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The Scariest Pokemon Ever

There is one pokemon in Pokemon (man that is confusing) that really sort of well, scares me.
And the pokemon is...


Sure, he looks all friendly and sweet, and he would be cute, except for one thing. WHY THE HELL DO THEY HAVE TO SHOW HIS/HER NIBBLUMS?!?!? Look at this picture, it's like they're trying to ACCENTUATE its nibblums! I mean, come on, I know cows have udders, but they can do whatever they want, so can't they remove those nibblums? They already have some people going crazy on them for Jynx and then they make this Miltank with NIBBLUMS! My friend dckyoung (a founder of the club, Brock's Pokemon Leaguetold me once that there is something called Miltank's Milk or something like that where if a pokemon drinks the Miltank's milk and it's health is regained. And then he said, but I hope they put the milk in a saucer. O_o I agree with him though. That would be funny if they ever show that on Johto, and Ash had to milk it. Or maybe if Ash caught one, and then Professor Oak says,"Oh Ash, you caught a Miltank. Why, they are extroadinary pokemon. I would love to borrow that from you to do some experiments." And Ash, without realizing what Professor Oak REALLY wanted, would send Miltank to the Professor. You may think I'm crazy, and I sort of am, but I do believe Miltank is a scary pokemon, and for Professor Oak, a sexy pokemon.

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