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Notable Side Characters

In almost every episode of Pokemon there is a character that comes in the show never to be seen again. However, some we remember and appreciate more than the others. Although they are not talked about much, some are still very important to the show. Here are some of my favorites:


I think she is notable because she was just so damn cool. I loved Duplica! She's smart, nice, talented, and funny. She was much cooler than Ash even though she was around his age(well, that isn't saying much). Plus, she made Brock get into that hot TR outift. lol. She was featured in the episode,"Ditto's Mysterious Mansion," and just like I had hoped for, I discovered that she is to be in an upcoming episode! :) WOOOHOOO! I found it on the episode guide at Bulbagarden. (I think I have a link to that somewhere but I'm too lazy to put it here.) It said The Return of Imate! And then Duplica next to it, so I'm for sure that it's her! However, it won't be for a LOOOOOONG time.


He wasn't one of my favorite characters, but I still remember him well. The reason is because Brock stood up to him, and that was one of my favorite scenes that Brock had. He was the neglecting trainer from the episode,"Charmander, The Stray Pokemon." He neglected Charmander and left him there stranded. I think this may have something to do with Charizard not obeying Ash later on. Well, maybe it had nothing to do with it. Or maybe Ash is just an idiot.


This is one of my favorite characters because he has a very distincive voice (I like different sounding voices) and also because even though he seemed mean to his pokemon, he really cared about them deep inside.

Suzie was the breeder who gave Vulpix to Brock. (I think I may mention this a hundred times throughout the website) Brock was her number one fan, and probably in the future will be her competetor, or her number one MAN! :) Featured in the episode, "Pokemon Fashion Flash", it is rumored she will be in an upcoming episode.

Dr. Procter

I put him in here simply for two reasons: as an example of the stupid puns 4 Kids Entertainment makes, and because Jesse hit on him.


Who could forget her? James's dominatrix fiance who has disturbing relating looks to Jesse. This was definetly a huge character and a huge episode. If you don't know much about her (which you should if you are a true Pokemon fan, unless you are a trading card and game fan) go to Dee's Rocket CornerShe has plenty of info there. Also, you can go there for info on James's parents and Butch and Cassidy.

I never saw this episode, but Meowsie was in "Go West, Young Meowth." Meowth fell in love with her, and in order to impress her, he learned English. AND he learned how to talk in English with a New York Accent. :) But, Meowsie called him a freak and went with a persian. Those damn persians! Taking all of Meowth's favorite things! Ah! If you would like to see a picture of Meowsie. Go to Shywold's Team Rocket Pics page here.


Featured in, "The Problem with Paras", this trainer wanted to evolve her Paras so that she could get the mushrooms off its back to make a potion or medicine or something like that. When Meowth wasn't feeling well, she hepled him. This led the young cat to fall in love with her. Poor Meowth. Another love lost.

Chopper and Tyra

These two bikers were part of the gang in the episode,"The Bike Bridge Gang." They were huge fans on James and Jesse. James for his use of training wheels, and Jesse because she swung a chain over her head when she rode. The coolest line in this episode was James when he said,"You're...looking good, Chopper." HAHAHAHAHA! Man, he sounded gay there. No offense to Dee.

The Eevee Brothers

These 4 brothers were featured in,"The Battling Eevee Brothers." Pyro, Rainer and Sparkie wanted their brother Mikey to evolve his Eevee into what they thought was the best evolution, but little Mikey just wanted to keep Eevee the way it was. Misty helps out Mikey by giving the advice to just tell his brothers how he feels. He does, and the except it saying,"Now we realy are the four Eevee brothers." Don't you just love their hair?


This character was featured in,"Wake up, Snorlax." He helped bring water to some town by waking up the snorlaz with his Pokeflute. I love this guy because of 2 reasons. He has a cool voice, and he's a cool HIPPI! HAHAHAHA!

Bulbasaur Boy

He was featured in,"Hypno's Naptime", and was one of the several kids hypnotized to act as a Pokemon. This guy's name is supposedly Arnold, but I don't care. I just think he looks funny!

Brock's Sisters and Brothers

There's a million of them! Well, actually there are 9(not including Brock). It's almost disturbing how everyone in Brock's family looks alike. Well, no it IS VERY DISTURBING. Even though we only see them for a little bit, we will always remember them. But one question, what are all their names?


Again, looks so disturbingly like Brock. Like Brock's siblings, we only see him in,"Showdown at Pewter City." This is Brock's Dad who left his family to become a great Pokemon master. He failed, and never returned because he was so ashamed. Instead he stayed outside of Pewter City disguised as a hobo who sold rocks. Uh? Rocks? Right...anyway, he helped Ash to beat Brock. Even though it still didn't help. He only won because of the stupid water pipes. Well, Flint finally does return so that Brock can follow his own dream to learn more about breeding pokemon. Or maybe to learn about breeding and pokemon. Heheee...get it? I don't like to see Flint because he looks like Brock, except ugly. Except, Brock has a much better personality.

I got most of these pics from here.I don't know what this place is called, I found it on a search engine. It's cool though, I recommend you look at it. It has some other characters I didn't mention. Some of the pictures I already had. It seems pretty accurate too. Except, they said Flint left to help his rock-selling buisness and that isn't how it happened. Anypoo, check it out. I got the flint pic from Brock-O-Rama

Go here to see another secondary character:Wilhemina
Or go back to the Brock Page!
