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If you love something set it free,
If it comes back to you its yours,
If it doesn't,it never was.
Life is a song--sing it.
Life is a game--play ti.
Life is a challenge--meet it.
Life is a dream--realize it.
Life is a sacrifice--offer it.
Life is love--enjoy it
-agian suggested by my cousin, did I mention he has a page?
The Dilemma Of My Dreams
The dreams of my future,
For my hopes and my goals.
Make me feel like I'm falling deeper
Into a never-ending hole.

So many possibilities,
A multitude of choices.
And when I finally make a decision,
My mind is changed by many voices.

The voices in my heart,
Give me one conclusion.
And then the ones inside my mind,
Restrict me with confusion.

This dilemma I have to deal with,
Will lead me to my fate.
But I will choose my hearts directions,
For with it I can't debate.
I'm in favor of my heart,

For one solemn reason.
And that is for the mere fact,
It has never led me to treason.
-this amazing poem was written by my best friend, Chibi Chibi a.k.a. Melissa. Of course you can visit her site here.
Fifty years from now it will not
matter what kind of car you drove,
what kind house you lived in,
how much you had in your bank
account, or what your clothes
looked like. But the world may
be a little better because
you were important in the life
of a child.
A happy person is not
a certain set of circumstances,
but rather a person with a
ceratin set of attitudes.
- this inspiring poem was written by my cousin's friend, Mike.
I'm not from here nor from there,
I have no age nor why to come,
To be happy is my color of identity.
The ture color of identity is you,
But, would you'll accept it?
-this poem was written by my cousin, Gus. I helped him write the last two lines of the poem. Oh I didn't mention he has a page did I?
*When and How?

How can love be so painful,
Yet so beautiful at the same time?
How do I tell you what I feel?
How will I build up the courage?

When will I be able to share my feelings freely?
When can I hold you in my arms forever?
When should I say I love you?

When and How?

-I actually wrote a poem! I can't believe it! What do you think, is it good?
*Broken Promises

Your broken promises are killing me deep inside,
Why are you doing this to me?
Your promise was to love me forever,
Now it seems you are drifting farther and farther apart
Is there a reason why you do this?
Have I ever done you wrong?

How can I love you so much,
Even when you brake my heart

These promises you keep breaking,
Are slowly tearing me apart...

-Oh my, I worte another....

Fire is what I feel inside,
When I think of you
Buring within me is a love so strong,
That it makes me do unimanginable things
I don't know how long I can keep these feelings in
If I tell you will you run away,
Will you laugh at me,
Or will you stay?

-Yep, another one by me.

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