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Tracey & Brock's Personalities

Brock and Tracey were both the third wheel on Pokemon, they're both smart, they're both about the same age, same weight, and same height, but they're still two compeletely different people. ^_^; They don't look alike of course, but I mean personality wise. I don't think we've seen Tracey cook that much. In fact, NEVER! Except for in "A Way Off Day Off" when he made those...fruit sandwhiches. O_o *ahem* Their hobbies are a huge difference. Sketching vs. cooking and cleaning. Another is their dream careers. A pokemon watcher and pokemon breeder don't have too much in common. (Except for of course they both have to do with pokemon) Tracey is quite shy, especially when it comes to women. While Brock on the other hand will tell the stupidest pick up lines to any girl he lays eyes on. Some people say Tracey is more observant because he mentioned that Ash and Misty liked each other. I think Brock was probably just as observant about that as Tracey, he just knew them enough to know to keep his mouth shut or get an ass-kicking. I think the biggest difference between Tracey and Brock though is their idols. Brock's idol is a pretty young girl with the spunky name of Suzi who owned a Vulpix. Tracey's idol is an old,ugly fart with a funny voice who keeps pokemon like Muk and Heracross and has the name of Samuel. Quite a difference, isn't there?

Round 2: Pictures
I don't care about this fat pig! Back to the Brock Page!