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The Love Connections of Brock

This page is devoted to the many love connections of Brock. You can see the lovelives of others by Dee here. Of course, I'm trying to mostly point out observations here becuase I seem to switch opinions alot. Somedays I'm a Pokeshipper, and then I'm a Egoshipper. I never seem to make up my mind. Now we shall begin.

Brock + Misty

This is a popular pairing, and I do see a connection between them. There are a few problems though. The biggest one being Ash. Even though I do agree with this pairing, I don't think the series will end with them being together because Ash is the hero, and the hero gets the chick. Brock is sort of the older brother of the group too. The few hints of this pair is when Brock blushes at the picture of the mermaid (who he doesn't know is Misty) and when he dances with her. Of course, he does seem to talk to her easily, but all you gymshippers will have to face that Misty is most likely going to end up with Ash.

Brock + Jessie

Term:Brocketshipper(Also used for Brock + James)

This would never work. They have no attraction to each other whatsoever. Once, he commented she looked good in an outfit, but that was just some stupid thing the American dubbers put in. He also one time handed her a blanket in "Forest Grumps", but Brock's just a sweetie and would do that for anyone. So, there isn't much. Plus, James has a thing for her. You can tell Brock would definetly not be Jessie's type since he is not a cross-dressing feminine heterosexual.

Brock + Officer Jenny

Term:don't know it

One of Brock's favorite girls. Well, this person actually counts as about a million. I think its hilarious how he can tell the difference between them. Except for the Jenny in the ep "The Little Big Horn", she's usually pretty rude to him.

Brock + Nurse Joy

Term:don't know it

Brock, as everyone knows has a HUUUUUUGE crush on Nurse Joy, but Nurse Joy doesn't seem to really like him that much. Nutse Joy is usually nice to him though. I think that the Nurse Joys are a lot nicer to Brock than the Officer Jennys are for the most part.

Brock + Suzi


*Sigh* A huge dissapointment. At first, I was really hoping this could be a great long-term relationship for Brockie. They made a wonderful connection when they first met. Suzi even gave him Vulpix! Then, in Johto, we find Brock had been emailing Suzi, and he finds she's entering a beauty contest, so he goes and meets her. (This is a really awesome ep-James AND Brock were yummy). There they decide to be partners when they enter the contest with Vulpix. (This whole time, Brock had given her a very beautiful bouquet of roses and he's wearing a white suit just for her.) So then, a guy named Zane comes into the picture (if you watch Slayers, he has Hellmaster Phibrizzo's voice ^_^;). Zane and Suzi have been friends for a long time (since preschool!) and even then, they both wanted to be pokemon breeders. The only thing they don't agree on is that Zane focuses on the outer beauty, and Suzi on the inner. (NOT THIS DAMN STORY LINE AGAIN!) When Zane leaves the table with his Ninetails, Suzi says,"He's a sweet guy" and then looks at Brock. "Oh, I'm sorry Brock. You're sweet too." >:( Anypoo, stuff happens, bla bla bla. At the end, Suzi and Zane decide to work as a team. (This means they'll be sleeping with each other after work everyday Ahhhh...I didn't that) But there's a really sweet part where Zane says to Brock,"Suzi was right, you really are the best." Suzi did think Brock was a good not that kind! Basically, this would have been an awesome couple, but Zane and Suzi are going to be together and that's all there is to it. Ah well, poor Brockie, you tried. You'll find that special someone! Oh, there's something I gotta mention though. At one point, Misty says, "Poor Brock." SHE KNOWS HOW HE FEELS! One less person for Brock, brings him closer to Misty (unless that one less person IS Misty ^_^;)

Brock + The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

Term:don't know it

The Ghost of Maiden's Peak was one of my favorite episodes. It was one of the first episodes that Pokemon lightened up. And, it was the only girl James has flirted with. I think the Ghost was a bit too serious for Brock. But, maybe she and Brock could have had something if she didn't already have that handsome, brave knight and if she wasn't 2 thousand years older than him. O_o

Brock + Jynx

Term:don't know it

Brock doesn't show ANY interest in this pokewhore. But in the episode, Holiday Hi-Jynx, Jynx gives Brock a HUUUUGE hug. You can see Brock's reaction.

Brock + Duplica
When I really started getting into Pokemon, I was surprised to see that most people think Duplica and Ash would make a good couple. I saw the episode," Ditto's Mystery Mansion", or something like that, before I really got into Pokemon. I noticed a connection between the two. (Oh, and this has nothing to do with anything, but I think Duplica and Ditto are awesome!) I know the whole Ashyboy nickname that Duplica gave him, and I know that Brock said,"a little too young," but so what! I give nicknames to people all the time. Hell, I call people sweetie! And for the too young thing, he'll just have to learn that the 20 somethings Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys are NOT going to flirt back with him. (Sorry, Brockie. I know that just breaks your heart.) Besides, he didn't say that she was DEFINETLY too young. It wouldn't be nearly as bad as Proffessor Oak and Mrs. Ketchum. EWWWWW! 60 YEAR OLD MAN WITH 30 YEAR OLD WOMAN! EEEEEEEWWW! Anypoo, when they were reciting the TR motto, they had Misty and Ash say something, and then BROCK AND DUPLICA say something else. I know it really sounds like I'm a Fantasyshipper, but really I'm not. I'm just surprised there aren't that many out there.

Brock + Melanie
Term: Don't know it
She appeared in a very episode called, "Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village." She gave Bulbasaur (I love his voice. BulbaSAUR!) to Ash. But, she saved Brock's life. He fell from a bridge and began to go down stream when Melanie came and saved him. Like Brock, she loved to care for Pokemon and kept abused and abandoned pokemon to then set out in the wild again. When Misty noticed that Brock and Melanie had a lot in common, she began to tease him. He would then...punch her in the head. O_o This was a beginning to when he got into girls. He blushed, but he didn't make any corny pickup lines. He did want to stay with her though. (He was a perfect victim for Proffesor Ivy since the begininng.)

Brock + Florinda
Term: Don't know it
This girl appeared in,"Make Room For Gloom". I thought it was funny how Brock smashed his head against the window when he saw her. Anypoo, she owned a greenhouse. She wanted Gloom to evolve, and even used a leaf stone. (Even though it was a fake from TR) Brock gave her the courage and confidence to realize just how strong Gloom is. At the very end, Florinda thanks him and says she would love to stay at the greenhouse with her perfect guy. Brock then turns around and begins to declare his love for her. When he turns back around he faces...Ash. Florinda's "perfect guy" was a man who worked with her at the greenhouse. He has the voice of...TRACEY! AAAAAAAAH!

Tracey + Tracey

You can obviously see why I put this here.
My Fave Couple
I know I said that I'm not really a shipper of any sort. But, I have found ONE couple that I agree with. It has a name. Go here to see what couple I mean.

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Go here to see the connection between Wilhemina + Brock
