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Author's Note:First off, I don't own any of these peeps in the story. Except for a couple I made up. :) and of course, ME! Well, this is me fic. Me is Haley(you must be a cracknut if you haven't figured that out). Anypoo, it's my first fic, nice. :( If it sux, tell me. If it's good, tell me. I know some of it doesn't make sense to the shows, but you have to remember the main part of the story because basically if something doesn't make sense in the tv show, it can still make up becuase...well, you'll see. :}It's got Outlaw Star, Tenchi and of course, Pokemon in it. I tried to put a little of everything in it. Suspense, comedy, romance, tragedy, blah blah blah. I tried to make it a little dramatic, but also funny. I do make fun of things, even the people I like. It is a little long, but it's not as long as some fanfics. So now, I bring you...


An excoriating pain overtook me. It felt like something from deep inside of me was going to explode. I fell down from the pain. Then, I was surrounded by blackness.

I woke up in a huge bubble. I couldn’t see 10 feet from where I was because of shadows. I barely heard 2 people talking.
“When she returns she won’t remember anything,” a croaky voice said.
“Thank God you are okay now.”
“Yes. I was very close to dying, but I’ll be just fine now.” It was soft.
“What if…”
“We don’t need to worry.”
“Well, what about the girl then?”
“She should be unconscious right now.”
“If she isn’t.”
“That’s okay. There’s only a tiny percent she will remember any of this when she returns.”
“And if she does?”
“We’ll take care of it. Now, get some sleep.” I heard footsteps, and then a door closing.
‘Who could these people be?’ I thought. ‘Return? Why did they need me in the 1st place? Well, I need to figure out where I am.’ I looked around. Behind me I noticed a creature. It was…a Houndour? But those things don’t even exist! Yet, there it lay, sleeping. It looked very thin. Not that I had seen any before to know from experience, but I could tell for it’s ribs stuck out. I felt around the bubble. It seemed impossible to escape. I had to know what was going on, but I didn’t know where to start. I fell asleep from exhaustion.
“Damn it Houndour! Get up!” I woke up to a sound of a man yelling and poor Houndour yelping.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?” It came out before I could stop.
“Oh, so you’re awake Haley.” The man approached me. He was about 5’10” and wore a long, dark blue cloak that wrapped around his mouth. All I could see was his deep yellow eyes that seemed to stare on forever.
“It only take a genius to figure that out.” I paused at curiously looked at him. “How did you know my name?”
“I know a lot more about you than just your name.” He let out a deep laugh. “Even more than you know.”
“Like what?”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you.”
“Can you tell me who that other man was?”
“My father.”
“Who are you?”
“His son.”
“Don’t make stupid remarks!” I snapped. “Just tell me what the hell is going on!”
“Suddenly, everything shook.
“What?” The man ran into the shadows. The Houndour tried to run but was too weak. There was an explosion. A woman with pink hair and green eyes, a man with a rattail and dark hair, and a woman with amber eyes and blue hair ran up to me.
“Wait a second! You’re all cartoons! You can’t be real! I’ve seen you on TV! Washu! Tenchi! Ryoko!” Washu stared at me until Ryoko nudged her.
“We’ve got to get you out of here!” Washu’s computer appeared at her fingertips. She typed some, and the bubble vanished.
“Follow us kid,” said Ryoko. I followed them 10 steps, then remembered the helpless Houndour. I picked it up and continued.

We reached Ryo-Ohki.
“I don’t believe this! I was in space! And you guys…you’re cartoons!”
“What kind of world have you been in?” asked Ryoko.
“Not a real one, that is for sure,” Washu said.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“This may be hard to take. Sit down.” A couch appeared behind me. I sat down, and the just fed Houndour sat next to me. A screen appeared in front of me. Then she began her explanation.
“A longtime ago, there was a man named Bushirou who was rivals with another man since childhood.” I didn’t see what this had to do with me, but I let her continue. “Bushirou and his rival became members of the Science Academy. Both were highly respected. He eventually married and had a child. His rival came up with a plan to get revenge. He killed him and separated the mother. Bushirou’s rival was Kagato, and his child was you.”
“So, how did Kagato keep me away?”
“He made a world that lay within himself and kept you there.”
“So, how did I get here?”
“Kagato was in critical condition. He was so close to death, the world died.”
“Then, who is my Mom?”
“She died trying to save you.”
“What happened?”
“One of Kagato’s henchmen killed her before they reached the ship.” I sunk in the couch.
“This means…none of my friend or family were real.” Washu nodded.
“There is more.” I looked up. “You have a power that you inherited from your parents.”
“You are psychic.”
“I’m what-ic?”
“Psychic. An incredibly strong one at that.”
“You mean, I can tell the future?”
“Not exactly. You can lift things with your mind, see people elsewhere, send messages to other psychic, and go through walls, but you can’t see the future. But, you need your source of power.” She handed me a necklace with a blue gem on the end.
“Why did you save me?”
“I was your parent’s friend.” I remembered the two men’s conversation.
“But Kagato isn’t dead. Does that mean I’ll go back to the world?”
“Not if he doesn’t find you.”
“There was another man with Kagato. Said he was his son. Who is he?”
“Kagato has a son?” Washu looked perplexed. “I haven’t heard of him. Suspicious. Very suspicious.” I yawned. “You should get some rest,” Washu said. I fell asleep on the couch almost automatically.

I woke up next to Houndour in an unfamiliar environment.
“Good morning,” greeted Tenchi.
“How long have I slept?”
“A couple days. Washu says that bubble you were in takes energy out faster.”
“Where am I?”
“My house.” Just then Aeka walked in.
“Welcome to the Masaki residence. I am Aeka and this is Lord Tenchi.”
“Nice to meet you Aeka. I’ve already met Tenchi.” Even though the princess sometimes got on my nerves, I decided to be nice to her. Sasami and Ryo-Ohki walk in.
“Oh, hi! I’m Sasami and this is Ryo-Ohki.”
“Hi Sasami, hi Ryo-Ohki.” Good thing I was familiar with them or I wouldn’t have been able to say their names since I am so bad at pronouncing Japanese.
“Breakfast will be ready in about ½ an hour,” explained Sasami.
“Great, I’m starved.” Sasami, Ryo-Ohki and Aeka left the room.
“Tenchi, where’s the bathroom?”
“First door on the right.”
“Thanks.” I walked to the bathroom. When I saw the mirror, I nearly fainted. My hair and eye color was the same, but I was an anime character. My hair was parted like Kiyone, but blonde. My eyes were in the style of Misty’s, except blue. I finally regained my senses. There was still some time before breakfast, so I took a walk with Houndour.
“Houndour, I just had a thought.” He barked questionably.
“Since you were Kagato’s pet, you must know a lot about me.” He nodded. Cherry blossom leaves drifted around us.
“This is so beautiful. It reminds me of how Jessie, Dee and I wanted to go to Japan, but they never were real.” Houndour sadly looked up at me. I kneeled down to face him and scratched his chin.
“How could such a sweet Pokemon belong to such an evil guy. But, you got to admit it was clever how he put people from the real world in TV shows in my world.” I stood up again. “Well, we better head back.”

At breakfast, I shoveled food in my mouth. Houndour was doing the same thing with his food.
“Washu, can I ask you something?” I asked after finishing.
“Well, are there other Pokemon here?”
“No, Pokemon only live on a distant, rural planet called Nomekop.”

That night, I lay down in my sleeping bag concentrating. Washu had told me I could see other people, so I tried to envision someone. I thought deep and hard. Then, there he was. The spiky-haired, tanned, toned, tall guy I had grown to love in my world was sleeping. Indeed, he was real.

The next morning after breakfast, I went to Washu’s lab.
“Do you have any books on Pokemon anatomy?”
“Why would you want that?”
“Yesterday I was thinking, and in my world I had always wanted to be a vet. Well, Pokemon are like animals.”
“You learned 3 days ago that everyone you had ever known was just fictional, and you are thinking about your future career!”
“I can’t just sit and sulk forever.”
“I guess you are right, but why don’t you just study regular animals.
“Oh, well…” I blushed. “I want to go to Nomekop someday.”
“Nomekop?!?!?! That’s halfway around the universe!”
“I’m not going to go immediately.”
“All right, I guess I can get some information for you from my computer."
“Oh! Thank you so much!” I hugged Washu so hard her eyes almost popped out.

For the next two months, life was good. I had gotten to know everyone quite well. Especially Washu, Kiyone, Sasami, and Ryoko. Houndour gained full strength after being neglected. After doing chores, I would usually watch soap operas with Mihoshi and Aeka (occasionally Washu and/or Ryoko would be there), or take walks with Houndour. Every now and then I would cook with Sasami. Every day I trained Houndour and studied the field of Pokemon medicine. Every Sunday, Washu would help me study. Sometimes we even did dissections. I have no idea where she got the dead Pikachus, Togepis, and Laprases, not to mention some others. Do you know how hard it is to cut open a Cloyster? Best of all, there were no signs of Kagato. Of course, there were sad moments when I thought of everyone in my world. Even though Kagato made them, everyone was still real to me. Every night I longed for something of them, some type of memorabilia. But I tried not to think about it. Instead, I thought happier thoughts. Like how much I also longed to meet that tall, squinty Gym Leader halfway around the universe.

It was a Thursday night when I was walking though a trail of cherry blossoms. Houndour began to growl.
“Houndour? What’s wrong with you?” Then, he fell to the ground. “Houndour!” I knelt beside him. A dart was in his neck. I felt a cloth on my mouth. Then, blackness.

I awoke in a large, stone, gray room. Ahead of me were stairs that led to a platform with a pole on each side. A red choir was placed in the middle. In it sat the cloaked man with yellow eyes.
“Who are you?”
“The one who will send you back.”
“My parents are already dead! What more do you want?”
“Now my father is dead also.”
“That explosion was too much for his weak body.”
“I’m sorry, but this won’t help you.” He stood up from the chair and slowly walked down the stairs. His yellow eyes revealed hate and sadness.
“What do you know?”
“Listen, maybe I can help you.” Even though he and his father and done so much harm, I knew this man was sad about Kagato. Maybe I could get a connection with him.
“I can help you get over hits.”
“I know a way you can help.”
“Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”
“DIE!” His eyes burned into my brain.
“Uh…can I take that back?” I tried to use my psychic abilities while I was running from him to see where the others were, but it failed. My necklace was gone!
“You have no source of power now that your necklace is gone.” He laughed wickedly. With the raising of his hands, two walls from each side of my appeared.
“What the hell?” I was stuck. He slowly approached me and grabbed my shirt, his staring yellow eyes only inches away from mine.
“Now, I shall finish you.”
“Wait! May I have some last words?”
“Make it quick.”
“Well, um…first off…” I was interrupted by a computer screen that popped up in between us.
“Sir, there is someone here to see you.”
“The McDougall brothers.”
“Damn!” He threw me on the floor. “I’ll finish you later.” He walked through a wall.
“Maybe now I can find my necklace, but why would he leave me free to roam?” I gazed around the room. Nothing seemed a trap. No sight of my necklace either, but there was a door. Expecting some sort of a trap, I walked in with caution. Ahead of me was the necklace on a stand. I reached for it…and was shocked.
“Shit!” He did this just for his amusement.
“What the hell?” I heard the yellow-eyed man scream. I followed his voice. I was surprised, relieved and happy to see Tenchi and the gang and the crew of the Outlaw Star,
“How did you all get here?”
“Hey Haley! Nice to see you!” Washu smiled. “Well, Houndour helped us for a while, and then we met up with these guys who were following the McDougalls, and they helped us.” Houndour barked as he walked up from behind Washu.
“Houndour!” He ran to me, and I knelt down to pet him. Then, I felt a sharp pain through my stomach. I looked down to find a sharp laser spear pierced through me.
“HAHAHAHA! Now I’ve got you!”
“Bastard!” Ryoko threw a powerball at him. Tenchi, Aeka, Mihoshi, and Kiyone attacked him as well. The OS crew were battling the McDougalls. Except for Melfina, who was relaxing naked in a water tube. Washu and Sasami ran towards me.
“Washu, will she be all right?” asked Sasami.
“She will if we get her to the ship.”
“I want to fight him.”
“In this shape? You’re crazy.” Washu seemed like it could be Armageddon and she would still laugh.
“But, I’m endangering everyone.”
“Oh, this? Everyone here has been in a lot of crisis. Besides, those Outlaw Star people were coming here anyway. Don’t worry about it.” Washu and Sasami helped me up.
“My necklace, it’s in that room.” I pointed toward the door. “But, it’s protected.”
“No prob.” Washu’s laptop appeared. She finished typing, and it disappeared. “Go get it Houndour.” Houndour ran off while I was helped to Ryo-Ohki. As soon as I reached her, I fainted.

My eyes fluttered open. Houndour had lain his head next to me on the bed. I was wearing the necklace.
“Good morning sunshine!” bellowed Washu.
“Is everyone all right?”
“They’re just dandy! You know, you’re very lucky to have survived being with them. Of course, you did have the greatest scientific genius in the world. Not to mention the cutest!”
“How long have I been here?”
“A few hours.”
“So, this is the strong psychic?” Gene walked up to me. “I’m Gene.”
“Hi. I’m sorry that I caused you so much trouble.”
“You didn’t cause any trouble, I was just fighting Ron and Harry. I was coming here anyway. Those damn McDougalls escaped again though, so now I have to follow them to a distant galaxy since hey stole 3 thousand wong.”
“What galaxy?” Washu asked.
“Um…Aisha, where are we going again?” Aisha walked up to us.
“I don’t remember the name of the galaxy.” Aisha sweatdropped. “But it’s near Nomekop.”
“Nomekop!?!?!?” My eyes grew wide.
“So, you’ve heard of it?” Gene asked.
“Ya! I’ve always wanted to go there!” By this time Suzuka had come to see what we were talking about.
“Perhaps Haley could come with us, and we could drop her off at Nomekop. Her psychic abilities could come in handy on the way.” Suzuka suggested.
“Well, okay. Is that all right with you Washu?” Gene looked towards the pink-haired scientist.
“I’ll miss her, but I know you’ll be happy studying Pokemon.” I smiled back at her. I stroked Houndour.
“Houndour, won’t this be great? You’ll get a chance to meet other pokemon.” He barked joyfully. That wasn’t the only thing I was happy about.

It was the night that I had everything packed and was ready to go. We were all near the exit to go from Ryo-Ohki to the Outlaw Star. I hugged everyone. Ryoko didn’t want to, but I made her.
“Thanks you all so much. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for your bravery and kindness. Tell Nobiyuki and Katsuhito I said goodbye!” I waved and headed with the crew.
“Have fun Haley!” yelled Ryoko.
“I will!”
“We’ll miss you!” Sasami waved. They all said goodbye as I walked off.

“So, this is the XGP,” I gazed around the area.
“Yep, it was made with the creativity and brains of the Kay Pirates and the technology of the Space Forces.” Gene gloated. The 11-year old who was more mature than Gene, who was nine years older, was sitting near Gilliam checking the budget.
“Gene, even if you do that 3 thousand wong it won’t be enough to cover our debts.” Jim waved.
“Don’t worry Jim. Everything will turn out all right. Doesn’t it always?”
“Gene! You need to take these things seriously.” I creeped away silently as the two continued to quarrel. Suzuka meanwhile was sitting in the Japanese tradition sipping tea at a table.
“Hello Suzuka, may I join you?” Suzuka nodded. I sat down across from her the same way and began to pour tea into a cup.
“Do they always argue?” I could still faintly hear them.
“Almost always.” I tasted the tea, and spit it out almost automatically.
“Blak! Oh…sorry. Have you got any Equal?”
“Equal?” Suzuka confusingly looked at me.
“Um…any sugar?”
“Sure.” She threw me a pink packet.
“Do you have more?”
“How much?”
“10 packets.” Sighing, she handed me more packets. Houndour sat next to me.
“What creature is that?”
“He’s from the planet Nomekop, a Houndour.”
“Is that why you are coming with us?”
“What are your other reasons?”
“I think I would be happiest there. What about you? Why are you traveling on this ship.”
“Gene and Jim’s culture intrigues me and it’s a break from my usual bounty hunting.”
“Is there another reason?”
“No, not really.”
“Oh, come on. You mean you don’t have any feelings for Gene?” I winked at her.
“If I did, why would I tell you? I prefer to keep things to myself.”
“Will you ever tell me?”
“Perhaps on your deathbed.”
“Okay, but what if you die before me?”
“Then I’ll tell you when I die.”
“What if I’m not there when you die.”
“Then I’ll tell someone to tell to you.”
“What if no one is there.”
“Then I’ll write it down.”
“What if you aren’t here when I die.” She closed her eyes in annoyance.
“Then I’ll tell you when I meet you in the afterworld.”
“What if I go to hell and you go to heaven, or you go to hell and I go to heaven.”
“We’ll just have to plan on both of us meeting in heaven.”
“What if we don’t?”
“Then YOU’RE SCREWED!” Suzuka jumped up from her position and screamed. The first time she let her cool down.
“Okay.” I calmly got up, although I stumbled since my legs were asleep, and walked to the kitchen with Houndour following. Aisha was in the kitchen cooking something over the stove.
“What are you cooking?”
“A traditional Ctarl-Ctarl stew.” It smelled of rotten milk.
“Uh…I’m not that hungry. I think I’ll skip dinner today.” Gilliam slowly hovered into the room.
“Master Gene and Master James have called a meeting,” piped the robot.
“Oh! And my stew is almost finished.” We all followed Gilliam into the room. Everyone else was already settled in.
“Well, we have a plan,” Gene announced.
“Although, it may not work,” sighed Jim.
“Everything has a chance of not working!” exclaimed Gene. “Anyway, this is our plan for getting the money back from Ron and Harry. Right now they are at a station which they built themselves. The hard part will be getting into the station, but Haley will help us with that.”
“Huh? Me? What can I do?”
“Your psychic, right?”
“Oh, right”
“So you can slide the door with your mind. You’ll be having Aisha’s strength as help too. But, as soon as that door is open we have to be ready to fight. Then, we search for the money.”
“But Gene has no idea where that is.” Jim remarked.
“I could probably find out.” Everyone switched their focus toward me. “All I need to know is a general area of where it is.”
“Well, their ship is somewhere near Nomekop, and the money is in the ship.”
“Okay, let me try.” I concentrated envisioning the Nomekop planet. I saw a small yellow speck. The ship. Then, I concentrated on the ship. A vault. “How original.”
“Original? What’s original?” asked Aisha.
“Oh, it’s in a vault.”
“How are we going to get into it?” Jim still didn’t like this plan much.
“I don’t know. I can only see things. I can’t read people’s minds. Not unless they are telepathic.”
“That’s okay. We can blast through the vault with a castor shell,” Gene always loved those.
“When will we reach them?” asked Suzuka.

That night, I stood looking out the window. The planet Nomekop was beautiful, much like Earth. I envisioned Brock. He was cooking in his pink apron with Ash and Misty next to him sitting. I laughed seeing Brock in his feminine apparel. This reminded me of some feminine friends from my world. Brandon, Tyler, Travis, Josh, which led me to remember my girl friends, Dee, Jessie, Becca, Kayla, Katie. I remembered how much fun we had laughing at cross-dressing cartoons. A tear slowly slid down my cheek.
“What’s wrong?” I hadn’t noticed Gene beside me.
“Oh, nothing.”
“Do you miss everyone at the Masaki shrine?”
“Well, yes, but that really isn’t bothering me as much as…” I trailed off. I didn’t want to talk about this, especially with Gene.
“Your Old World.”
“So, you know about me?”
“Of course. Washu explained everything to us before we helped you from Kagato.”
“That wasn’t Kagato though.”
“It wasn’t?”
“No, it was his son. I didn’t know his name though.’
“Hey, you’re getting off the subject.” Gene grinned. “So, who do you miss?”
“Everybody.” I fought back the tears. “They couldn’t have been fake. They seemed so alive.” He put his hand on my shoulder.
“I know it is gonna be tough, but if you ever need anything, you can always talk to me. Got it?” I nodded. “Good. Well, we better get ready. It’s almost action time.” We ran to the main room. Melfina, Aisha, Jim and Suzuka were there, ready to go. We ran out of the Outlaw Star’s door into a tunnel. Ahead of us was the thick door Gene had told us about.
“Aisha, ready?” I looked over at the cat who was certainly ready, flexing her muscles. She strutted up to the door, rubbed her hands and grabbed a hold. I focused my powers as much as I could. The door seemed still, until suddenly, it sprang open. Aisha brushed off her hands, and I relaxed.
“Good job guys,” Melfina said.
“All right, let’s go!” yelled the always enthusiastic Gene. We walked cautiously through the dark, empty tunnel.
“Hey, look over there,” Jim pointed toward an opened door. Gene, with gun ready, slid next to the door. He jumped in. Nothing.
“It’s the vault!” he exclaimed.
“What?” All of us followed him.
“Stand back everyone.” With all of us braced, he shot fire at the vault’s lock. Pop! Off came the lock. He reached into the vault and grabbed the money.
“Hahahaha!” Looking back, we saw the two brothers side by side.
“You fell for our trap, Starwind,” mocked Ron. “No we are here to kill all of you.” Harry whispered something to Ron. Ron sweatdropped. “Uh…except for Melfina.” Harry and Ron both pulled out guns. Melfina stepped forward.
“You can’t have me unless you let them be.”
“Fire then, you can die with the rest of them!” Ton clicked his gun.
“No!” Harry gently put his hand on his older brother’s arm. “Please…don’t.”
“Well, I don’t want to hurt my only brother.” Harry smiled in relief. “Fine then, Melfina. Come with us.” Melfina walked forward.
“Melfina!” Gene poised his fun towards Ron and Harry.
“If you’re smart you won’t try anything,” Ron warned. Harry took Melfina’s arm and left. Ron guarded them and then followed us as he made us get back on the ship. Once we were all in the ship, Gene slammed his fist into the wall.
“Gene, it’s okay,” I tried to comfort him but he just pushed me away.
“Gene, cheer up. We’ll get her back. Gotta think big, remember?” Jim forced a smile. Gene just trotted off to the sleeping quarters.
“What are we gonna do?” asked Aisha.
“I just can’t believe Gene got so upset,” said Jim. “It’s not like him.”
“We’re gonna have to get Mel!” Aisha exclaimed.
“Without Gene?” Suzuka said. “He probably wants to come. I think he feels it is his fault that she left.”
“But he didn’t make her leave,” I stated.
“No, but he got us all in there.”
“Oh.” Geez! I should have figured that out.
“We’ll just have to wait for Gene to come to.” Jim sighed. “Whenever that will be.”

Two days later, Gene still stayed the same. It was kind of sad watching him there. And boring just staying there in the same place since Melfina couldn’t navigate us anywhere. The others and I decided to talk to him. We found him lying on a couch.
“Gene, we need to talk to you,” I said.
“When the hell are you gonna start planning to save Melfina?” shrieked Aisha.
“Aisha!” screamed Jim.
“Oh, sorry,” she sweatdropped.
“It’s all my fault that she’s with those idiots. I’m just gonna make it worse!”
“Gene, get a grip! You can’t just lay there!” yelled Jim.
“Watch me.” All of us walked off.
“What are we going to do?” asked Aisha.
“I guess we’ll just have to go get her without Gene.” Suzuka said. Just then, Gilliam approached Jim.
“Master James, there’s someone at the ship’s entrance.”
“What?” Jim surprisingly looked at all of us. We followed Gilliam to the door. It opened showing…Melfina!
“Hi!” she greeted.
“What happened?” Jim asked.
“Oh, well, Harry let me go. He said that he wasn’t going to keep me from where I wanted to be.”
“I guess he’s not such a bad guy after all,” I stated.
“Ya.” Melfina blushed.

The next day, Jim came to me with great news.
“Hey Haley, I think today is the day you will go to Nomekop.” My ears perked up.
“Really Jim?” I hugged him. It was more like I crushed him unexpectedly.
“Houndour! We’re going to Nomekop! We’re going to Nomekop!” I danced with my favorite canine. I stopped and looked at Jim. “How are we getting there?”
“Well, one of Gene’s and my…friend,” he sweatdropped. “Is coming. I invited him to surprise you. He’s bringing this mini-ship that will take you to a forest-so you won’t be seen-and then it will dissolve away.”
“Wow, that’s really cool!” Then I paused as I remembered something. “Aw! You surprised me!” I continued in a baby voice. “That’s sooo coowt!” I pinched his cheek and hugged him. “Thanks wittle Jimmy!” He sweatdropped.
“Oh, James,” a feminine man’s voice called out. “Where are you?”
“Oh no,” he sweatdropped.
“There you are!” a man with a red headband and long black hair appeared from a corner and waved. “You’re looking great Jim.” He winked at the disturbed 11-year-old.
“You must be Jim and Gene’s friend.” I held out my hand. “I’m Haley.”
“Oh,” he hadn’t noticed me there while staring at Jim. “Hi, I’m Fred.” He shook my hand.
“Well, Haley, you ready to go?” asked Jim.
“Ya! I’ll go get my stuff.” I ran to the sleeping quarters where my blue book bag with all my stuff in it sat. I grabbed it and ran back towards Jim. Next to him stood something that resembled an elevator, except yellow.
“This is it,” announced Jim. I looked at him with a sad expression.
“Well, I’m going to say good-bye to everyone.” I walked to the kitchen finding Melfina and Aisha. “Guys…” They looked toward me. “I’m leaving now.”
“Already!” shrieked Aisha.
“Yes, Jim and Fred made something for me to travel to Nomekop with.”
“We’ll miss you,” Melfina hugged me.
“I’ll miss you too, but enough to give you a hug.” I caught the cat off guard and hugged her.
“Good bye to you too Houndour!” said Suzuka.
“Ya, see ya later!” Houndour barked back. Saying a final goodbye, I headed out of the kitchen and found Gene on a couch.
“Hi Gene.” He sat up.
“Hey, what are you doing?” I was very tempted to yell out, “What are YOU doing?” but decided not to, knowing I would get a weird look.
“I’m about to leave for Nomekop.”
“What? I didn’t know anything about you leaving yet.”
“Jim surprised me.”
“Oh…how did he do that?”
“Fred came with this elevator thing to take me to Nomekop.”
“He actually called Fred!” Gene’s eyes widened.
“Yep, well, I had a great time with everyone here.” I hugged Gene. “I know Houndour did too.” Houndour barked.
“Not Houndour can go meet all the lady Houndours,” said Gene, nudging the blushing Houndour. Houndour and I walked off to find Suzuka sipping tea in the traditional Japanese style.
“Suzuka…” She looked up at me. “I’m leaving to Nomekop, so I came to say bye.” She stood up.
“Well, good luck to you and Houndour.” I hugged her.
“Thanks, and bye.” We headed back to Fred and Jim.
“Ready for Nomekop?” asked Jim.
“Yep!” Houndour barked as I answered.
“It’s ready to go!” Fred flipped his hand. “As soon as you get there, press this red button on the outside here.”
“Okay. How long will it take?”
“Probably 5 hours.”
“Okay.” I stopped. “Jim, thanks so much. It probably would have been a long time if you hadn’t done this. And thanks to you too Fred.” Fred nodded. I stepped into the elevator-thingeemabopper (that’s about as scientific as I get) with Houndour.
“Bye!” I waved. Houndour barked.
“See ya!” Jim and Fred yelled back. Then, I could fell the thingeemabopper transport to outside the ship. I fell asleep.

Houndour nudged me awake.
“Are we here?” The doors opened to reveal a green forest-well, what other color would it be? Two Nidoran were snuggling by some bushes. “We are Houndour!” I hugged him. “Except, I don’t know where to go.” Houndour sweatdropped. He barked. “Hey, let’s get something to eat.” From my book-bag, I pulled out a sandwich and some pokemon food. Houndour dug in. “Hmmm…well, I guess I could try and see where Brock is.” I focused. I saw the twerps were traveling. Ash was humming a tune as he walked. Misty and Brock were right behind him, Brock reading a traveling guide.
“Brock, where are we?” asked Misty.
“Well, we’re almost to Blackthorn.” Brock skimmed through the guide.
“Hey Houndour! I know where we’re going!” Just then I paused, thinking of how convenient it was that at that exact moment, they had mentioned where they were. Almost like something from a movie or story. After finishing lunch, we stood up and walked through the forest. Eventually we found a path. We followed it for about 2 hours, when we found a city. The first thing I noticed was a big sign advertising diapers for Pokemon. “Houndour, I never knew there were diapers for Pokemon. Well, now all we have to do is figure out what city this is. There’s the Pokemon Center!” We walked in the front door to find a familiar face at the desk.
“Hello, Nurse Joy.” It felt weird to say that.
“Do I know you?”
“No, I just have met some of your relatives.” I said, lying in a sort of way.
“Oh. Well, do you want me to heal your Pokemon?” she smiled.
“I forgot about that.” I sweatdropped as I handed her Houndour. She walked off carrying Houndour and was back with him in a few moments. “Thanks. But I’m sort of lost. Where am I?”
“Viridian City.” I fell over anime style. Talk about your coincidence. That stupid song was always in my head!
“Um…you wouldn’t happen to know the quickest way to Blackthorn do you?”
“Well…my cousin lives there, so I’ve been there a couple of times. I would say to fly there.”
“Is there anything cheaper?”
“You’re in luck! There’s a beauty contest for female pokemon tomorrow. The winner’s prize is a free ride to Johto.”
“That would work, but my only Pokemon is…” I gave a devilish grin to Houndour.

“C’mon Houndour. The faster you cooperate the sooner we get this done.” Houndour dodged the bright pink lipstick. “Houndour, I have to make you pretty so we can go to Johto.” Houndour barked. “You know, there are a lot of Houndour in Johto. Perhaps there are some ladies.” He howled then grabbed the lipstick. “Wait. You have to let me put it on. You don’t have a thumb.”

The next morning, after spending the night at the Pokemon Center, I spread out all the makeup and accessories I had bought the night before. I dressed up Houndour and stood back to look at my work.
“Houndour! You’re gorgeous!” The poor dog was wearing a fluffy pink dress w/ matching lipstick, blue mascara, and fake eyelashes. “You’re perfect for the show! Let’s go!” I dragged Houndour to the competition, which was being held in a large arena decorated with pink and blue crepe paper and large advertisements for Pokemon Salons. Instead of Houndour dragging behind me, he was suddenly pulling in front of me. “Houndour, what are you…” A Houndour with blue mascara and lipstick, and long eyelashes that accentuated her big bright eyes strolled by. She was accompanied by a girl with blue eyes. She was a head taller than me, and clearly older. Her orange hair framed her face. “Geez, it doesn’t take much to impress you. Even you are prettier than her.” Houndour gave me a dirty look. “What? It’s the truth.” I sweatdropped.
“All contestants please go to the underground level,” and announcer over the stadium came over the intercom. At a faster pace since Houndour was following that girl, we headed toward the underground level. When we got there, we were instructed to get into a line. The contest began. I heard the announcer above us. “Our first contestant today is from Celadon City. Please meet Ricky and his Jynx.” I saw on a television screen a man with long blue hair tied up in a high ponytail with red balls walking out feminine-like. His Jynx looked like a normal Jynx except for the added glitter in its hair. “Next, Priscilla and Ponyta.” An elegant woman about 20 years old walked out with her pretty Ponyta next to her. About 15 more pairs walked out. All extremely confident and glamorous (except for a dirty little boy with a scruffy Ratticate that was being followed by a flock of flies). “This next competitor has come all the way from Mahogany. Meet Patricia and her Houndour.” Houndour ran to the screen blushing.
“C’mon Houndour.” I dragged him. “You have to cooperate. We’re next!”
“Now, someone from this city, here’s Haley and her Houndour.” The two of us walked out, Houndour staring at Patricia’s Houndour.
“Remember, you’re a chick.” I whispered.
“Last, but certainly not least we have from Cinnabar Island, Jack and his Ninetails.” A clean-cut man about 5’10” with a blue bullcut and green eyes walked out very unfeminine-like. By his side was a Ninetails with nine shiny, long…well, tails. “The judges are deciding.” At the table at the far end of the arena with 3 men in suits and 2 women in glamorous dresses huddled. About 5 minutes later, all of them sat down except for a woman in a peacock dress and glasses.
“We have our winners,” she announced very properly. “3rd place goes to Ricky and his Jynx.” Ricky and Jynx blew kisses to the crowd. “2nd place goes to Jack and his Ninetails.” I crossed my fingers. “And 1st place goes to the Houndour…” I saw Patricia start to smile. “From Viridian.”
“Houndour! Didn’t I tell you how pretty a girl you make?” I hugged the sweat-dropping drag dog. As we walked up to accept his trophy, Patricia stepped on Houndour’s dress. The audience gasped as his dress slipped off. Houndour blushed.
“See! This Houndour isn’t a girl! It’s a guy!” She grinned. “This is an all female contest.”
“You idiot! You’re just mad because a guy Houndour beat your ugly thing.”
“What?” A judge stepped in between us.
“Ladies, settle down. I’m afraid that rules are rules.” He faced the audience. “Since this Houndour is disqualified, we have a new line up. 3rd place goes to Patricia’s Houndour.” Patricia pulled her eyelid down and stuck her tongue out at me. “2nd place goes to Ricky’s Jynx. And 1st place goes to Jack’s Ninetails.” Houndour and I watched hopelessly as Jack was handed his tickets to Johto.

“Houndour, you did really well, but we’ll just have to take off some time and make money. I’ve waited this long a month or two won’t hurt me.” Even though I tried to cheer him up Houndour still felt bad. “It’s okay Houndour. Be good. In a couple of hours we’ll get some dinner.” I left the Houndour in the back while I went out to receive another order for Pokeking. I walked up to a booth with a fat couple barely in their seats. “Hello, are you ready to order?”
“Yes, we’d like the usual.”
“I don’t know the usual. I just began working here.” I sweat-dropped and forced a smile.
“Well, we’d like 6 Pokeburgers with everything except lettuce and tomatoes, 2 vanilla shakes, 2 chocolate shakes, 10 orders of fries with 6 pounds of ketchup on each.”
“Um…”I wrote as fast as I could. “Okay. So, that’s 10 Pokeburgers with 6 pounds of ketchup each, 6 orders of fries with everything except lettuce and tomatoes, 4 vanilla shakes and 4 chocolate shakes.”
“You idiot! That’s totally wrong. Start over…except keep the shakes that way.
“Hey, give her a break,” a familiar voice spoke next to me.
“Huh?” I looked back amazed to see Jack.
“We just want our order, so back off kid,” said the man.
“It’s fine, Jack. Thanks though” ‘He sure is making a big deal out of this’ I thought. “Okay, so it’s 4 vanilla shakes, 4 chocolate shakes, 6 Pokeburgers with everything except lettuce and tomatoes and 6 orders of fries with 6 pounds of ketchup.”
“Yes,” said the woman. “Thank you.” I walked off.

“Okay Houndour, let’s go.” We left the restaurant. As soon as we get out of the door, I felt someone grab my arm. “Jack? You’re still here?”
“I left, but then I came back.”
“Oh, well thanks today, but really I could have handled it.”
“Yes, I see that now, but I felt I owed you something.”
“Because if you hadn’t cross-dressed poor Houndour, I wouldn’t have won.”
“You should thank Patricia.” I clenched my teeth.
“Would you like to come for dinner?”
‘Free food,’ I thought. “Sure.”

“Wow! This place is nice!” We stared wide-eyed at the huge mansion enclosed by a steel gate.
“Thank you.” I followed him into the mansion. “Take a seat. Dinner will be ready soon.” I sat across from him. A chef came in and set shrimp in front of us.
“Whoa! I haven’t had this in a long time.” I took a bite. “It’s great!” The chef came back from the kitchen and set down a bowl in front of Houndour. He dug in.
“That’s a very impressive Houndour you have.”
“Thanks. He’s been with me for a long time.”
“It’s a shame he isn’t a girl, then he would truly be a champion.” Houndour growled. Jack laughed. “I’m just joking. But, why did you do such a thing?”
“I really need to get to Johto quick.”
“Why is that?” I sweatdropped.
“Well, I guess I really don’t need to, but I want to.”
“There is a reason I brought you here.”
“What reason is that?”
“Because I have an offer for you. First, let me show you something.” By this time we had finished eating. Jack grabbed my hand and led me outside. Houndour followed.
“Are all these Pokemon yours?” I looked out into a huge field enclosed by a wooden gate. Nidoran, Chikoritas, Rapidash, and many other pokemon were all running around freely.
“Yes.” Jack stroked the champion Ninetails who had walked up with them. “But I want them to be yours too.”
“Huh?” I fell over.
“Well, I thought maybe we could raise all these pokemon to be champions! If you can make a male Houndour into a champion female Houndour, there’s no telling what you can do.” Houndour sweatdropped.
“Thanks for the offer, but I really want to travel.”
“I travel quite a bit. You do remember that I’m from Cinnabar Island, don’t you?”
“Oh ya, so what are you doing here?”
“This is one of my homes.”
“One! You mean you have more!”
“Yes, three. One here, one in Cinnabar Island, that’s the biggest one, and one in Pewter City.”
“Pewter City?” ‘Brock’s hometown,’ I thought. ‘I wonder if he knows him. Better not ask since I’ve actually never met Brock.’
“That’s right.”
“Where are you going next?”
“I think I better use my tickets to Johto.”
‘Johto!’ I thought. ‘Maybe I could say I’ll do it, and then ditch him when I get there. That would be even too cruel for me though.’
“So, what is your answer?”
“Oh, uh, well, you see, hmmm…good question.”
“You don’t know?” He sweatdropped.
“I’m kind of an indecisive person.” I let out a small, nervous giggle.
“I’ll need your answer tomorrow morning, for that is when I leave to Johto.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Would you mind, if I could ride with you to Johto?”
“But you wouldn’t help me train my pokemon?”
“Yes.” I sweat-dropped.
“Uh, well I can see why you would say no, I mean…” I realized what he said. ”Huh? You mean it?”
“Yes, I didn’t have anybody to go with anyway.”
“You’re welcome. Be ready to go at 9:00 in the morning. You may spend the night here.” With the snap of his fingers, a butler arrived. “Would you take her to her room please?”
“Yes, sir.” I followed the butler up the stairs and down the hall. He opened a door and motioned with his hand. “Here you go, Madame.”
“Thanks.” Houndour immediately jumped on the huge bed, curled up and fell asleep.

I felt Houndour nudging me.
“No, I don’t want to go to school!” I woke up. Houndour pointed at the clock. “8:45! We gotta get ready, Houndour!” Houndour slapped his face as if saying, “No shit, Sherlock!” I did everything as fast as I could and raced down the stairs at 8:59. Jack was waiting by the door.
“Yup.” We followed him outside and into the limo. It was a silent drive to the airport. It took a while to check in, but once everything had been taken care of and we boarded on, I relaxed in my seat. “I’m really glad they let me keep Houndour out of a cage or pokeball.”
“Yes. I’m surprised they did.”
“I just wanna say thanks again.”
“Sure,” he smiled.
“I just feel bad, but I really wanted to get to Johto.”
“Don’t worry. I don’t mind.”
“So, how long have you had Ninetails?”
“Ever since it was a tiny Vulpix.” I smiled as I was reminded of Brock.
“Exactly how many pokemon do you have?”
“I think somewhere around 75.”
“Wow! That must have taken you a while.”
“Yes, but it doesn’t seem that long.” For some reason, he grinned. “I’m going to get some sleep.”
“Okay.” As I restlessly looked for things to do, he slept soundlessly.

“Jack, wake up.” He opened his eyes. “We’re here.” We walked out of the plane, got our stuff and walked out of the airport. A limo Jack had rented pulled up. “Geez, Jack. No offense or anything, but do you always have to ride in a limousine.”
“I just like to be classy,” I could tell he was a little mad.
“Okay, well I guess I’ll see you someday.”
“You aren’t coming with me?”
“No, I have to get on my own now.”
“All right, if you ever change your mind you can always come help me raise and train champions.”
“Thanks for the offer.” I waved. “Bye Jack!”
“Bye Haley!” I watched as he hopped in, and as the limo drove off.
“Let’s get going Houndour.” We walked out of the airport and found a path. About 2 miles later, the sound of a snap and 3 screams were heard. “What’s that?” We ran toward the sound of the noise through some bushes. Houndour stopped me before I ran into a hole. I looked down. Everything was dark. “Who’s down there?”
“Prepare for trouble.”
“Jesse, you’re standing on me,” squealed James.
“You’ve ruined our entrance!” I heard a big smack.
“You guys need some help?” I asked.
“No! Team Rocket never needs help!” screamed Jesse.
“Ya, could ya get somedin tor us ta climb up,” the cat with the New York accent asked.
“Sure. Hold on.” I looked in my backpack. Luckily, I had a rope. I threw it down. Houndour and I grabbed the end. “Here! We’ll pull you up.”
“We got it!” yelled James. With much effort, Houndour and I pulled the trio to safety.
“Tanks,” said the cat.
“Sure, no problem. But could you tell me where I am?”
“We could if we know where we were,” answered James.
“You don’t know either!”
“No, those stupid twerps with the Pikachu blasted us off again.” Jesse began to sob. “Every time it’s the same thing. We are so close to getting a pokemon for the boss, and then something explodes and we’re gone.”
“Do you think I could travel with you?” ‘Surely they are going to catch up with them soon.’ I thought. ‘They’d also be some comic relief.’
“Huh? Why’d ya want ta do tat?” asked Meowth.
“Well, we’re both lost, maybe we could find out way together.”
“Where are you headed?” asked Jesse.
“Hmmm…” The trio huddled like a football team. In a couple of minutes, Jesse and James were in their classic pose with Meowth in front.
“You better not cause as trouble.”
“Or we’ll put it on you double.”
“To protect the world from devastation.”
“To unite all people’s within our nation.”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
“To extend our reach to the stars above.”
“Team Rocket asks you to join us to travel day and night.”
“But don’t get in our way or there will surely be a fight.”
“Dats right!”
“Really? I can!”
“Yes, just don’t get in our way,” Jesse folded her arms.
“We’d better get going,” the cat pointed toward the path. “But, which way?”
“Well, I came from that way,” I pointed to the right. “And that’s coming from the airport.”
“I tink I rememder an airport by tat Blackthorn place,” said Meowth.
“But we blasted from that way,” James pointed to the right.
“You were goin da wrong way!” Meowth screamed.
“Oops! Good thing I found you guys!” Houndour and I sweatdropped. The trio fell over.

“So, have you guys ever stolen any pokemon?”
“We’ve tried, but it seems those twerps always act in the way!” shrieked James. Jesse and James hugged. They began to cry waterfalls.
“Pull yourselves togeder!” Meowth scratched them.
“Hey Meowth! What was that for?!?!?!” Jesse screamed.
“You two ain’t doin much dor da the Team Rocket reputation!
“Hey look!” I pointed down from us. We had reached a cliff overlooking Goldenrod and hadn’t even noticed. “It’s Blackthorn!”
“James, that Pikachu is somewhere in there!” Jesse rubbed her hands together. James laughed evilly.
“Good luck, guys! It’s time for me to go on my own now. Thanks!” Houndour and I began to walk off. Meowth jumped in front of us.
“Wait. I been tanking up a plan. We need your help.”
“Well, what kind of help? I’m not really into stealing pokemon. I won’t do that.”
“Oh, it’s not dat. It’s sometin much more important.”

“Here’s your super deluxe Pokemeals.” I handed them each a bag.
“I’m starvin!” yelled Meowth. “And dis way we wouldn’t have ta wear dos ridiculous outfits.”
“I kind like our disguises,” whined James.
“Well, I better go now. Thanks guys.”
“Ya…mseemmm yammmlater!” Jesse said while shoving food in her mouth.
“Bye!” I waved to the pigs, and set off.

“Look Houndour! I should have bought you this!” I pointed at a dress through a window. Houndour sweatdropped. I just loved to tease him as much as possible. “C’mon, let’s go look!” I dragged him in the store. “And look at this!” I pointed toward a gold necklace. “It would really bring out your eyes.” I grabbed him by his cheek. “Man, even that Ricky would think you were sexy if he was Houndour.” I posed with my hand bent. “Oh my gosh,” I said in a gay voice. “I usually don’t think of girls, but you are just sooo hot!” I flicked my hand. Crash! I sweatdropped and looked back at broken pieces of crystal on the floor. Houndour rolled on the floor laughing. A girl with brown hair and green eyes in a green apron walked up to me.
“Do you have the money to pay for this?”
“How much was it?”
“You’re lucky that was a small crystal figurine. About 50 dollars.”
“Oh, I have 50, but then I’d be practically broke.”
“I guess you will have to work it off then.” She took my hand and pulled behind the counter. “Here. You work off 6 dollars an hour.” She walked through a back door.
“Houndour, quit laughing!” He was still rolling on the ground. “Get back here, or you’ll break something too!” He walked to the back of the desk, still laughing.

“12 dollars,” I said watching the clock. “I hope Brock hasn’t traveled out of Blackthorn yet.” The bell on the door rang. I looked up to see who had just walked in. “Patricia!” Houndour’s ears jerked up.
“Haley, I thought you lived in Viridian City.”
“Oh, I’m just traveling.”
“Doesn’t look like it to me.”
“I’m just getting some money!” I snapped. Houndour walked out from behind the counter. He blushed when he saw the lady Houndour. “Oh come on Houndour! There are much better girls for you out there!” Patricia’s Houndour walked up to him, blushing.
“Houndouria! That guy cross-dresses!”
“Hey! At least he’s not a chick who looked like he cross-dresses!” We gave each other dagger eyes.
“Oh, Patricia!”
‘That voice,’ I thought. ‘It can’t be! Is it really him, or am I just dreaming?’
“Patricia! I’ve found you!” My favorite gym leader, the squinty one, ran through the door and held Patricia’s hands. “I think fate brought us together!” She slapped him.
“Get a grip, Brock. I’m too good for you.” For a moment I stood there staring at Brock. He was really there. “Hey!” I looked up to the bitch. “I have to go pamper up Houndouria. But I promise you, if we ever cross paths again you won’t be happy!” Patricia carried Houndouria and slammed the door.
“Houndouria,” I muttered. “What a stupid name.” I glanced down at Brock who was still on the floor, a hand on his cheek.
“I’ll never wash my face again,” he sighed.
“You better get up,” I held out my hand, but he got up on his own.
“Oh, do you know that girl?” he blushed.
“Where can I find her?”
“I’m sure she’s not at home often, but I know she’s Mahogany.” Misty and Ash ran in.
“There you are Brock,” said Ash.
“Why did you run off?” snapped Misty.
“He was chasing Patricia,” I answered, since Brock just blushed and sweatdropped.
“Who are you?” asked Ash.
“I’m Haley. I’m just working here for a little bit to um…repay some debts.” Houndour sat beside me.
“That’s a neat looking Houndour,” Ash complimented.
“Thanks. He’s been with me for what seems like the beginning.”
“Is he your first pokemon?” asked Misty.
“First and only.”
“What food do you feed him?” asked Brock.
“My…uh, friend makes it for me.”
“May I see the recipe?”
“I don’t know if she would give it out, sorry.” I really didn’t think the greatest scientific genius in the universe would reveal something she had made. Even if it was as simple for her as pokemon food. He nodded.
“Well, let’s get going. We need to stop at the pokemon center.” Ash began to walk towards the door.
‘Wait,’ I thought. ‘This may be my only chance.’ “Can I go with you?”
“Um…sure,” answered Ash.
“Okay, hold on.” I ran to the back. “I worked 2 ½ hours. Here’s $35.” I shoved the money in the girl’s hand and ran back. “I’m ready.” We all walked to the pokemon center.

“Hello, how may I help you?” greeted Joy when we came up to the counter.
“You can help me by healing my aching heart,” Brock held her hands blushing. Misty grabbed his ear.
“Brock, someone needs to heal whatever is wrong with your brain.” The door to the pokemon door swung open. Jack was there holding a box, gasping for air.
“Jack! What’s wrong?” I ran up to him. Ash, Misty and Brock looked confused.
“Take the box.”
“What?” I looked in the box. 5 tiny, skinny, weak Eevees were lying in it. Nurse Joy came and took the box.
“These Eevees are very sick. I’ll take care of them immediately.” She ran to the back.
“Jack, are you all right?” I help him up.
“Yes, I’m fine,” he coughed. By this time, the three were by us.
“We better get him a place to rest.” I nodded. Brock and I helped him to a bunk at the center. He lay down in the bed.
“Brock, will you take care of Jack? I’m going to see if I can help with those Eevees.”
“Sure.” I left Ash, Misty, Brock and Houndour with Jack while I headed toward the Eevees and Nurse Joy.
“Nurse Joy, do you need my help? I’ve been studying pokemon medicine.” I told her as she ran back and forth to get supplies.
“As long as you’re sure you can handle it.”
“I can.”
“All right.” I helped monitor and heal each Eevee. I especially cared for two Eevees at the end. 2 hours later, Nurse Joy spoke.
“Well, you’ve done a great job. They all seem like they’re going to be fine.”
“Thanks. But you were the leader. I didn’t do all the work.” She smiled. I walked back to the others. Ash and Misty were sitting on a lower bunk to the right. Brock was sitting cross-legged petting Houndour in front of a single bed.
“How are you?” asked Brock.
“Oh, good. I was worried since Jack seemed so worried.” Misty said.
“Did he tell you what happened?”
“He said that he found the Eevees stranded in the woods. They were almost attacked by a Growlithe,” informed Ash.
“I guess he’s kinder than I thought.”
“How do you know him?” I told them the story.
“Poor Houndour,” giggled Misty. He sweat-dropped.
“I’m tired,” Ash yawned. “Good night guys.” He climbed to the bunk above Jack.
“Good night Ash. I’m going to bed too.” Misty took the top bunk on the other bunk.
“So, you’re a pokemon nurse?” whispered Brock.
“No, not yet anyway. I’ve studied with a friend though. So, what are all of you going to do?”
“Ash wants to be a pokemon master, Misty wants to be the best water pokemon trainer, and I want to be the world’s best breeder.”
“You guys have some big dreams.”
“Ya.” He paused. “So, why did you come to Johto?” I blushed.
“Oh, well, just to travel. And also so Houndour could meet some lady Houndours.” I nudged Houndour.
“But he is obviously loves Patricia’s Houndour.” I clenched my teeth.
“Patricia! She is such a…” Brock interrupted me.
“Beautiful girl.” I sweat-dropped.
“I’m gonna get some sleep now.”
“Okay. I think I will too.” I crawled into the bunk beneath Misty as he lay down in the single bed. Houndour curled up at the foot of my bed. “Good night Haley.”

“Wake up, Haley.” My eyes opened to see Jack’s mysterious green eyes. “Everyone else has been up for a while, but we wanted to let you sleep.”
“Thanks.” I rubbed my eyes. I had actually gone to sleep a long time after Brock. I watched him sleep as if I thought he would vanish if I closed my eyes. I eventually fell asleep from exhaustion. “How are you feeling Jack?”
“Just fine. The Eevees are doing great too. Do you want to see them?”
“Ya.” I stood up and followed Jack to the Eevees. Brock, Houndour, Misty, Ash and Pikachu were already there. Their fur was still scraggly, but their health was gaining back. I watched two Eevees on the end as they slept.
“Those are the same two you helped yesterday, aren’t they?” Nurse Joy walked in. She had followed my gaze.
“How could anyone abandon these cuties?” Misty held one in a chair.
“It’s a real shame,” Brock glanced toward the Eevee Jack was holding.
“I’ve got room for 3 Eevees, but I’m going to have to find a home for the other two,” Jack looked up.
“I’ll take them,” I said it immediately.
“I knew you would,” he grinned. “I better get back to Cinnabar Island and focus on getting these Eevees back to health.” He took out 3 pokeballs and the 3 Eevees disappeared into each.
“Bye Jack. Take care.” He walked out. I looked back to my two new Eevees.
“I’ve gotta get going too. I’m going to my next victory!” Ash laughed. “See ya.”
“Bye Haley. Bye Houndour.” Misty waved as she followed Ash.
“Good luck with those Eevees!” Brock turned around and headed out the door.
“Wait!” They all looked back. “I knew this is sort of rude of me, but can I travel with you guys?
“I think it’s all right, “Brock smiled.
“Don’t we have a say in this?” Misty yelled. Brock and Ash sweat-dropped.
“Well, what do you think?” asked Brock. Misty sweat-dropped.
“Thanks! Hold on guys.” As fast as I could, I got my bad, bought 2 pokeballs and called my two Eevees in. “Okay. I’m ready.” We walked off.

“Another trap,” Misty pointed to the path where a circle of leaves awkwardly lay.
“Do they think we’re stupid?” Brock said. “Of course we’re not gonna step in another pile of leaves.” He began to walk around. “Do they really think we’re going to fall for their stupid traps…” A net fell over Brock. He sweatdropped.
“Prepare for trouble.”
“Make it double.”
“To protect the world from devastation.”
“To unite all peoples within our nation.”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
“To extend our reach to the stars above.”
“Jesse.” Jesse jumped out of a tree.
“James.” James jumped out next to her.
“Hey wait a second. What are you doing here?” Jesse stared wide-eyed at me.
“Huh?” The twerps confusingly looked at me.
“You know them?” asked Brock.
“Ya, well what happened is…” I told them the whole story, including why I was with the twerps.
“Trader!” squealed James.
“How was I supposed to know they were your enemies?” Of course, I knew, but I had to act like these past few days were the first I had heard of them.”
“It don’t matter,” said Meowth. “She’s a twerp now. Let’s get em!”
“Go Arbok!” Jesse threw out her pokeball.
“Go Victreebell!” James said in a way that sounded like he was trying to seduce someone. The Pokemon annoyingly screamed.
“Pikachu, thunderbolt,” Ash calmly sighed. The 3 screamed.
“Starmie, watergun.” Misty slowly raised the pokeball for Starmie to come out. Starmie sent TR flying.
“We’re blasting off again!”
“Not too bright Brock.”
“You should see him when he’s around Nurse Joy.” Misty grinned.
“Hey, what do you mean?” Brock blushed.
“If it’s worse than how he acts around Patricia, I don’t want to see it.” I didn’t want to say that name, but I did.
“Ah! Patricia!” Brock sighed.
“C’mon guys! I have to get my next badge!” Ash showed off his badges. (Ew!) We followed the skipping Ash.

It was almost night when we had stopped for the day in the woods. I had climbed to the top of a hill while Ash, Misty and Brock stayed down at a camp we had set up. I propped up my bag against a tree and took out two pokeballs. The little Eevees appeared out of the blue light.
“How are you feeling?” I slowly reached out my hand, palm up. Timidly, they approached me. One of them licked my hand. I stroke under its neck. When the other saw I was no threat, she neared me cautiously. “Aw, see. You’ll be okay now.”
“Here Haley,” Brock stood in front of em with some pokemon food in his hand. “This will really help them get back on track.”
“Thanks.” I took half of it and fed one of the Eevees, Brock fed the other one. “You know, I think I should name them since there are 2.”
“What are you going to name them?”
“I don’t know. How about Thelma and Louise?” I laughed.
“Sure. Those are great names.” Brock was serious.
‘Oh yeah.’ I thought. ‘I forgot, that was from my world. He has no idea what I am talking about.’ “Brock.”
“Yes.” He looked at me kindly. I wanted to tell him, but I didn’t know if I could. One of the Eevees curled up in my lap. The other lay beside Brock.
“Where are you from?” ‘I won’t tell him yet. I didn’t want to scare him, and I’d have to check with Washu anyway.’ I thought.
“Pewter City.” Of course, I already knew this, but I had to act as if I hadn’t ever so much as heard his name. “I was the gym leader there.”
“Why’d you leave?”
“When I was young my father left to become a pokemon master. He didn’t return for a long time because he failed and was too embarrassed. My mother died shortly afterwards leaving my 10 brothers and sisters with no one to care for them, so I took charge. I ran the gym and took care of my siblings for a long time until my dad came back. It turns out he was selling rocks in disguise just outside of town. When Ash came to my city he helped him to beat me.”
‘He only beat you because the water pipes went off.’ I thought.
“After I gave Ash the boulderbadge, my father took off his disguise and told me to follow Ash on his journey with my dream of becoming a pokemon breeder.”
“You mother, if you don’t mind me asking. What did she die of?”
“The doctors didn’t know, but I think it was because of a broken heart. She loved my father very much. When he didn’t return for so long, she became deeply depressed.”
“I’m sorry Brock. That’s so sad.” Brock shook his head.
“Nobody has to feel sorry. It helped me to find out how much I would love to be a breeder, and I got experience as a gym leader. I do wish I could see my mom again, and sometimes I think I missed out on things other kids got to do. But what happened is done, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
‘If he can get over what happened to him, maybe I can get over what happened to me.’ I thought. ‘I’m just going to have to accept the fact that my friends and family are gone. They were real though, they had to be. Kagato just likes to play with my mind.’
“Haley, is something wrong?” I hadn’t noticed I had been quiet for so long.
“Nothing.” I smiled as I looked down at the Eevees. “I think I know what I can name them.”
“Weren’t you going to name them Thelma and Louise?” I sweatdropped.
“Uh…I changed my mind. I think I’ll name this one Cleo, and the one by you Zoe.”
“Those are great names.” The way he said that was really, so I smiled.
“Well, I’m really getting tired.” I sent the two Eevees back in their pokeballs and stood up.
“I’m staying here for a little while longer.”
“Okay. See ya in the morning.”
“Good night.” I walked down the hill with Houndour where we fell fast asleep in our sleeping bags.

“Finally, Blackthorne!” Ash threw his fist in the air. We had reached the busy city after only four hours since we woke up. “After this I’ll have all the badges to compete in the Johto tournament!” Ash ran off. Brock, Misty, Houndour and I followed.

“This is it,” announced Brock. “The Blackthorne Gym.” We stood in front of a large domed building.
‘Oh geez, I always hated those stupid gym episodes in Johto,’ I thought. ‘Hey, I know what I can do!’ “Guys, I need to go get in touch with someone. Is it all right if I meet up with you somewhere?”
“How about the pokemon center? We’ll be there by 3:00.” Brock suggested.
“All right. See ya guys later! Good luck Ash!”
“Bye.” They all waved as Houndour and I parted from them. I walked to an alley, where nobody would see me.
“Okay Houndour, how can I get a hold of Washu?” Houndour shrugged. “If only I was psy…” I looked down at my necklace. “Oh! I almost forgot! I am psychic!” Houndour fell over. “Okay, but I can only picture things. Houndour, how am I going to talk to Washu?” I focused on Washu’s lab. She was sitting on a floating pillow typing, as usual. “Houndour, this sucks! I never thought about actually how I would talk to her.” Houndour nuzzled my hand. “Thanks. We might as well head to the pokemon center.”

Brock, Misty and Ash walked in the door to our room at the pokemon center. Houndour and I had been waiting there until 5:00.
“Hi guys! How’s you do Ash?” ‘That’s a question I’ll be asking Misty someday.’ I thought.
“I got a badge!”
“Ya, things were looking down for Ash but he came out of it slick,” Brock said.
‘That sounds way too familiar.’ I thought.
“We’ve still got time left till the Johto Tournament. What are we going to do?” asked Misty.
“Head to Pallet, of course!” declared Ash. “My hometown will be great to train.” His stomach growled. “But let’s wait till tomorrow. I’m starving!” Brock threw on his apron.
“Then you’ll be ready for the best riceballs in the world!”
‘Thank God he’s calling them riceballs and not mini-doughnuts.’
“Brock, where are you going to cook at? We are in a pokemon center.” Stated Misty.
“Outside!” Brock threw on his bookbag and ran out. I laughed.
“He’s so enthusiastic,” I said.
“Ya, he’s always been that way.”
“I better feed Cleo and Zoe.” I let them out of their pokeballs and put some food that Brock had made into a bowl. Then I did the same for Houndour. They all began eating. Ash and Misty let out their pokemon and fed them too.
“I’m going to go ask Brock if he wants me to feed his pokemon.” Ash left the room.
“Hey Misty, can I ask you something?”
“How long have you been traveling with Ash and Brock?”
“About two years. There was a time thought where Brock stayed in Valencia Island. He was gone for a long time, and Tracey was with us then.”
“Well, you must have gotten close to him at some point.” I nudged her. She turned red.
“How dare you! Me and Ash!”
“I never said I was talking about Ash.” She turned even redder. “I won’t tell anyone, I’m just curious.”
“Okay, I sort of have a crush on Ash.”
“Just a crush?”
“Fine, I’ve been crazy about him for a long time, but I’m too afraid to tell him because of what might happen.”
“You’ve never liked Brock?”
“I’ve had a crush on him before, but nothing like Ash.”
“Why do you always pull Brock away from girls?”
“Because he acts like an idiot!” she snapped.
“Good point.” Just then, Brock jumped in (still in his apron) holding two plates.
“Mwahahahahaaa! Brock the rock has just cooked one of his best meals ever!” Ash walked in next to him, set a plate down on the floor, and started eating. Brock sweatdropped. “You just ruined my entrance!”
“I’m starving Brock, set the plates down.” I grabbed the plates and set them down. The four of us started picking things off of them and eating them. Afterwards, we all climbed into bed. Houndour, Cleo and Zoe slept at the foot of my bed.

“Haley, you’re always the last one up!” Misty shook me awake. “We’re gonna leave in 10 minutes!”
“Oh, okay.”
“Are you gonna be ready?”
“I can’t believe Brock said to let her sleep. She won’t be ready in time.” Misty walked off mumbling. I got dressed, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and did all that other stuff you do in the morning. I met Brock, Misty, Ash, and Houndour near the door of the center. Brock handed me two pokeballs.
“I already fed them.”
“Thanks.” We set off.
“Where are we going?” asked Misty.
“This map says the quickest way to Pallet is through Viridian,” declared Brock. I face vaulted.
‘Viridian! Damn! I’m one the road to Viridian City! No, that stupid song is stuck in my head!’

“Here we are, Viridian City.” Said Brock. It was about 5:00 when we reached the town.
“I remember when I was last here. To get the Earth badge.”
“That was a long time ago,” Brock said.
“Ya, before you left with Professor Ivy.” Misty peered at Brock. Brock huddled near a tree.
“Don’t…say…that…name!” he groaned.
“Hi Haley!”
“Huh?” I looked up. The infamous “cute” scientist waved to me. “What are you doing here?” She ran up and hugged me.
“Now is that any way to greet you mom?”
“Mom?” The four of us said simultaneously.
“Who are these people?”
“I’m Ash Ketchum from Pallet.”
“I’m Misty from Cerulean City.”
“And I’m Brock from Pewter City.”
“From the looks of it, you must be heading to Pallet.”
“She’s smart,” whispered Brock.
“Smarter than you think,” I whispered back.
“Would you like to stay at out house tonight? We’ve got plenty of room.”
“Sure!” said Ash as if he spoke for us.
‘House,’ I thought. ‘What is she planning?’

“Here we are,” said Washu stopping in front of an old shack.
“Are you sure you have room?” Brock sweatdropped.
“Of course! It’s bigger than it looks.” Washu opened the door to the…Masaki house. She must have made a dimension portal connected to the Masaki home with those skills of hers. We all walked in.
“It looks much nicer on the inside,” said Ash.
“Thanks. Oh Haley, here come all your sisters.”
“Sis…” Ryoko, Aeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, and Kiyone ran in and hugged me.
“I know this is embarrassing,” whispered Kiyone.
“Oh…um guys, this is Brock, Misty and Ash. This is Ryoko, Aeka, Sasami, Mihoshi and Kiyone.”
“Don’t forget about your brother Haley.” Tenchi walked in the room.
“Hi Haley,” he smiled as he sweatdropped.
“Oh, this is Tenchi.”
“And this is Haley’s father Nobuyuki, and her grandfather, Katsuhito.” My “family” smiled and waved. Brock, Misty, Ash, Houndour, and I fell over.
“Supper will be ready in about an hour,” Sasami ran to the kitchen.
“C’mon Haley, let your friends sit down.” Washu pushed me into the living room on a couch. Everyone else followed and sat down. Brock sat next to me. Ryoko and Tenchi sat on the other side. Ryoko ran her finger on Tenchi’s chest in a circle. I elbowed her.
“Ryoko, you’re supposed to be brother and sister!” She growled, but stopped.
“So, how did you all meet?” Katsuhito asked. We told them the story.
“Pokemon? What are those?” Mihoshi looked perplexed. Kiyone twitched with anger.
“Don’t mind Mihoshi. She’s not the brightest,” Washu smiled.
“Do you have any pokemon?” asked Ash.
“Nope. Only Houndour, but he hangs out with Haley,” answered Washu.
“Oh, Washu…I mean Mom, I almost forgot.” I took out the pokeballs and let out Cleo and Zoe.
“These are Eevees, right?”
“Just babies,” informed Brock.
“Brock’s recipe is really helping them regain health.” I smiled at Brock. “He’s really smart about pokemon nutrition.”
“Oh…well…uh,” he laughed nervously. Sasami walked in.
“Supper is ready!”
‘Wow! That was a quick hour,’ I thought. We gathered around the table sitting in the traditional Japanese style. Everyone started eating. Except for some small talk, we ate in silence.

“Haley, will you come with me for a moment?”
“Sure, Washu.” I followed the scientist to her lab. The door closed behind me.
“Have things been going well?”
“Ya. Everything is great.”
“What do you mean great?”
“I mean, I’m having fun.”
“Why are you having fun?”
“Does this point?” I yelled. Washu smiled.
“I’ve noticed something.”
“You know.”
“No, I don’t know!”
“Just tell me!”
“First, I have a question.” I sweatdropped.
“It wasn’t only your interest in Pokemon medicine that brought you here, was it?”
“Oh…heh…” I blushed.
“You knew of Brock.”
“Yes, but how did you…?”
“Did you really think I was going to let you run around with no ability to contact you? I’ve been watching you the whole time.”
“I haven’t been that obvious, have I?”
“The average person wouldn’t be able to tell, but I’m a scientific genius!” Washu put her finger in the air. “You know, what though, that means in your old world you would have thought of him as an anime character. That must have been pretty embarrassing to think you were in love with a cartoon character.” I face vaulted.
“Don’t remind me.”
“Why haven’t you told him?”
“He hasn’t known me for that long.”
“But you haven’t hardly hinted at it.”
“Well…I…” I looked down at Ryo-Ohki who had been hiding in Washu’s lab while Brock, Misty and Ash were here.
“C’mon, spit it out.”
“I’m just afraid I guess.”
“What will I do if he rejects me? I mean, I could go on but I’m afraid of getting hurt. He’s the only guy I’ve loved.”
“But how do you know you will get rejected?”
“Whenever he meets a girl he almost always flirts with her. He didn’t do that with me.”
“But what you saw of him in your world may not be true.”
“He flirted with Patricia.” I clenched my teeth. “And most of what happened in my world about you guys happened.”
“True, but he didn’t flirt with Misty when he first saw her.” I stared at her. She sweatdropped. “I know, I know. That didn’t help her. He doesn’t love Misty. Hmm…what about Suzi?”
“How would you know about Suzi?”
“I can find about people easily.”
“Ya, he didn’t flirt with Suzi, but that’s because he was a fan of hers. Besides, he did talk about how great she was.
“Haley, you have to face your fears and tell him.”
“I just need some time.” She sweatdropped.
“And how much time would that be?”
“How about before the Johto Tournament?”
“Why do you care!” I snapped. “You’ve never tried to hook up Tenchi with anyone.”
“I’ve always loved playing matchmaker. It’s just if I did it here, I would get bitch-slapped. Plus, I think he would make a nice son-in-law.”
“You aren’t my mom though.”
“No, but I’m your Godmother!” I face vaulted. With the snap of her fingers, a piece of paper appeared in the air. “See.”
‘Well,’ I thought. ‘She’s something like a fairy Godmother.

It was the next morning and all of us were gathered by the door.
“Thanks for letting us stay,” said Ash.
“The food was great.” Brock complimented. Misty nodded.
“You can stop here on the way back if you’d like.” Tenchi smiled.
“Oh please, will you? I really want to see Cleo, Zoe, and Houndour again soon,” said Sasami.
“Is that all right with you Ash?” I asked.
“Sure. It would be nice to stay here before the Johto tournament.”
“All right then, we’ll see you later,” Ryoko was twitching, but I wasn’t sure why.
“Bye!” The four of us and Houndour walked off. I looked back to see Ryoko hugging Tenchi.
‘It must have been hard for her to keep off of him.’
“Yes, Brock.”
“Is your family…uh…”
“Really friendly.”
“No offense. My family may be bigger than yours, but your family is a whole lot weirder. None of you look alike either.”
‘They’re even weirder than you know,’ I thought as I smiled to myself.

“Finally, I’m home!” Ash ran into his house.
“Mr. Mime!”
“Hi, Mr. Mime! Where’s Mom?”
“Mr. Mime! Mr. Mime!” Mr. Mime pointed to the direction of Professor Oak’s house.
“C’mon guys. Let’s go to Professor Oak’s lab.” We ran to his lab, and Ash knocked on the door. Tracey answered the door.
“Hey Ash! What a surprise! We’re just about to eat. Come on in.” We walked into the dining room.
“Hey Mom! Hey Professor Oak!”
“Hi honey! Hi Pikachu!”
“Hello Ash, Misty, Brock, Togepi… and uh…”
“Oh, Professor Oak, Ms. Ketchum, Tracey, this is Haley and Houndour.” Brock introduced me.
“We met her in Mahogany.” Said Misty.
“Hi.” I smiled and waved.
“Hello Haley. Why don’t you all sit down.” We followed Professor Oak’s request and sat down around the table filled with food. Surprisingly, Professor Oak sat by Ms. Ketchum. Then it was Pikachu, Ash, Misty and Togepi. Across from them were Tracey, Brock, me, and Houndour.
“This is a lot of food,” Misty said. “Do you usually make this much?”
“Well, no since there is usually just the three of us. But, today we were expecting someone.” Ms. Ketchum explained.
“You mean, you knew I was coming?” asked Ash.
“No, someone else.” Professor Oak sweat-dropped. The doorbell rang. We all looked toward the hall with curiosity. Tracey walked in the hall. We heard a door open, and Tracey walked in the room with…
“Gary!” Ash exclaimed.
“Hey Ash! How have you been?”
“Just fine, THANK YOU!”
“Who are you?” Gary looked at me.
“I’m Haley. And this is my Houndour.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Gary if you haven’t figured out by now.”
“Have a seat Gary,” Tracey sat down. Gary took the empty seat next to Houndour.
“I really want to thank you guys for letting me stay here.” Gary said. “It will be great for me to train here until the Johto competition.”
“What?” Ash stood up. “You can’t do that! I was going to stay here!”
“Now, Ash honey. Both of you can stay here.” Ms. Ketchum tried to calm her son down.
“Ash, I just want to be here in Pallet. I don’t want to get in a fight with you.” Gary calmly stated.
“Fine! I’ll just stay at the pokemon center!”
“Ash, you can’t stay there for a whole two months.” Brock said.
“Then, I’ll just camp out!”
“You’re being so immature about this!” Misty yelled.
“I don’t care!” Ash ran out of the room, Pikachu following.
“Wow! Ms. Ketchum, this is really good,” I said.
“Thanks.” We ate as if nothing had happened.

“So these are all Ash’s pokemon?” I asked Brock near the field of Tauros. It was just after dinner and we had taken a walk outside.
“Ya. Well, all these Tauros are. He caught them at a Safari place. He also own that Snorlax.” He pointed to the big blue blob eating some fruits off a nearby tree. “And that Kingler is his too.” Brock pointed to the huge crab that was walking around near the garden.
“Hey guys!” We looked back to see Gary and Tracey walking toward us. “What are you doing?”
“Just looking at the pokemon.” I explained.
“Some of these here are mine.” Gary said.
“Ya, I’ve got a lot of pokemon.”
“I only have 3. Houndour and 2 Eevees.”
“Can I see your Eevees?” Tracey asked.
“Sure.” I let them out. “This is Cleo and Zoe.”
“They sure are beautiful.” Gary kneeled down and petted both of them.
“Thanks. Brock really helps me with them.”
“Not really.”
“Don’t be modest.”
“I gotta sketch this.” Tracey pulled out a sketchpad, and then frowned. “I forgot. I need to get more pencils.”
“I’ll go to the store with you. I need to get some stuff anyway.” I said.
“Okay.” Tracey was still frowning.

“Isn’t this cute Togepi?” Misty was looking at a red dress.
“Pencils, pencils, where are the pencils?” Tracey screamed.
“Calm down.” I walked up to Tracey.
“Ya, you are gonna scare someone.” Gary walked past us.
“Look at the crap they put in this pokemon food!” Brock was reading a label off of a sack.
“Ah! Pencils!” Tracey ran towards an aisle.
“Eevee!” Cleo tugged on my jeans.
“What Cleo?” I followed her to a display near the front desk. Zoe was there staring at a rock. Cleo pointed to a rock next to it.
“What are those?”
“Evolving stones.” Gary was behind me. “It looks like Cleo and Zoe want to evolve.”
“Evolve? I never thought of that! But, they haven’t been Eevees for that long.”
“All Pokemon are different, and they all want different things.”
“Should I let them?”
“I would. To keep them happy.”
“Well…I don’t know. I mean, aren’t there some skills they may miss out on if they evolve too quickly.”
“Possibly, but they may have already gained those skills.”
“I think I’ll buy them, but I’ll wait to evolve them.” I took the two stones and bought them.

“Whoa! Stones to evolve your Eevees!” We had reached the Ketchum residence and I had just shown Brock and Tracey the stones.
“So, are you gonna evolve them?” asked Brock.
“That’s what I was going to ask you.” I told them. “I’m not sure if I should. I’ve heard that you some Pokemon miss out on skills if you evolve them too quickly.”
“True, but you have worked with Cleo and Zoe some.” Brock stated.
“But enough so that they get their early skills?”
“Well, Eevees don’t miss out on as much skills if they are evolved early anyway. Besides, I think they’ll be fine.” Tracey smiled. “They seem to want to.”
“All right. Do you think I should wait for Ash and Misty?”
“I’m not sure if Ash is going to come back for a while. I hope Misty can get through to him though,” said Tracey.
“Let’s go find Gary and tell him.” Brock stood up. Tracey, Brock, Houndour and I went outside to meet up with Gary.
“Gary, I’m going to let Cleo and Zoe evolve.”
“Great! Wait are you waiting for?”
“Right.” I took out the stones and set them on the ground. Cleo touched the left one, and Zoe touched the left one simultaneously. Both of them turned a bluish color and grew. Tracey took out his sketchpad. Brock, Gary, Houndour and I gasped. Cleo evolved into an Espeon. Zoe evolved into an Umbreon. I hugged both of them. “I didn’t think you guys could get more beautiful, but you did!” Brock and Gary kneeled down to pet them. Tracey just kept on sketching. Houndour smiled.

“That stupid stubborn idiot!” Misty stomped through the front door. The rest of us went out to meet her. She practically fell on the couch, flushed.
“What happened Misty?” asked Tracey.
“I tried to talk some reason into him, but he says now that he isn’t sure if he is gonna stay here in Pallet.”
“Then where is he going to go?” Ms. Ketchum either was worried about her son, or wanted him to leave.
“He says as soon as he finds out, he’s leaving.”
“Has he even been training?” Gary looked concerned, even if Ash considered him an enemy. “He can’t let this distract him from the Johto Tournament.”
“He says he has. And I think he’s telling the truth about that. Pikachu sure was tired when I got there.”
“I need to settle this with him. I’m responsible for this.” Gary headed out the door.
“Now Gary, Ash just has to figure this out himself. You’ve stopped being so bitter around him, he’ll stop sooner or later.” Professor Oak put a hand on his grandson’s shoulder.
“Hey, how about a movie?” I pulled out a video from behind my back. “It’s called, ‘I know what you ate last Tuesday.’”
“All right! One of my favorites!” Brock ran in the kitchen, and came back in a second with a huge bowl of popcorn. We both sat down on the couch. “Don’t you guys want to watch it too?”
“I have more training to do.” Gary headed outside.
“I better get to gardening.” Ms. Ketchum followed Gary.
“I’m writing an essay on Miltank udders.” Professor Oak headed upstairs.
“I’m gonna go take a walk.” Misty stood up from the couch and stomped out.
‘Just one more person. C’mon Tracey. Maybe if I’m alone with Brock, I can tell him. Tracey, go sketch, damn it!’
“Sure, I’ll watch it!” Tracey sat next to Brock. Houndour, Cleo and Zoe sat on the love seat. I put the video on and sat back down next to Brock.
“Even for a long movie, this is really cool!” Brock said.
“Uh…Brock, how long is it?”
“About 4 hours.” I sweat-dropped. 3 hours later, Houndour, Cleo, Zoe and Tracey fell asleep. (Luckily, Tracey didn’t fall asleep on Brock.)
“Um, well, we, um…”
“What is it?”
“I feel like I should tell you something, but I’m sort of afraid too.”
“I think I know where this is going.”
“You do?”
“Ya, it’s about Jack.” I sweat-dropped. “No.” I paused for a moment. “What makes you think that?”
“I don’t know. What else could it be?”
“What if I told you…” ‘I can’t tell him just yet.’ “What if I told you that I was sexually attracted to Jynx?” Brock face vaulted.

“Ash knows what he wants to do,” Ms. Ketchum announced the next morning. We were all outside. “He wants to say at your family’s house Haley.”
“What? When?”
“They said that it would be okay in a couple of weeks, but not until then.”
‘Probably something with Washu’s dimension portals,’ I thought.
“Ash sure has his way of getting what he wants.” Misty said. Suddenly, two people and a cat rode up on a bike. The three obviously were Team Rocket. Their only disguise was an outfit like a mailman, and Jesse and James were wearing one of those glasses that had a funny nose and mustache attached to it.
“Hello! We’re from the National Pokemon Checkup Society. We’re here to give your Pokemon a checkup.”
“Why is that?” Brock asked.
“There’s a serious virus going around, and we have to prevent from spreading it.” Jesse said seriously.
“A virus! What kind of a virus?” Professor Oak sounded concerned.
“It’s called the T.R. Virus and it’s VERY serious.” James said as always, seductively.
“Oh no! We better tell Ash!” I rolled my eyes at Tracey.
“Can’t any of you tell? It’s Team Rocket!”
“Haley! You’re being rude!” Mrs. Ketchum scolded.
“They are trying to help us,” Gary declared.
“Are you serious? How many people do you see with bright red long hair, and long lavender hair? Not too mention a talking Meowth. And how many of those people ARE ALWAYS TOGETHER?” I ripped off their masks. “See!”
“That still doesn’t look like Team Rocket,” Brock stated.
“Fine then. I see I’m just causing TROUBLE!” TR twitched. “DOUBLE TROUBLE!”
“I can’t resist Jesse,” squealed James.
“Prepare for trouble!”
“Make it double!”
“To protect the world from devastation.”
“To unite all peoples within our nation.”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
“To extend our reach to the stars above.”
“Jesse.” Jesse revealed her uniform underneath.
“James.” James revealed his uniform underneath and held a red rose.
“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.”
“Surrender now or prepare to fight.”
“Meowth! That’s right!”
“It’s Team Rocket!” They all screamed. Houndour and I sweat-dropped.
“Go Cleo!” I threw out my pokeball. “Confusion, Cleo!” Cleo sent her attack on Team Rocket.
“I’m all dizzy.” Jesse’s eyes rolled around.
“Jesse, where am I?” James fell down.
“Nidoqueen! You know what to do.” Gary threw out his pokeball. The loyal pokemon grabbed Team Rocket, and threw them.
“We’re blasting off again!” Ding! Gary called back Nidoqueen, and I called back Cleo.
“We were wrong.” Tracey was sketching as he spoke.
“But, we’ve known Team Rocket for a long time. How did you know?” Brock looked at me.
‘He can be so dumb at times.’ I smiled.

I let out Cleo and Zoe.
“Houndour, Cleo, Zoe, do you want to go on a walk?” They nodded. “All right, let’s go.” I walked to a park where I knew they would be at.
“I’m starving!” The manly, yet gay voice said.
“Those stupid twerps! If they hadn’t ruined our plan, we may be eating right now!”
“Jesse, James, Meowth.” I walked through some trees to a clearing where the trio were sitting. Jesse jumped up.
“You! What are you doing here!”
“I just wanted to clear some things up. I’m sorry that I had to be your enemy earlier today. But the truth is, I still want to be your friend.”
“Ha! Do you really think we’ll let you off that easy?” Meowth crossed his arms.
“I was planning to take you guys to a buffet.”
“Buffet?” James’s eyes watered.
“Ya, but since you guys aren’t willing to forgive and forget.” I began to walk off. The three grabbed my leg.
“We forgive you! We forgive you!”

“Well, I hope you guys understand that I just did that today because I had to act like a twerp.”
“Ya, ya, ya.” TR stuffed their faces in.

“I don’t know if I’m ready to go back to Viridian,” I groaned.
“My favorite Officer Jenny is there.” Brock clasped his hands together. Misty rolled her eyes.
“Good thing I don’t have all those cheerleaders anymore or Brock would have been hitting on them the whole time he was here.” Brock frowned.
“If only they were here…”
“We have to go get Ash now. Stop daydreaming!” Misty smacked him in the back of his head.
“Oh come on, that was a bit harsh.” I said. Misty stared at me with dagger eyes.
“Whatever. Let’s go!”
“Well, bye everybody!”
“Thanks for everything!” The three of us and Houndour walked out and headed toward the pokemon center.
“Brock, Misty, do you think it would be okay if we just stayed here in Pallet and let Ash go to my house.”
“Don’t you want to see your family?”
‘It’s not that I don’t want to see them, I just hope Washu isn’t going to harass Brock or me. And I really don’t want Brock to think my sister is in love with my brother.’ “Ya, it’s just I really liked staying here.” Outside of the pokemon center, Ash was waiting with Pikachu by his side.
“Hi guys, ready to go to Viridian?” Ash walked up to us with Pikachu on his shoulder.
‘Not really.’ The three of us walked on.

“Oooh! This place looks so romantic!” Misty stopped next to a restaurant titled, “La Pokemon”, and peered in. “It would be just perfect for a date!” Brock, Ash, Houndour and I rolled our eyes.
“Misty, I’m hungry. Let’s get to Haley’s house.”
‘No Ash! You idiot! Don’t tell her your hungry!’
“Then we can eat here.”
‘Noooo!’ I saw it coming.
“What? I bet this place is expensive!” I argued.
“I’ll pay for it.” A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Jack.
“That sure is a gentleman.” Misty said.
“I hear the food is exquisite. It will be a nice break from Brock’s rice balls.” Jack eyed Brock.
“I happen to like my rice balls!” Brock yelled.
‘Man that sounds bad.’
“Follow me.” Jack led us into the restaurant. Inside, a few candles at each table dimly lighted it. The butler walked up to us.
“I’m sorry, but only couples are allowed.”
‘Yes! My chance with Brock!’
“All right then, Haley…” Jack offered his arm.
‘DAMN IT!’ “Uh, thanks Jack.”
“Misty, would you like to be my date?” Brock asked.
“Sure.” Misty smiled.
“Who do I go with?” Ash frowned.
“I know.” I said.
“Who?” A blue light came from Ash’s belt.
“I knew she would come out.” Ash face vaulted.
“I think you make a lovely couple.” Jack laughed. The butler led us each to our own table. Pikachu, Houndour and Togepi sat in a separate booth from the rest of us.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” I said to Jack as we sat down in our booth.
“Same for me.” He grinned. “I just happened to come here on an errand. “Next I’ll be going back to Cinnabar Island.”
“It must be crowded there with all the tourists.”
“Not where I live. It’s very remote and calm.”
“Sounds nice.”
“Do you like living with these three?”
“I love it.”
“Really? What do you like about it?”
“Everything. Traveling, not worrying about when to wake up, having someone to talk to. Just all the little things.”
“What about Ash, Misty and Brock?”
“They’re great to hang out with.” The butler brought us our food. Jack started eating his. Whenever he would eat, I would try and get a glimpse of Brock. ‘He sure seemed smooth about asking Misty. Maybe he likes her. No, he would have already said so.’ I couldn’t get sight of Brock or Misty. I did have a view of Ash and Chikorita sharing a shake.
“How are your Eevees?”
“Oh, I haven’t told you!”
“Told me what?”
“Look!” I let out Cleo and Zoe. “The Umbreon’s name is Zoe, and the Espeon’s name is Cleo.”
“They look great!”
“Thanks. I have Brock to thank for that. He knows a lot about Pokemon nutrition, and he made their food for them.”
“So, you really like these people.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t be traveling with them if I didn’t.”
“Well, what if I invited you all to Cinnabar Island with me?”
“I don’t know. Ash is too busy training for the Johto Tournament, which is only in a month.”
“What about Misty and Brock?”
“I couldn’t break those three up. They’ve been together for a long time.”
“I know Brock left one time to stay with a Professor, so maybe it wouldn’t hurt them too much if just Brock and you stayed.”
‘Brock and me…in Cinnabar island?’ “I can’t. I’m having too much fun right now to risk it.”
“All right. Waiter, bill!”

“That was great Jack. Thank you so much for paying!” Misty smiled. I was keeping an eye on her and Brock ever since they came back into sight.
“I didn’t think it was so great,” mumbled Ash.
“I hope I see you all again.” Jack waved.
“Bye!” We all waved back and went on our way.

“You’re back!” Washu hugged me. I almost fainted when she let go. “Hi Ash and Misty!” She hugged them almost as hard as she did to me. “Hi Brock!” Like the rest of us, she hugged him.
“Houndour!” Sasami ran in the hall from the kitchen and hugged Houndour, but much more gently than Washu. We all gathered into the living room. Tenchi, Aeka, Mihoshi and Kiyone joined us.
‘I guess Ryoko can’t be next to Tenchi without hitting on him.’
“Where’s Cleo and Zoe?” Sasami asked.
“You’re going to be so surprised.” I let them out.
“Oh! They’re so beautiful!” She pet both of them.
“Why did you guys come back so early?” asked Tenchi.
“Uh…it was convenient.” Ash sweat-dropped. Misty yawned.
“You look tired.” Aeka stood up. “I’ll go make your bed.”
“Oh, thanks. I’ll do it. Where are we staying?”
“Upstairs, the first door on the left.” Misty walked to where Kiyone had said.
“I’m pretty tired too.” Ash and Pikachu followed her.
“Me three.” Brock and I climbed the stairs as well. There, the four of us fell asleep.

“What’s that noise?” I stood up. It was the middle of the night and an annoying sound was buzzing in my ear. Brock, Misty, Ash, Houndour, Cleo and Zoe were still asleep. I stood there for a moment watching Brock sleep. It wasn’t very pretty to see him snoring with his arms outspread, but it was amusing. The sound was getting to me, so I followed the noise. I followed it to Washu’s lab. I opened the door. But it wasn’t Washu’s lab that was behind the door. It was a beautiful sight. There were cherry blossoms all around. But there seemed to be no sky, just a cloudy mist. I heard the door behind me close, but as I looked back there was no door. I tried to reach a handle, but it didn’t work.
“Haley, is that you?”
“Brock?” I followed his voice until he came in to reach.
“What is this place?”
“I’m as clue less as you are. Wait a second, when I left the room, you were still there asleep.”
“Same for me.”
‘This must be a dream.’
“Your house is so weird.”
“I know. Why do you think I left?” I laughed.
“Haley, was there ever something between you and Jack?”
“Of course not! Why do you say that?”
“Well, he seemed so smooth today when we were pairing off into couples. I thought for a second maybe you were one.”
“That’s how I felt about you and Misty.” We were both quiet for a moment.
“It may be a long while until we are alone again…”
“Even Houndour, Cleo and Zoe aren’t here.”
“Ya.” ‘I must sound stupid.’ “Brock, there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you, but I’ve been really afraid too.” Brock sweat-dropped.
“Is it about a Jynx?” I laughed.
“No, it’s about you.”
“Well, you see, I’ve known you for a little while now, and well, if I told you something will you think about me differently. Would you ignore me?”
“You’re a good friend of mine. Of course not.” I blushed.
“Brock, the truth is that out of everyone in the universe, I would want to be with you. Brock, what I’m trying to say is….” I looked into his eyes. (Well, what would be his eyes). I slightly blushed as he took my chin in his hand.
“Haley, whatever you tell me, I’ll still be your friend.”
“Well, isn’t this cute?” Jack appeared out of the mist.
“Jack? What the hell are you doing here?” His eyes caught me.
“It seems your very own friend has lured you into a trap.”
“Washu made this, but it was perfect for me to get to you.”
“Uh, what’s going on?” Brock looked back and forth from me to Jack.
“What do you mean?”
“I couldn’t kidnap you while you were with Washu or the Outlaw Star crew. True, I could have caught you while you were on Nomekop, but I thought I would have a little fun and make up my own little character. It sure has turned out to be worth it. And now, it’ll be easier to catch you while you are in a separate dimension from Washu and with this weakling, Brock.”
“Hey, who do you think you are calling me a weakling?” Brock raised his fist at him.
“I am none other than Jack, Kagato’s son.”
“What? That’s why you wanted me to come with you! So you could kidnap me, but what do you want with me?”
“Only revenge.” Jack slowly walked toward us and waved a hand over his eyes, turning them yellow. Brock stepped in front of me.
“You’re not getting her, not without a fight.”
“Brock, I wouldn’t mess with him. You don’t know what you are up against.” I warned.
“That’s right!” Jack grabbed Brock by the neck of his shirt and lifted him off the ground. I focused my powers. Jack lowered him. “What’s going on?”
“Jack, you’re forgetting something.” Jack let go of Brock and floated away.
“Oh yes, how foolish of me.” Jack then raised his hand, breaking my necklace.
“How did you…”
“I’m much more powerful than you.” Then, I felt myself vanish.

It took me a moment to regain my senses once I woke up. ‘I hope Brock isn’t in trouble. Jack is so powerful. There isn’t anything I can do to stop him.’
“Aren’t you having a blast?” I turned around to see Jack in a long blue cloak, the color of his hair.”
“Where’s Brock?”
“I thought I would spare his life.” I sighed in relief.
‘Good thing Brock is okay. But, I better stay cautious. He must have something up his sleeve.’ “What is it you want?”
“Revenge of course.”
“You are still on that revenge crap?” I sweat-dropped. “Haven’t you had enough revenge?”
“I’m only carrying out the wishes of my beloved father.”
“And what exactly is that?”
“To kill you. MWAHAHAHA!” I started laughing. “What? What is so funny?”
“You are trying to sound all dramatic, but it’s just really corny.”
“Corny, eh? How about laughing after this?” Using his mind, Jack threw me against a wall. I held myself as I winced from the pain. Suddenly, a light came from the middle of the room, and Washu, Mihoshi, Kiyone, Ryoko, Aeka, Tenchi, Jesse, James, Meowth, Gary, Tracey, Gene, Jim, Aisha, Suzuka, Houndour and Brock appeared from a dimensional portal.
“Haley!” Brock kneeled next to me. Houndour sat on the other side of me. “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” I forced a smile at him.
“Hey Haley!” Washu, cheerful as usual, waved. “There would have been more here, but the portal could only fit 17 people.” Jack sweat-dropped.
“Don’t tell me I have to kill all of you.”
“I hate to burst your bubble, but that is how it is!” Ryoko flew in the air and threw a powerball at him.
“Oh well, I’m in for a challenge.” Jack grinned. Kiyone and Mihoshi drew their guns as Tenchi brought out his sword.
“Brock, I’m sorry I dragged you all into this mess.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, but is this what you were trying to tell me?”
“You could have, you know.”
“If I told you that for most of my life I didn’t even look like any of you and lived in a world that was made up by an evil man named Kagato who was trying to get revenge on my parents who were in the science academy which was an organization where the best scientists in the universe go to; that I had lived with the greatest scientific genius in the universe, 2 space detectives, 2 princesses from a planet called Jurai, 2 princes from Jurai; that I had traveled in a spaceship called the Outlaw Star with a creature called a Ctarl-Ctarl, a bounty hunter, and an android that controlled the ship naked in a water tube; that Kagato’s son was supposedly after me; and to top it off that I was psychic, would you believe me?” Brock sweat-dropped.
“I guess not.” I looked up toward everyone fighting. Except for Team Rocket who was mostly just hugging in fear, all of them were trying their best, (Gary and Tracey were using Nidoqueen and Scyther) but Jack was still blocking the attacks.
“Brock, how are we going to stop him?”
“I’ve got an idea. Oh, by the way.” Brock tossed me two pokeballs and my necklace.
“Thanks Brock.” He smiled, then ran off next to Washu, and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and took out her computer. I stood up and put my necklace on. “C’mon Houndour. We have to kick this guys ass!”
“Haley.” Gary yelled to me. “Get Nidoqueen up. Maybe she can get a hit on him.” I focused my powers as Nidoqueen slowly rose. She tackled his shield from behind. Eventually, after all the hits from everyone, Jack fell to the floor. Nidoqueen fell on her feet on the floor.
“You think you all have beaten me. You’re only at the beginning!” Jack used his psychic ability to hurl Tenchi in the air. Ryoko caught him.
“Just wait a second.” Brock took out his pokeball.
“Fool! Pokemon are no match for me!” Washu whispered something to Kiyone, Mihoshi, Aisha, Jim, and Aeka. They vanished in a dimension portal. Washu began typing again. “What are they doing over there? Do they really think it’s over?” Brock threw the pokeball.
“Onyx! You know what to do!” As the huge rock pokemon rammed against one of the walls, Jesse, James, Meowth, Suzuka, Gene, Ryoko and Tenchi disappeared through another dimension portal. Washu continued on her computer. I ran over to Brock.
“What are you doing, you idiot!” Jack yelled.
“I have to agree with him Brock, what are you doing?” I whispered to him.
“You’ll see.” The wall began to crack, but Onyx was tiring. Jack waved his hand and sent Onyx flying into another wall. “Onyx!” Brock called in his pokemon.
“You’re wasting my time, boy.”
“Boy, who are you calling a boy? I’m about the same age as you.”
“Actually, I’m about 10,000 years old.” Brock face vaulted.
“Geodude! Finish the job!” Geodude came out of the pokeball, and began to punch the wall where Onyx had started.
“I’m sick of this, I’ll just finish the both of you off.” Jack walked up to us. Brock stepped in front of me.
“Don’t kill her. If you want to kill someone, just let it be me.”
“Brock! I can’t let you do that! I pulled you into this.” He ignored me.
“You are a bigger fool than I thought. You would give your life for the well-being of her?”
“That certainly is a big sacrifice.” Brock nodded. “Why would you do that?”
“Because…because…” Just then, the wall that Geodude had been punching broke, and a dimensional portal popped up.
“Just in time.” Washu brushed off her hands. “Let’s go!” Brock called back Geodude. As the wall crumbled, a black hole appeared. Houndour, Washu, Brock and I jumped into the dimensional portal as the black hole sucked in the screaming Jack.

“Haley, can I come in?”
“Sure.” Tenchi walked into the room I had been staying in at the Masaki House replica.
“You’ve been hiding in this room for days now. What’s wrong?”
“It’s just now I know for sure that my family and friends don’t exist. I thought maybe there was a chance, but now my Old World really is dead since Jack and Kagato are dead.”
“I see. I know how you feel, but I only lost one person.”
“Sakuya.” Tenchi nodded. “I think she was her own person.”
“Me too. She had to be. And I think that everyone you knew were their own person as well.”
“Thanks Tenchi.”
“Your welcome, but you have to get out of this room sometime.”
“Well, it’s not only that.”
“What else is there?”
“If I tell you, you have to promise not to mention it at all.”
“I promise.”
“I’m in love with Brock, but I’m still afraid to tell him. He’s a good friend and I’m afraid that even if he doesn’t love me, he won’t be as good as a friend because he’ll be awkward around me.”
“You still feel that way after all you have been through.” I nodded. “He must have loved you if he saved you like that. I have to admit that was pretty smart of him. Since Jack hid inside of a ship that was near a black hole, we couldn’t get to him. Luckily, Washu’s new invention could take her anywhere she wanted to without going to that place to a put a portal up beforehand.. Brock used Jack’s own defense to save you. That was a big risk he took, and some of the best things that happen in life were risks.” Tenchi left the room.
‘He’s right. As soon as they all get back from the Johto Tournament, I’m telling him.’

“Oh! Everything has got to be just perfect for their big arrival!” Ms. Ketchum hustled through the kitchen setting everything up. Sasami, Mr. Mime and I sweat-dropped. Washu had moved the dimension portal of the Masaki house to a closet in Professor Oak’s house so that they could come and visit often. Team Rocket, after making a peace agreement, was helping out with the big party. Both Gary and Ash had made it to the final round of the Johto Tournament. After one of the longest and closest battles in Pokemon history, Ash won. (Hey, this has to be some how like the show.) Everyone was coming to celebrate at Professor Oak’s house outside. I watched the clock every 5 minutes.
‘Brock should be here soon,’ I thought every time.

Finally, at 11:30, the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and opened it to find…Mondo?
“Is Jesse and James here.”
“Ya, hold on. Jesse! James!” They ran to the door.
“Hello Mondo, how did you know we were here?” Jesse looked confused.
“I keep a good eye on you two. But hey, Ditto and I are starving. Do you mind if we stay for the party?”
“We’ll have to ask Ms. Ketchum. Ms. Ketchum!” James yelled.
“Is it okay if another guest comes?” James yelled back.
“Great!” Mondo walked in and let out Ditto.
“Hey, that reminds me, I bet Cleo and Zoe would love to get some fresh air.” I let them out. Right after I closed the door, it rang again. I face vaulted. James got the door.
“Hi twerps! So good to see you!” He squealed. I stood up and brushed myself off. They walked in. Ms. Ketchum hugged Ash.
“I’m so proud of you Ash!”
“Where’s the food?”
“It’s just about ready honey.” Ms. Ketchum returned to the kitchen.
“Hi guys.”
“Hi Haley, how is everything?” Brock looked concerned.
“Great. I think that little break I had was all I needed. Let’s go outside!” All of us joined Tracey, Professor Oak, and the Tenchi gang outside. Now that they knew Ryoko and Tenchi weren’t brother and sister, Ryoko was hanging over him.
“Who are you?” Ash asked Mondo.
“My name is Mondo. I’m a good friend of Jesse, James and Meowth.”
“How come we never see you?”
“I always help them after they “blast off.”” He smiled with upside down U shaped eyes.
“The food is ready!” Sasami called as she brought out a try of plates. Ms. Ketchum followed with a tray of plates as well. We all took turns and got a plate of food. Suddenly, a ship landed in the yard. The Outlaw Star crew walked out.
“Free food!” Aisha screamed and ran to the table. Suzuka, Gene, Jim and Melfina joined.
“Gene,” I walked up to him. “I just want to tell you all thank you. Jack could have killed you guys.”
“I dream big!” Gene stuffed his face in.
“Haley! Washu! Ryo-Ohki found something!” Sasami ran over to us.
“Where?” I asked.
“I’ll show you.” Washu, Houndour, and I followed Sasami. There was a person lying on the edge of some bushes.
“My head…”
“Dee!” I hugged her as she sweat-dropped. “It’s you!”
“Huh? I don’t know you.”
“It’s Haley!”
“What? You’re a cartoon…and Ryo-Ohki, Sasami, Washu. A Houndour?” Dee glanced at her hand.
“I’m a cartoon!”
“No you aren’t, this is what people look like.”
“Am I dreaming?” I pinched her. “Ow! You could have just told me!”
“We’ll explain everything later. First, I want you to meet someone.”
“I’m not doing anything until I find out what is going on!” Dee was suddenly looking past me. “Hmmm, I see my next home-pimp!” Dee ran over next to Mondo. I followed her.
“Mondo, this is Dee. Dee, Mondo.”
“Oh, hi.” Mondo blushed.
“Hey everyone! This is my friend from the Old World.” Everyone looked at me confusingly, especially Mondo.
“Are you serious?” Ash asked.
“Ya. Everyone, this is Dee. Dee, I believe you know everyone.” Dee face vaulted.
“What is the Old World?” Mondo whispered to me.
“Uh…” I had forgotten about Mondo. “Johto, it’s an inside joke.”
“Right.” Mondo sounded disturbingly like Dr. Evil. I walked out of Mondo’s ear reach.
“Washu, do you think there are others from my Old World that are alive.”
“I’m sorry, but I think you and Dee were the only prisoners of Kagato, everyone else were just shadows.” I nodded. I looked toward Dee who had started talking to James.
“Do you think you could put on that outfit you wore when you were trying to capture that Dratini.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Could you dress up like a cop for me?”
“Sure.” James threw a blanket over him. When it fell off, he had an Officer Jenny outfit on. Dee sweat-dropped.
“A MAN cop.”
“Oh! But those aren’t as fun! Mini skirts make me fell fresh. They sort of air me out from the Team Rocket uniform.”
“Hey Haley.” I looked over and saw Brock walk toward me.
“Houndour, Cleo, Zoe, I…um, have something I want you to help me with.” Washu and my 3 pokemon left us.
“Hi Brock.”
“Are you staying here, or are you going to travel with us?”
“Travel.” Brock smiled.
“I was hoping you would. What about your friend?”
“Oh, I haven’t even thought about that. I just found her a few seconds ago, but I think she’s having fun already.” Brock and I glanced towards Dee who was telling puns to Team Rocket.
“Um, Haley, do you want to go on a walk?”
“Sure.” I let Brock lead the way as we walked. “I hope the others don’t mind that we left.”
“I’m not even sure if they will notice.” We walked into the park. Except, the park wasn’t how I had remembered it. It was more beautiful with more flowers and a lake was nearby.
“I don’t ever remember seeing this.” Brock sweat-dropped.
“Sometimes the most beautiful things are right over your nose. Uh, wait, that wouldn’t make sense.” I laughed. Brock stumbled over a branch.
“Brock, you seem sort of nervous.”
“Is something wrong?”
“No. It’s just.” Brock took a deep breath. He faced me and held my hands in his. I felt myself blush. “Haley, I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a long time, but I’ve always been too scared. I’ve been rejected so many times, that I didn’t want to risk it. Ever since Jack kidnapped you, I’ve been really thinking about how there are more ways I could lose you. I’ve always seemed to be a little girl-crazy, but what I feel for you is different. I love you.”
“Brock…I…” Brock let go of my hands.
“I should have known. Don’t say it, I already know what you are thinking, but I don’t want to hear it.” I hugged the startled Brock.
“I would never reject you! Brock, I’ve never told you this, but before you even knew me, I loved you. I used to see you on TV in my Old World, and I loved you, like I still do.” Brock let go of me.
“Hey wait a second. That means, that you would have thought you were in love with a cartoon character. Man, that must have been embarrassing.” He laughed.
“You have no idea.” I mumbled. Brock slipped his hands around my waist as I laid my hands around his neck.
“But, I’m real.”
“If this is a dream I am going to kill myself when I wake up.” Brock leaned towards me.
“If this was a dream, you wouldn’t feel this.” We gently touched lips as we embraced in a short, sweet kiss.

Now, 10 years later, I still love Brock as much as I did then, if not more. Everyone has been getting along great. The Outlaw Star crew is still well. Ash and Gary are both famous trainers, and Misty has gained popularity and respect through her book, “Misty’s Mistiful Book of Water Pokemon Training.” Ash and Pikachu are the most famous pokemon and trainer duo ever. Team Rocket have finally gotten out on their own. The couple (and I do mean married couple) and talking cat have been making some of the most demanded fashion clothes on the market. James’s skirt for men has made him a genius to some, and a complete weirdo to others. Tracey and Professor Oak are now a famous duo through their pokemon research. I gave them the pokemon that Jack had owned. Everyone at the Tenchi household is about the same, except Tenchi has admitted his love for Ryoko. Aeka seems to be over it since her nephew, a handsome fellow I might add, has been born. She’s looking towards the wedding in about 3,000 years. Talking about weddings, Ash and Misty are getting hitched in about a month. They declared their love after Washu made another dimension portal that was placed by a beach. It turns out that the reason Dee was real and in the Old Word was because Kagato had kept her prisoner because Fred, who is Dee’s Uncle, had ripped him off on a bunch of weapons. It seems Harry isn’t the only one with an anger problem. The only reason Dee wasn’t freed when I was, is because the world was weakened just enough for one person to escape. Mondo and Dee, though not married, have been a close couple for a while now. Mondo is still in Team Rocket, and Dee helps Jesse, James and Meowth. Their factory is located in Viridian City (that damn song!) and we visit them a lot. Brock and I now own a breeding/pokemon center in Pallet Town. We put it there so we could be close to friends and family, and also because that is where we told each other how we really felt. All our pokemon help out in the center to get us supplies and to do other errands for us. Afterwards, they relax in one of the 5 environments we created. (There’s an environment for pokemon in the forest, water pokemon, dark/psychic pokemon, rock/fire pokemon and one for flying pokemon.) Houndour bred with Patricia’s Houndour (You dirty dog!) and their 5 baby Houndours hatched about a month ago. It took me a while to agree on it, since I still had a grudge against Patricia. I only let Brock do it since I knew he really wanted to, and I thought Houndour’s puppies would look so cute! I feel totally relieved after Jack was killed. Now, I don’t have to worry about who is after me, or after someone close to me. Every day, when I wake up, the first thing I do is look at Brock and wonder if I’m in a dream.

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