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Okely dokely guys, here's something I had always thought about doing, but it's funny AND true. And it's unpredictable what someone will say! I'm not on crack! But, I sent an email to Eric Stuart (under a different email then the interview, although I don't think he'd remember that name anyway). This was the email:

Subject: :D YOOOOOOO!
Hello! Just wanna say I'm a big fan of both your music and your work as a voice actor. One of the biggest reasons you're a cool voice actor though is this: You play James, who has a manly yet gay voice AT THE SAME TIME! And that, is incredibly sexy. I just thought you should know.

Subject: Re: :D YOOOOOOO!
Thank you (I think?)

HAHAHAHAHA! I dunno why that was so much fun. I guess cuz when you think about it, it's sooo true. And Eric Stuart rocks! He's HAHA-HALARIOUS! I have no life...^_^;

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