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Fan Pictures

Tenchi with his kewl sword-laser thang!

People have actually given us their FanArt to display! Wow! Thanx to all the people who made it possible! Oh, yea, and to all those people who've asked us why we use links instead of thumbnails...thumbnails take a loooong time to load, so accurate links are much better in our books.

A colored Washuu picture by Unknown
A neat picture of Ryoko by Ryoko Masaki
A cool headshot of Ryoko by Ryoko Masaki
Another kewlio headshot of Ryoko by Holly
An awesome profile of the bubblehead herself, Mihoshi! by Holly
A pic of Ryoko having summer time fun! by Holly

A very nicely drawn picture of Achika by KateLee

To send in your own Tenchi FanArt, copy the following fields, and send it in to Ryoko1717!

Your Name/Alias:
Site URL {if you have one}
A description of each FanArt, if possible:

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