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Help Us Out!

If you've read the Updates page, you'll already know about this, but anyways...We're reaching our first anniversary, and if anyone could make a cute lil' image with any or all of the Tenchi characters on it (Anime style or manga style, it doesn't matter) that could say something about our 1st Aniiversary, that'd be great! You'd definately get credit, and maybe a gift from Trixie! She's tops at making all our images, thought she doesn't do it much...-.-;; Just send it to Ryoko1717 with the following information:
1)Your name/alias:
2) Your e-mail address:
3) Your Web site URL (if you have one):
4) A description of the image:
5) What program you used to make it:
6) The image as an attachment, and saved as either .GIF or .JPG

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