked me back into the pisspool, but I held my place.
"Did you no' hear me? I asked vat vas ze matter," the wino repeated.
I shrugged. "Oh, nothing. Everything."
"Boy problems?" he guessed.
I nodded. "My boyfriend asked me to marry him, but I'm not sure if I'm ready. I mean, it's so sudden..."
"Do you love heem?" he said suddenly.
I nodded again.
"Zen run to heem."
"But I'm so confused-" I began.
He cut me off, "Eef love were about choices an' deecisions, it vould be a lot simpeller, but no so... magical! Run to heem, sheri!"
I hugged the old wino. "Thank you, sir! But I don't know where he is."
The wino pulled his head out of my boobs, then replied, "Vere do all love stories end, sheri? Ze Eiffel Tower. Now, go to heem!"
I thanked him again, then ran off to where I knew my love would be waiting. I knew exactly what I would tell him.
I found Brock at the top of the tower.
"Brock!" We hugged. I noticed the box still in his hands. "I'm sorry. It's just, I was confused. I'm not ready to get married."
I understand",he replied.
"But it was nicely planned." He laughed until I stopped him with a kiss. We made out until some dude slapped my ass and asked to join in. He winked. That's when we decided to get the hell out of Paris.
Next time, we're going to London!

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Or check out these great memories:
Number One: The Meadow
Number Two: The Beach
Number Three: The Rose Garden
Number Four: The Double Date
Memory Six:The Keg Party
Memory Seven:The Jerry Springer Show