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Other Tenchi/Anime Sites

Aw, you're gonna leave so soon? *sniffles* Fine, but make sure you visit some of these sites!

~*Visit Our Just Sister Site*~

Kat's Page

~*Visit Our Tenchi Sister Site*~

~*Visit Our Tenchi Brother Site*~

A site where you can find great Tenchi Wallpaper and almost all the main characters!

This site features loads of anime fan art, plus you can send in your own!

A great site that features lots of MIDIS, MP3s, movies, and much more!

Yet another great site! It's #2 on Tenchi Top 100, and features loads of sugary lyrics, images, and tons more!

This one is #1 on Tenchi Top 100, and it's made completely in Flash! You must have Flash 5 to view it correctly, though.

For all you Mihoshi lovers out there, a great site on the almost Mihoshi-less web! It's not all Miss Sleepy-Head, though!

A site devoted to the little red-head scientific genius!

Ryoko's Realm

One of the oldest (but biggest) Ryoko sites around. It gives great info on the Demon Caller, plus a kewl image gallery!

If you're in need of Tenchi pictures, here's the place to go! This place is totally full of neat Tenchi pics!

A site full of anime downloads, like music, MP3s, and much more!

A neat site with tons to do! Features lots of pictures, animated GIFs, MP3s, and tons more!

A place dedicated to Washuu (hence the name)! Ranked rather high on TT100, and features loads of goodies!

The Tenchi Hangout Spot

This site is SO kewl! It's designed to look like your desktop, and it's just really neat looking! Check it out!

Well, if you're not that smart, this is a shrine to the lovely space pirate. It's really neat, and you can even see how obsessed you are with Ryoko! Talk about a true fan...^_~

And here's an Aeka Shrine...except she spells it Ayeka. Oh well. Anyways, back to the subject. This is similiar to the above link, except totally dedicated to the princess! Go here, all you Aeka fans!

Realm of the Washu

Another shrine, this one to the scientific genius! It's got a really cute layout, tons to do...go visit it!

Tenchi Muyo Always

An awesome site with all the characters! It's really REALLY cute, too!

Eternal Palace

This site is really great! It's got a killer layout, loads to do, and it's just so kawaii! Say it with me this time: Great Site!

Adopt Today!

At this place, you can adopt cute little creatures for your web page! And they're all hand drawn, which is really neat! They're all so cute!

Sugary Adoptions

Yet another adoption site! Except at this one, you can adopt candy and flowers and stuff! It's really cute!

Ghost's Anime Kitties

And another adoption site! But this one's way kawaii! Ghost has hand-drawn a whole bunch of anime characters, and turned them into adorable kitties! They're sooooo cute! Just go here! Go now! GO NOW! ^_~

CHU: Chibi Haters United

This is Holly's site! An anti-chibi site it is, with an awesome layout, and good reasons to hate her! LoL!

Beneath the Shrine

This site ish my friends! It's a baby site, but it's really awesome! Check it out!

Stars of Jurai

A cute site! It has tons o' original content, gives good info, and much more! Awesome!

The Ca-yute Site!

Another one of my friend's sites! This one is mostly about her or people she knows, but the graphics are anime! ^_^()

Kat's Page It has nothing to do with any anime of any kind, but it's the webmistress's fab friend's site, so check it out anyways!

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