Places in Sailor Moon
The following are the names of many places, shops,
and commercial buildings that have been featured,
shown or just mentioned in the first two seasons of
Sailor Moon.
Albert Einstein School for the Gifted
The gifted school that Ami Mizuno and Gurio Umino
(Melvin) attend, known as the
"Esai Juku" in
Japan. Esmarude tries to open a Dark Gate at the
school by filling the area with negative energy
(Episod #72).
Animal Sactuary
A place for stray cats, dogs, and other animals that
Esmarude tries to corrupt with dark power (Episond #72)
Azubu Juuban Dressmaker
A dress shop that specializes in beautiful (though
expensive) wedding dresses.(Episode #13)
Beauty 4 You
A cosmetics shop that is located on the Crystal
Nucleus (or heart) of the future Crystal Tokyo, known
as the "Elegence Shop
Otafuhuya" in Japan
(Episode #55).
Bob-Floy Ice Cream Parlour
This shop is also the first of five star points of the
future Crystal Tokyo (Episode #56).
A Tokyo news station (Episode #67).
Brighton Academy
Ami Mizuno's former school, known as a "brain farm"
(Episode #5).
Brookdale Private School
The junior high school that Rei Hino attends, known
as " T.A private Girls' School" in Japan. (Episode #14).
Cafe Elk
A small restaurant located next to the "The Beauty 4
You" cosmetics shop (Episode#55).
Cherry Hill Temple
A shinto shrine and Rei Hino's home, known as the
"Hikawa Jinja" of Sendai Hill in Japan
Crossroads Junior High
The school that Usagi Tsukino, Ami Mizuno and Makoto
Kino attend, known as
"Juuban Junior High" in
Japan (Episode# 1).
Crown Game Video Arcade
A local arcade and hang out for teens that also serves
as the secret base of operations for Luna and Artimis.
Matoki(Andrew) Furuhata works at the arcade, which is
also known as the "Game Centre Crown" (Episode#2).
Cyrstal Seminar Cram School
The special school (or juku) that Ami Mizuno attended,
and the place where she learned that she was actually
Sailor Mercury (Episode #5).
An amusment park used by Jedite to drain humans of
energy (Episode #8).
Eishindo Books
A book store in a trendy shopping district (Episode #63).
A store that specializes in baby and children clothing
and accessories (Episode #47).
Fancy Omazinai House
A shop that sells crystals, charms, potions and
inexpensive jewellery. The store is located over the
third star point of the future Crystal Tokyo (Episode #59).
FM No.10
The radio station that Jedite infiltrated to air
his "Love Line" show (Episode #2).
Fruits Parlour Crown
A coffee/dessert shop located above the " Crown Game
Video Arcade". The senshi hang out there frequently,
and Andrew's(Matoki) sister, Lizzy, works there (featured in
many episodes).
Grass Valley Junior High
The private junior high school that Minako Aino
attends, known as "
Shibakounen" in Japan
(Episode #46>
Just a few more to go!