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Sailor Mercury

English Name: Amy Anderson
Japanese Name: Ami Mizuno("Asian Beauty of Water")
Element of Influence: Water
Associted Name Day: Wednesday
Age(Season 1, 1992): 13-14
Birth Date: September 10,1978
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Height: 5' 2"
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Chess, computers, reading
Favorite Colour: Aquamarine
Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Least Favorite Food: Yellow-tail tuna (hamachi)
Favorite School Subject: Math
Least Favorite School Subject: None
Strengths: Calculations, memorization, strategy
Weaknesses: Love lettes, relaxation
Goal: To be a doctor

Ami is the reincarnation of the thr Princess of
Mercury, and transforms into thr brilliant fighter,
Sailor Mercury. Ami is the brians behind the Sailor
Senshi and thus was given a pocket computer and
virtual reality (VR) visor by Luna to enhance her
natural talents. Although Ami is naturaly intelligent,
she must study very hard to maintain her near-perfect
grades in school, and her position as the best student
in Japan. Ami first transfered to the eight grade at
Juuban Junior High (Usagi's school) from the "brian
farm", Brighton Academy, and frequently attends
additional schooling in the evenings at the "Esai
Juku"(Albert Einstein School for the Gifted). Ami once
turned down an opportunity to study abroad in Germany,
in order to stay with her friends. Ami weras eye
glasses while reading, has an uncanny talent for video
games, and has a great affection for the third rainbow
crystal carrier, Urawa (Greg). Ami understands better
than anyone the Usagi is not just Sailor Moon, but a
young and emotional teenager. Ami's mother (a
pediatrician) and father (an artist) are separated.
She lives with her mom in Azabu Juuban and hopes to
follow in her footsteps by also becoming a doctor.

Sailor Mercury's Powers + Attaks

1. Mercury Power Make-Up (Mercury Power): Ami's
transformation into Sailor Mercury in the first

2. Shabon Spray (Mercury Bubbles Blast): Sailor
Mercury makes the area foggy with bubbles so the enemy
can't see.

3. Shabon Spray Freezing (Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze):
Sailor Mercury freezes her enemies with bubbles in the
first half of Sailormoon R.

4. Mercury Star Power Make-Up (Mercury Star Power):
Ami's transformation into Sailor Mercury in Sailormoon
R and Sailormoon S.

5. Shine Aqua Illusion (Mercury Icestorm Blast/Shine Aqua Illusion):
Sailor Mercury's power in Sailormoon R and Sailormoon
S that freezes enemies.

6. Mercury Crystal Power Make-Up (Mercury Crystal Power):
Ami's transformation into Super Sailor Mercury in
Sailormoon SuperS and Sailormoon Sailorstars.

7. Mercury Aqua Rhapsody: Super Sailor
Mercury's attack with her harp in SuperS and

8. Mercury Aqua Mirage: used only in the 15
minute "Ami-chan no Hatsukoi" movie special. Ami's
symbol spins into view and is then covered in a ball
of water, while Sailor Mercury holds the ball on the
top of her palm, she ducks, holds out the ball of
water, then stands while spinning which creates a
stream of water around her. She spreads her arms out
like in Shine Aqua Illusion and the water splashes on
the screen. The water spreads away, and a close up of
Ami's eye is seen. She backs away and holds her hands
up together like Yaten does in Star Sensitive Inferno.
The water gathers into her hands then shoots out at
the enemy. In the SNES video games, Mercury Aqua
Mirage is a tornado of water.

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