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All About...Us!

If you're here, you obviously want to know more about Trixie and Ryoko1717, the weird people who run this site. Read on to find out where you can contact each of us, what we like and dislike, blah blah blah...

How Ryoko1717 describes herself...O.O()

Name: Ryoko1717

Age: 14

Position: Webmistress/President

Other Web-Sites: None

Contact Me At:

How Trixie Describes Her: "Overall, a good person, but don't get her mad..."

How She Describes Herself: "I got more game than a PlayStation!"

Comments: I like cake. *Trixie snickers*

How Trixie Describes Herself

Name: Trixie

Age: 13

Position: Vice-President

Other Web-Sites: It was called Glass Slippers, but it has closed down

Contact Me At: Can't, sorry

How Ryoko1717 Describes Her: "A great gal who knows everything! Not really, I was paid to say that."

How She Describes Herself: "You're just jealous, Ryoko." ("Whatever, Trixie!")

Comments: I hate web-sites that have MIDI music on them, but have no way to turn them off! They bug me!

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