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The Injustices of Brock

Has anyone noticed that Ash and Misty (especially Ash) gets all the good stuff and never does anything to earn it? Who does most of the work? BROCK! Here is my evidence:

The most important time in a child's life is when it is young. Who took care of Togepi when it was still an egg?


But, who got to keep Togepi?


My fellow Brock fans, why is this so? Why must Brock do the hard part, and then not get to enjoy the fun parts?

Wouldn't Brock have made a nice father for Togepi?

Hell, Meowth would have made a better parent than Misty!

But no! Brock was sunk while Misty was having the time of her life. And yet, Brock is still nice to both of them.


Yes, that's true. This has been going on for quite a while. Even from the earliest episodes Ash and Misty have been taking the incredible miracles that Brock has created. (Well, at least one of them didn't take Stantler.) In the episode, "Charmander, The Stray Pokemon", Ash, Misty and Brock find a sick charmander sitting on a rock waiting for his master. They go to a pokemon center leaving the stubborn charmander. While Misty and Ash are stuffing their mouths full of food, Brock is thinking of charmander. The three overhear a guy named Damian talking to his friends about how he left his charmander. Then Brock, being the incredible guy who stands up for what he cares about, goes up to Damian, grabs his shirt and yells at him. (Brock looked sooo sexy!) Nurse Joy comes before they start a pokemon match, and Damian and his friends run off. Then, the three run out to get Charmander and bring him back to take care off him. He gets better, Charmander finds out his master hates him, they fight, blablabla. In the end, who gets Charmander? STUPIDASS ASH! That's who!!! And then, when it gets to be a powerful Charizard, HE LETS IT GO! What kind of appreciation is that?

Lt. Surge's Raichu
In the episode, "Electric Shock Showdown", Ash and Pikachu battle Lt. Surge and Raichu for the Lightening badge, (or the thunder badge, I don't remember. ^_^;) Well, the first time the get beat. Ash is about to evolve Pikachu, but Pikachu doesn't want to be evolved. But, he still wants to beat it. Brock (BEING THE COOL PERSON HERE WHO GETS NO CREDIT!), has a plan. Since Lt. Surge evolved Raichu as soon as he got it, he didn't learn the fast agility skills he would have learned. So Ash and Pikachu use their agility moves to beat Raichu, and he gets a badge. Once again, Brock saves Ash's butt! This wouldn't bother me so much except that Misty says,"Hey Ash, you got a badge on your own." HA! YA RIGHT!

There will be more coming! (There's just too many to point out at once, or to point out all of them for that matter.

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