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Tenchi Quotes

Here are some of my favorite quotes from Tenchi!

"Just standing next to you makes me look like a criminal!" -Aeka

"I already like you." -Sakuya

"Which do you like better, noodles or me?" -Mayuka

"Let's shake the dew off this lilly, shall we?" -Washuu

"Oh well, another loss. That's the story off my life." -Ryoko

"Something's definately wrong here..." -Mihoshi

"Ryo-ohki can't take you because she's not feeling well!" -Sasami

"No! This can't be true!" -Kiyone

"Tokyo or bust!" -Aeka

"Whatever Sasami's cooking sure smells good..." -Ryoko

"Very well. Let's proceed." -Grandfather

"Where were you when they handed out the brains?" -Washuu

"It cultivates the mind, spirit, and the soul. And we must always cultivate the soul." -Grandfather

"I'm going to Tokyo even if I have to hitch-hike all the way there!" -Aeka

"This isn't a sitcom! We have more important things to talk about!" -Tenchi

"Yo, Tenchi. Hurry up. You need some more exercise." -Sasami

"Help! I'm about to be robbed!" -Father

"Put your stomach on hold!" -Aeka

"Girls? GIRLS?! Where's they go?" -Father

"What are you talking about?! Tenchi's come to save ME!" -Ryoko

"I am the crowned princess of Jurei! You cannot arrest me!" -Aeka

"Go home! Boo! BOO!" -Ryoko

"We're in trouble. You can quote me on that." -Washuu

"Zippity-doo-da, zilch, nada." -Ryoko

"The purple Policeman is my favorite! Just look at those pecs!"> -Mihoshi

"Hey, you at Table 7! There's no flirting in these premises!" -Aeka

"I don't even speak French." -Sasami

"Space Police my butt!" -Kiyone

"Are we gonna eat or are we gonna flirt?" -Ryoko

"I'm so moved! I'm so moved!" -Mihoshi

"I don't even speak French." -Sasami

"Excuse me Washu, but could you call me Little Funaho? I'd like that." -Funaho

"If you make me leave, I'll hate you forever, so there." -Sasami

"Yea, don't you like your daddy better than Tenchi?" -Ryoko

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