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Any new information will be at the bottom.

3-9-01 -I just added a new section today!! I added a Glossary of Japanese terms.

3-11-01-Added another section today!! A complete Senshi List.

3-15-01- Hello mina-san! There are a lot o' things coming up for Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon Paradise! I am currently working on animated gifs, and jokes, all I need to do is put the finishing touches ^_* I bet you can't wait!

3-16-01-I'm almost done with the sections I told you about yesterday, but there is one I forgot to mention, a webrings section. I have also TOTALLY changed the layout of my main page as you can see, do you like? Be honest!

3-19-01-Added webrings!

3-21-01-The Jokes have arrived!!

3-22-01- I have been working on animated GIFs and fanfiction sections non-stop and they will most likely be ready by the 25th!!

3-24-01- I have finished the fanfiction section!! I'm really proud of how it came out and I hope you like it! And get ready for animated GIFs!

3-26-01- Hey mina I just noticed that I put the wrong link to my Words of Wisdom Section, there is a lot more to it! But it has been fixed. I have also added a few jokes to my jokes section.

3-31-01- Today I added some poems to Words of Wisdom section. Three are actually mine! I feel so proud! But do ya think they are any good? 4-3-01 -I added animated GIFs, enjoy! I also added a ton of new quotes.

4-9-01- Hey, made a quiz you can take!

4-12-01- I'm working on getting more pics! Soon the Materials Collection will be up! I am also getting doujinshi! For those who don't know, doujinshi is manga drawn by someone other than Sailormoon's creator, Naoko Takeuchi.

4-21-01- Hey mina! The Materials Collection is here! Enjoy!

4-27-01- I made some banners for you to link me! Please link meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Gomen, I got a little caried away...Oh and please send me fanart peoples!

5-5-01- I added the other anime section!! I know it isn't know it isn't too much now but its a good start, right?

5-18-01- NOTICE:I haven't updated in a while cause my computer got ruined!!I'm am sooo mad!! The only reason I was able to write this notice is because of my cousin's computer. So you you probably won't see any new stuff for a while...GOMEN!!This isn't fair!!!!!!:(

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