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Memory One:The Meadow

It was a beautiful spring day, but my life that day wasn't as beautiful. I had run away from home for my father was ordering me to marry someone I had not even yet met. I ran and ran and ran till I could run no more. I collapsed in a meadow blooming with wildflowers and tulips. I fell asleep until I heard a gentle, yet manly voice whispering, "Haley! Haley! Wake up."
I looked up into black slits and my heart melted. "How did you find me?" I asked.
"I heard you were gone and my heart told me you would be here. Haley, I have come to tell you that I love you! I want you to run away with me."
"Oh, Brock!!! I have been waiting for this moment for so long!"
Then he stands and helps me up. His hair and silk shirt blow in the wind. It reveals his soft, yet masculine chest. He lifts me up onto his chestnut mare and we ride off into the sunset.
Before I knew it, we had reached a hotel in Paris, France. He carried me to our fireplace lit room and placed me on a bed full of rose petals. He brushes his lips against mine. Then he says, "Make love to me Haley!"
And we make sweet passionate love by the fire.

I'm so sorry about the last line! I just love that quote though! I always say that on the game, the Sims. I would never do that! That's just gross! EW! BAD THOUGHTS! Back to The Brock Page

Or go on to
Memory Two: The Beach
Memory Three: The Rose Garden
Memory Four: The Double Date
The Eiffel Tower
Memory Six:The Keg Party
Memory Seven:The Jerry Springer Show
