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Have you ever noticed?

1. Jesse's hair looks a little bit shorter than it used to. It looks especially shorter compared to the 1st season.
2. James and Jesse have the SAME SHAPED HEAD, EYES, AND HAIR PART!
3. The good episodes are the ones focused on TR or Brock.
4. When Brock acts like his regular sweet self, girls seem to like him better as oppose to his crazy, flirty side.
5. Brock got a chick when Misty WASN'T with them.
6. In the episode "Tanks Alot", they had a huge closeup of Ash and Misty's hands when he pulls her up to safety. Are they trying to tell us something?
7. In the episode "Get Along Little Pokemon", they show a closeup of a man's bandaged hand for a long time, and then Misty said,"Wow, that's pretty mangled up." It looked fine! It must have had blood on it in the Japanese version.
8. Meowth has a New York accent and he is from CALIFORNIA! (I think Dee says that on her TR section, we seem to talk about it alot!)
9. Tracey doesn't have a pot belly, but he looks HUMONGOUS compared to everyone else. It kinda freaks me out.
10. When Brock was in the trio, they showed them eating food he cooked alot, and they walked everywhere. When Tracey was with them, they barely showed them eating. If they did, they were at a Pokemon Center or somewhere like that. They never ate anything they cooked. They also always rode around on Lapras. Hmm, I wonder why Tracey is so much larger...
11. Brock usually has 7-10 spikes on the top of his head. He always has four spikes for bangs when it's the front side and two when he is facing sideways. I think I may have seen 6 as the least amount of spikes. My favorite pics seem to be when he has 8.
12. People whose favorite characters are TR, usually like Brock, and vice versa.
13. Dee's favorite characters from Outlaw Star are Harry McDougal and Fred Lou. Both have long hair, and one is gay. Who does that remind you of?
14. Ash and Misty are main characters, but we hardly know anything about them. We know Misty has 3 sisters and they own the Cerulean City Gym. We know, we know his mom. We know more about Meowth then them!
15. Whenever TR pulls down their eyelid or sticks their tongue at them, the trio seem really offended. Dee and I heard that whenever they do that, it's the same as flipping someone off. Brock, Misty and Ash getting so mad seem to support that theory.
16.In the episode,"The Little Big Horn", when Brock tries to get close to Stantler, his tongue looks really cute and small (almost like a kitten's) when he licks his hand. But then, when he's in the background, it looks like he's licking Stantler (I really think he is!) and his tongue is HUGE! It was gigantic! (Please don't say anything gross about this, I just happened to notice.)
17.In the episode,"The Superhero Secret", Latonia (or however you spell it) says,"Oh Brock, you must be joking." Then, he screams with a blue background and huddles in a corner moving his finger around. The first time I saw it, I laughed. The second time I saw it, I laughed, then I noticed something. Maybe what she said was something like what Proffessor Ivy did...
18.In the 3rd movie, they timed it wrong! Ash had a totodile and another owl thing which he hadn't caught yet in the series! Then, Misty's Poliwag evolved into a Polywhirl, and that hasn't happened yet!
19.In the Pokemon 3, Jesse and James switch sides in a scene when they come back.
20.In the 3rd movie, Brock's hair actually droops! It moves sometimes, but his hair was actually wet and it drooped! It was really cute too. :)
21.Episode number 69 is Go West, Young Meowth! That episode is the one where we learn about Meowsie. Lol, you rascal Meowth.
22. In the episode, "Island of the Giant Pokemon", Jesse and James run into a sign. No big deal, BUT in the japanese version, they put kanji on the side plus english that said keep out. But, in the English episode, they totally crossed out the kanji and english and made the english HUGE to say Keep Out. Even though there was also english, they took it off so that there would be NO kanji. Geez! What is wrong with them?
23. I put that thing about Dee on number 13, and that is her favorite number. I didn't even do that on purpose!
24. Well, even though everyone talks about this, the minidoughnuts! They call Brock's riceballs (not those balls. Sorry, I just thought I would clear that help for those perverted people out there.) mini-doughtnuts! DOUGHTNUTS HAVE HOLES IN THE MIDDLE!
25.In every country except for Japan the names are American. 4 Kids Entertainment (the worst company ever) took the Japanese show and changed it to American and clean, and then sold it to other countries! Ah! WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM?
26.In the episode, "Tunnel Vision", Ash says,"I would use Squirtle...if I had Squirtle", and Squirtle hadn't left yet! He left 2 episodes later!
27.In the episode,"Fowl Play", Ash calls out Totodile, the pokemon he catches in the next episode! They've been timing the episodes really badly. And the movie.
28.I noticed at Bulbagarden's Episode Guide they have the episodes in a different order than what America has showed them as. (Well, at least Johto I'm sure of). So, they must show them as they have been shown in Japan. So, that means that 4 Kids Entertainment has seriously screwed up the order of the episodes. (No Douh! We could have noticed that anyway)
29. In, "Who Gets to Keep Togepi?" Brock pulls Togepi's egg out from under his shirt. Even though the egg had been in his shirt, WOW! NO BUMP OR ANYTHING!
30. This attaack that Magmar and I think Arcanine do looks like the Blair Wtich Symbol!
31. In the episode, "Showdown at Dark City", the Yaz gym leader is played by Ted Lewis (the voice of Tracey) and he has a Scyther! Just like Tracey had.
32. In the same episode, the Scyther and Electabuzz were enraged when they saw red, so wouldn't they have chased Jesse in the beginning? Ya know, because of her hair.
33. Whenever Brock hits on a girl, Misty pulls him out of the way and then Ash comes in and becomes good friends with them.
34. Ash always says he is probably going to see someone he meets in some battle again. Will he ever?
35. In the episode, "Tricks of the Trade", three guys come up to Ash asking to trade with them. A guy with the voice of Eric Stuart says "I'll trade you with my Onyx." A guy with the voice of Matt Milter (Gary) says,"I'll trade you with my Nidoqueen." Do you think they did that on purpose?
36. In that one ep,"The Pi-Kahuna" Victor (the surfer guy) points to one picture and says it was him 20 years ago, then he points to another picture and says it was him 40 years ago. I don't know if it is just me, but the pictures don't look 20 years apart.
37. In "Case of the K-9 Capers", Jesse says something in Ash's voice BEFORE she changes the microphone to make her voice sound like Ash's voice.
38. In one of the episodes with Whitney and the Miltank *shudders*, right before she calls it back in the pokeball, it's nibblums are sorta hanging. DON'T ASK! But it's really gross!
39. In the episode "Type Casting", Brock says that he will calm down Sudowudo for the girl, and he chases it and sorta hugs it as they fall on the ground. First off, the position he is just looks wrong, and then HE LICKS IT! WHY THE HELL DID HE LICK IT?!?! Maybe I should ask Brock to calm me down. ^_^;
40. In the episode "Hot Water Battle" or something to that effect, Zubat has evolved to Golbat, BUT THEY HAVEN'T SHOWN THAT EPISODE WHERE HE EVOLVES YET!!!! GRRRRR...
41. In "Fossill Fools," (HEHEE! THEY SO PUNNY!) Foster says, "Behind these doors is a place 2 million years in the pokemon past." Now, maybe I'm just stupid. But what's the difference between the pokemon past and the regular past?
42. In the same ep, is it just me or do the Ominyte seem to fondle things? He especially did to pikachu.
43. In "Tricks of the Trade", Ash sends Heracross to Professor Oak when Oak says he wants to do some research with it. "Maybe Professor Oak is going to observe Heracross sucking the sap out of all the trees." BROCK KNOWS! HE KNOWS OAK'S EVIL WAYS!!!!!!!!
44. In the same ep, the guy with the Wobeffut, forgot his name, sees Ash on tv and says, "Look Wobeffut, there's Ash. He looks the same on tv." ^_^; Since people usually look so different on tv.
45. In "UnBEARable" (damn their silly puns), Teddyursa frames a bunch of the pokemon EXCEPT for Togepi. Why? BECAUSE TOGEPI KNOWS HIS EVIL WAYS BECAUSE HE IS EVIL!!!!!!
46. I don't remember what ep this was, but was I the only one who was incredibly disturbed when Brock was sleeping, and he yelled out, "OH NURSE JOY!" O.o Later he said, "I LOVE YOU TOO!" But...for a second, it sounded like Brock had quite a dream...if you know what I mean. ^_^;

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