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Fanfics Galore!...or something like that

Obvisouly, I don't have many fanfics. Let's face it. There aren't many Brock fics out there. Oh well, I do have one. And that is mine. Geez, I'm a loser! Anypoo, please look at mine. And, if you're a Brock lover and have an idea, please write a fic!

By: ME!

Memory 1: The Meadow
Memory 2: The Beach
Memory 3: The Rose Garden
Memory 4: The Double Date
Memory 5: The Eiffel Tower
Memory 6: The Keg Party
Memory 7: The Jerry Springer Episode
These are little short "memories" between Brock and I that I wrote quite a bit ago. They were on this website a long time ago under "Fuzzy Memories", but I took em off cuz I thought at parts that people wouldn't really think they were too funny. You see, they're supposed to be corny on purpose at parts, but I put em back on cuz I got a few opinions, and they liked em. So...enjoy!

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