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Memory Seven:The Jerry Springer Show

Ring!Ring! I picked up the phone.
"Hello",I answered.
"Hello, is this Haley?"a cheery voice asked.
"You've been asked to appear on the Jerry Springer Show!"
"Um...may I ask why?"
Then I heard an evil satanic voice reply,"NOOOOOOOO!"
"Okay, how do I get there?"
"Well, you have to promise not to tell ANYBODY about it."
With the same cheery voice she informed me,"Your plane ticket will arrive tomorrow in the mail with further instructions. Have a nice, I mean day!"

A week later I arrived in Chicago. It was the day of the taping and it was the most nervous I've ever been. As I sat in the greenroom I thought of all the possibilities. Given no clues at all, I thought of the shows I've seen. Could Brock be cheating on me? No, he wouldn't do that...would he? I got my cue and walked on the platform infront of a million viewers and Mr. Confrontation himself.
"Hello Haley. How are you?"
"I'm not sure."
"Do you have any clue why you're here?"
"No...well, sort of. Most people come here because someone is cheating on them, but I don't think my boyfriend would do that."
"Who is your boyfriend?"
"How do you feel aout Brock?"
"He's the best boyfriend I've ever had. He really stands out from everyone else. He's kind, gentle, funny, smart and I can be myself around him. I love him."
A big "AAAAAAAAW!" from the crowd is heard.
"If he was cheating on you, who would you think it would be with."
"Um, I know someone who has always flirted with him, but he has never showed any interest."
"Who is this girl?"
"Well, here she is!" Jerry waves around his hand, and who else is to appear? The skank-ass herself!!! To be exact, the skank-ass in a tube top showing what little cleavage she had and a hot pink miniskirt that showed her underwear when she sat down. Her look was completed by big globs of mascara, 10 inches of blue eye shadow, and bright pink lipstick. That proved to me that she could look even more like a whore than her regular outfit. I was shocked. What was she doing here? After shaking her ass to a crowd of ranting men, she sat down and looked straight at me.
"What, you mean Brock is cheating on me?"
"Well, not exactly. Well, not yet anyway."
"Phew! You really scared me for a moment."
"Well, do you wanna meet Brock?" Jerry yelled.
"Yaaaa!" screamed the crowd.
"Here he comes!" Jerry did his usual wave and Brock comes out (in his usual outfit). He looked at Misty and me with a questionable face. He sat down.
"Hi Brock, Misty has something she wants to ask you. Misty..." introduced Jerry.
"Brock, well I just want...well, would you like to have a threesome with me and Ash?"
"No! I love Haley!"
"I was afraid you would say that, but maybe this will change your mind." Misty walks over to Brock, throws him on the floor, sits on him and makes out with him. The struggling Brock was no match for the skank-ass. I jumped up, but Steve (the bald bodyguard) had already caught me. A huge rage was pouring through me. Brock finally was able to shove her off. I ran backstage. I had to have or I would have ripped Misty's head off. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around. It was Brock. "I'm gonna kick that little whore right our of her ass-tight skirt."
"Calm down. You weren't the one who had to taste globs of lipstick." I couldn't help but laugh, he always helped me out. "I think you may want to see something Haley, I think I saw Tracey in the hallway."
Brock and I ran to the greenroom where there were monitors. We watched the show. Who came on next...Ash!
"Misty, I had my own question to ask you. And that is, what about Tracey?"
The fatty walked onto stage.
"Well, even if Tracey is a fatty, sure."
"Wait guys, first I think I should share something with you," replied Tracey, "I have a lover, and it's not Ash."
Proffesor Oak walks out.
"Well, Ash,"said the constipated madman,"I have something even more important to tell you. Your father did not die, he didn't run away. You see, I am your father. I was very much in love with your mother, and still am. I'm sorry Tracey, but I'm cheating on you."
Delia walks out. "Sam, I think I need to tell you something. I have been cheating on you too. With someone very high, Giovanni."
Giovanni walks out.
At that point, Brock and I ecscape.

Back to the Brock Page
Memory One:The Meadow
Memory Two:The Beach
Memory Three:The Rose Garden
Memory Four:The Double Date
Memory Five:The Eiffel Tower
Memory Six:The Keg Party