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Party Hearty!
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Welcome to Dee and Haley's Pokémon Partay! We're just another couple of crazy animé addicts who got bored and decided to make a site! The only difference between us and the others is... WE'VE GONE COMPLETELY INSANE! YAHAHAHAHAHA...

First thing's first: We don't own Pikachu, Ash, or any of the other Pokémon peeps (though Haley wishes she owned Brock)

Well, now that the legal crap's been taken care of, let's get on to the good stuff!

This site has a few nifty li'l pages and we've made. "Ii Kanjii" (Team Rocket), "Spikes, Slits and Sweet Love" (Brock), and "Old Fart: A Shrine to Professor Oak." Please, don't ask. Haley got bored. All are constantly (or whenever we get the chance) being updated, so come back lots for nifty new shtuff!

Ii Kanjii! A Team Rocket Shrine!
Spikes, Slits, and Sweet Love: The Brock Page!

Old Fart: A Shrine to Professor Oak

Click here to see a special interview with Eric Stuart!
Special Thanks to...
Our (One) Award(s)
The Owners of the Partay!

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