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Tracey & Brock's Pics

Tracey and Brock with *drool* their shirts off. Kinda crazy that they're arms are in the same position, isn't it? It's sorta funny cuz I had to cut Ash out of both pics with his short shorts.

Aw! They're both blushing!

Pokeball go!

Pokeball go...uh, again! ^_^;

Who has NOT gotten kicked by Misty? Actually, I just figured out that Tracey isn't actually getting kicked by Misty, she stepped on his foot and they showed him screaming in the corner. ^_^; But hey, they both are getting hurt by her and their heads are in the same spot.

They are both so sweet to Togepi! Hell, even Tracey should get Togepi instead of Misty. Actually, now that I think of it, Misty should get Togepi BECAUSE IT IS SOOO DAMN ANNOYING!

Their idols. Suzie...and Samuel.

Round Three: Their Background
I'm sick of Tracey! Back to the Brock Page!