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Sailor Star Healer

English Name: None given
Japanese Name: Kou Yaten("Night Sky Light")
Element of Influence: Light
Age(Season 5, 1995): 15-16
Birth Date: February 8, 1979
Height: 5'0"
Blood Type: B
Hobby: Phtotography
Favourite Colour: Light Blue
Favourite Food: Caviar
Favourite School Subject: Art
Least Favourite School Subject: Physical Education
Strenghs: Keyboard arrangements
Weakness: Physical exertion, sweating

Transformation: Healer Star Power, Make-Up
Attack: Star Sensitive Inferno

  Yaten is truly a bishonen character, he has the biggest attitude problem of the three Lights. He is impertinent, garish, and very conceited. Yaten also, is quite impatient and has a stormy temper. Although, he is very nice to Luna and sshows a special affection for her. Luna, in turn, develops a big crush on him which gets Artimis extremely jealous. Yaten is also responsible for the keyboard arrangments or the Three Lights.

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