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Top Ten Things to Do at a Pokemon Movie

An experience at pokemon movie at a theatre usually consists of being surrounded by little kids who scream, "That's Pikachu!" and stares from adults when you laugh at a James scream. Well, here's some things to make it more fun.

10. Nickname the main pokemon, and keep calling it that throughout the movie. (Entei-poptart, Lugia-pimpdaddy)
9. Sit by someone you don't know, and keep telling them information about the pokemon they don't care about.
8. Whenever Ash makes a suicide mission, yell "Oh no!" really loud.
7. If a little kid looks back at you with a wierd face, suck on a straw and just keep staring back, even if they aren't looking at you anymore.
6. Laugh abnoxiously at the stupid puns.
5. Sing along to the songs loudly.
4. At sappy moments, blow on your shirt.
2. Tell someone next to you in a seductive way, "I love Brock's fire and rock pokemon. They're hot and hard.
1. Tell that person again in a seductive way, "I want to battle Brock's GIANT Onyx. (Emphasize the words battle and giant.)

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