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Sailor Neptune

English Name: Michelle Kaioh
Japanese Name: Michiru Kaioh("Maturing Sea King")
Element of Influence: Water
Age(Season 1, 1992): 16
Birth Date: March 6, 1978
Astrological Sign: Pices
Height: 5' 4"
Blood Type: 0
Hobbies: Playing the violin, collecting cosmetics, swimming
Favorite Colour: Marine blue
Favorite Gemstone: Aquamarine
Favorite Food: Sashimi(meat strips)
Least Favorite Food: Kikurage(mushrooms)
Favorite School Subject: Music
Least Favorite School Subject: None
Strengths: Playing the violin, painting
Weaknesses: Sea Cucumbers
Goal: To be a violinist
Powers + Attacks

Neptune Planet Power Make-Up (Neptune Planet/Star Power):
Michiru's transformation into Sailor Neptune in
Sailormoon S.

Deep Submerge ([Neptune] Deep Submerge): Sailor
Neptune forms a ball of water with a ring around it,
and fires it at the enemy.

Submarine Reflection: A certain truth is
revealed about an enemy from the reflection of Sailor
Neptune's Talisman, the Deep Aqua Mirror.

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