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Group Gallery

TFL's infamous Group Shots gallery. Nothing fancy, but it ain't blah either. Feel free to take any image you want, just don't wipe us out! ^_~

Ooo, Aeka and Ryoko cat fight!

Everyone looking into a video camera

Everyone in little crystals, with Washuu standing in the middle

Everyone laying around by the table

The four main characters in a neat little piccie

"Oh, hi Tenchi!"

Everyone dressed up as rabbits! Sasami looks quite funny, though

A ryo-chan flood!

The good and bad sides of Ryoko and Aeka

A good picture of Ryoko and Ryo-ohki

Another good pic of Ryoko & Ryo-ohki, but Ryo-ohki is in her human form

Ryoko and Tenchi

Tenchi and all the girls

The group's in a band! Cover your ears!

A day at the water park

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