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Thanks and Credits

Yes, yes, TFL was so kind as to make a special page for thank you's and stuff. Who knows, if you'll help us out, you might find your name here...

1) First off, I'd like to thank Trixie for all her help. Thanks gurly, I couldn't have done it without you! ~Ryoko1717 ("Aw, geez, why'd you do that? You did most of it, Ryoko... ~Trixie)
2) I'd like to thank Ryoko1717 for starting this site! There, got you back >p ~Trixie
3) Thanks to Lessel Charis for our first two banners!
4) Special thanks to Nikki, for all you've done. You'd better visit us both soon, or we'll be after your butt!
5) I would personally like to thank all those who have bestowed upon us awards.. It's so sweet of you! ~Trixie ("You sound like someone from medievil times there, Trix..." ~Ryoko1717)
6) Extra-super special thanks to those of you who gave us graphics!
7) And last but not least, thanks to Japan for creating anime! Woo-hoo! ~Ryoko1717 ("Now that was...stupid...really...stupid..." ~Trixie)
8) We'd both like to thank Holly at CHU for helping us with our Award Form, and for her awesome FanArt! You rock, girlfriend!

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