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The Keg Party

"Are you sure this will be safe?"
"Sure, why not?" asks Brock.
"Well, it is a keg party held by a talking Meowth."
"Well, it's better than a keg party held by a rabid hobo."
"I guess your right. Meowth has been a really good friend to us."
"Ya, he's a great guy. Or cat."
"Well, here we are." I rang the bell. A drunken, drooling Ash answered.
"Well, hEllO! WaZzUp My HoMiE g'S"
Meowth shoved Ash out of the way. "I knew you guys would be here soon. That's why I laid off the vodka. Come on in we have about 300 kegs here. No exaggeration. Brock, you may want to stay away from Misty. For some reason, wine makes her feel extra, well take a look for your self." We both glanced over at Misty. She was leaning on James' shoulder with crossed eyes and a wine glass in her other hand. Eyes glazed, she tried to wave at us but instead hit a raging Jessie in the head. "Weh hi thar Brrockie! Yer jus' in time fer th' fun. How much ya wanna bet I take off m'clothes right here fer ya?"
James pushed her off of him, causing her to nearly fall onto Jessie. Jessie pushed her the other way, but James stepped out of the way and the drunk fell onto the floor unconcious.

Meowth closed the door and all of us that were still conscious (Ash, Meowth, Brock, Tracey, me and J & J) sat around a table drunk as that old wino that I met in Paris.
"HeY yOu GuYs! WhY dOn'T wE pLaY a LiTtLe TrUtH oR dArE,"I suggested.
"SoUnDs SwElL tO mE! i Go FiRsT! TrAcEy, TrUtH oR dAre?"asked Jessie.
"I fEeL lIkE a DaRe."
"AlRiGhT, ThErE's AlWaYs BeEn SoMeThInG My EyEs HaVe BeEn DrEaMiNg Of SeEiNg. I dArE yOu To MaKe OuT WiTh HaLeY!"
Brock grinned,"ThIs OuGhTa Be SoMe GoOd ShIt!"
Tracey lunged at me and slobbered all over my mouth and IN my mouth.
"WoW!" he exclaimed after the kiss.
"My TuRn. JaMeS!" I slurred.
"I'd LiKe T'sEe YoUs In ThEm FaKe BoOb BiKiNi!"
James staggered into the backroom and came back with luckily the top and bottom part on the right halves, but his boobs were on his back.
"MmM, tHeM bOoBiEs LoOk PlEaSiNg!"Brock exclaimed and squeezed the bubbles. After 5 minutes of pleasure, Brock grew tired of squeezing. James decided that the bikini was rather comfortable and stayed in it the rest of the time.
"BrOcK, sInCe YoU gOt To SqUeEzE mY bOoBs, YoU gEt To StRiP fOr All Us!"
Jessie stumbled over to the cd player and turned on "Let's Get It On." Brock jumped on the table. (As well as he could being drunk and all.) He immediatley whipped off his vest and swung it over his head. We all cheered as he threw his vest on the ground and began to roll up his shirt. (I am glad Misty was unconscious then.) When his shirt was off, we threw beer on his chest and began to stick dollar bills in his pants. (We later discovered the were just pieces of scrap paper.) He then began to unbuckle his belt. next the zipper was loose. And the pants came down! Luckily, he had on boxers. Just as he became to take them off, he threw up on the floor and fell backwards on the couch. 5 minutes later, we had all passed out. All I can remember about the morning was a huge hangover. And lots of snores. LOTS and LOTS of snores.

You are very lucky I have shared this experience with you. I don't like to talk about the fact Brock squeezed James' fake balloon tits. Please let me forget about Tracey!

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Memory One:The Meadow
Memory Two:The Beach
Memory Three:The Rose Garden
Memory Four:The Double Date
Memory Five:The Eiffel Tower
Memory Seven:The Jerry Springer Show