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Other Anime

For the time being this section will only have links to other anime site and mabey some pictures.

Shoujo Kakumei Utena-

Rinbu Academy-
This is actually a site that I am co-webmaster to! I am very proud of it. I run it with my friend Jason and his cousin Kathleen.'s Shoujo Kakumei Utena Site-
Nice layout with lots o' screen shots and downloads. Really good site.

Peach Girl-

A Peach Flavoured Kiss-
This is one of the VERY few GOOD Peach Girl sites. It has beautiful artbook pics and some info on the manga.(And when I say "VERY few" I mean 1 of 2! Well, that I have seen so far.)

Dragonball Z

The Otaku-
I'm sure you have seen a bunch of links for this site thought my WHOLE page but well, it fits into this catagory.

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