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Season Summaries

Here you can find infromation all five seasons of the Sailor Moon series.

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon

This is the beginning of Sailormoon, a beginning that would stretch itself into a long battle that would last years.

In the city of Tokyo resided 7 crystals, when combined, will create the Mystical Silver Crystal. With this crystal, the rightful owner will become more powerful and that person would be the missing princess of the Silver Millenium.

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon introduces the main character of the story, one Tsukino Usagi. The story begins with the young blonde going through ordinary life as she wakes up to realize that she is once again late for school. As she is rushing to school, she encounters a black cat being tormented by a group of small boys. She rescues the cat and removes the bandage on its forehead to reveal a crescent moon symbol. The cat scurries away. Later on, the cat returns again in Usagi's house. She reveals herself as Luna, searching for the one who would fight for justice, Sailor Moon. Usagi goes on a shock, hearing a cat talk, but follows Luna's advice and with the words Moon Prism Power, she transforms into the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. She rescues the victim of the day, her friend Osaka Naru from the demon of the day and her life as an average schoolgirl is no longer existant.

Throughout the series, she meets other friends who are also Sailor Soldiers. Mizuno Ami is the first companion of Usagi's. She comes into the scene as a new student in Juuban School, the smartest amongst her peers as Sailor Mercury. Hino Rei is second, the lovely priestess of Hikawa Temple, who is Sailor Mars. Kino Makoto comes afterwards, the transfer student with the strength of a boy as Sailor Jupiter. Last but not least is Aino Minako, the bubbly blonde as Sailor Venus.

Usagi will also meet another person who would be significant in her life. That person is none other than Chiba Mamoru. He makes his entrance as the man who constantly teases Usagi for her clumsiness and stupidity. Yet, he is also the gallant, handsome Tuxedo Kamen, who races to save Sailor Moon from whatever dilemma encounters her.

Sailor Moon's main opponent in this series is the powerful Queen Beryl, who sends her assistants to gather energy from Earth, for her master, Queen Metallia. With this power, she will destroy the Earth the same way she did the Moon back in the Silver Millenium. Her first general Jedeite, finds out the identity of the three Sailor Senshi, but find his demise in eternal sleep as he failed in his mission to gather energy. Nephlyte is the second general, who gathers energy not from masses of people, but from one person at a time, by determining who had the most energy to give. He encounters death as he protects his love Osaka Naru from harm by Zoicite's minions. The final generals are Zoicite and Kunzite. By this time, they are searching for the 7 people who hold pieces of the Mystical Silver Crystal within them, so they can form the whole crystal. Zoicite discovers the identity of Tuxedo Kamen and demands that he bring the other remaining crystals to Tokyo Tower or else. At this this point, Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon discover each other's identities. It is this series where he does his one and only transformation in the entire Sailormoon legacy.

Everyone eventually discovers the long searched for Moon Princess in none other than Sailor Moon and that her true love was Tuxedo Kamen's other form, Prince Endymion. Even though Sailor Moon had the Silver Crystal, the enemies still kept trying to get it away from her, even going far enough to manipulate Tuxedo Kamen into the forces of evil. No matter how many times they tried, Sailor Moon and her fellow senshi, continued on victoriously. They fought on to defeat the final general, Kunzite and finally, they went to defeat Beryl. After a tough battle between Princess Serenity (with the aid of the ghosts of her senshi friends) and Beryl, Serenity won.

The battle was over, Beryl was gone and the girls had lost memories of their pasts as senshi and returned to their normal lives. It seemed like all was done and peace is finally restored for good. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the case. . . .

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon R

The second chapter of the series starts out with two aliens, Seijuurou Ginga and Natsumi Ginga, trying to gather energy for their tree, the Makaiju, for their survival.

After Queen Beryl and her forces were eliminated by the Senshi, a new beginning seems to come in shape. Everyone has a normal life. Memories of the past as the senshi were gone. Then a new evil arrived. . . .

The new evil was the two aliens, known as Ail and Ann. They planned to gather energy for the survival of their tree and theirs, thinking energy was the only thing that could keep it alive. With this new evil, Luna had no choice but to revive the senshi of their memories as fighters of justice in order to preserve the peace in Earth. The enterance of the Tsukiage no Knight comes as a little replacement for Tuxedo Kamen, since Mamoru had not gotten his memory as of yet. During the series, the two aliens disguised as two sibling students in Usagi's school so they would not be suspected of wrong doing. It was this time where Ann, as Ginga Natsumi, fell in love with Mamoru, and Ail, as Ginga Seijuurou, fell in love with Usagi. This was an inbalanced relationship because Usagi and Ann fought over Mamoru, while Ann was jealous of the fact that Ail had a crush on Usagi and did whatever she could to keep the two apart. Ail on the other hand, tried as hard as possible to be with Usagi, but disapporoved of the fact that Ann liked Mamoru. Mamoru, on the other hand, was confused with all this and thought everyone was crazy. The aliens don't stay long in the series, because soon, they realize the tree needed love, not energy. They leave to start a new beginning with a new style.

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon R Part 2

Part two starts out with a bang.

The future was in great trouble. It seemed like everything would doomed forever. Only one hope remained. The past and the Silver Crystal. . . .

The series starts out with Usagi and Mamoru out on a date, after Ail and Ann left to start a new life. By this time, Mamoru had regianed his memory, and they started to begin a life as a young couple. They go boating and then they're on the dock, kissing. Suddenly, something crashed on top of them, knocking Usagi away. Usagi opens her eyes and sees that a little pink haired girl was kissing him. Usagi demands to know who she is. She claims to be Usagi Tsukino and that she is looking for the Silver Crystal. She leaves and the two are mysified. The Ayakashi sisters (Cooan, Beruche, Caraberas, Petz) come into the scene, trying one by one to get the "rabbit," which was Chibi-Usa and to destroy the crystal points that would eliminate the future city, Crystal Tokyo. The senshi also meet other strong enemies of the Black Moon, named Esmeraude and Saffiru.

The mystery of Chibi-Usa never came out until somewhere in the middle when Chibi-usa finds out the identity of all the sailor senshi and Tuxedo Kamen and takes them to the future to save her mother. She takes them to her home, Crystal Tokyo, where they first meet the isolated senshi, Sailor Pluto, who leads them to the city, where Chibi-Usa's mother lay sleeping in the crystal palace. Here, they meet a mysterious man who looked like Tuxedo Kamen, who told them the entire story of the future and how it came to be. He also told them how Chibi-Usa is also the future daughter of Usagi and Mamoru and how he and the queen are their future selves, which comes as a shock to them all, especially Sailor Mars, when she finds out Chibi-Usa is Usagi's daughter.

Soon, Prince Demando, the older brother of Saffiru, made his entrance in the crystal palace to abduct Sailor Moon, who he realizes is the younger version of Neo-Queen Serenity, who he had fallen in love with. He changes his black moon insignia into a third eye to hypnotize Sailor Moon to be his forever. It never worked though. It was here where Usagi learns of the Black Moon's history and why they invaded Earth. Eventually, through Sailor Moon, Demando realizes the mistake he had done but ends up dying before he could experience what he had searched for.

At the time before Demando died, Chibi-Usa is mislead to think that she is unloved by anyone but by the Wiseman and with the power of the Black Moon, transforms into Black Lady. Her reign did not last long because Sailor Moon was able to use the crystal to awaken Neo-Queen Serenity and to bring Chibi-Usa back to her normal self. Soon after, she along with Chibi-Usa use the two crystals (which Chibi-Usa realizes that it had been with her the entire time) to defeat the Wiseman and bring peace to Earth once again.

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon S

The series starts after the destruction of the Wiseman and the return of Chibi Usa to her home land, Crystal Tokyo. . . .

Something terrible was sweeping across Tokyo, destroying everything within its path. Even the Sailor Senshi themselves were defenseless. . .

Rei awoke from this dream, disturbed at what she had just visualized. She envisioned the world being destroyed by a mysterious force and the senshi themselves losing to it. She is sure something is about to happen to the world, and she didn't know what it was.

She and the other senshi are now in third year of their junior high. They spend the entire series studying for their high school entrance exams. Unknown to them however, the evil Professor Tomoe is working up something up at his lab. He is with his assistant Kaolinite, ready to launch a new battle against the Senshi, in order to bring mass destruction, by searching for the three pure heart crystals that each hold a talisman inside. Together, they would form the Holy Grail and the Messiah will appear. If the Messiah is good, peace will prevail, if the Messiah is evil, the world is in destruction.

The Inner Senshi also meet two new, mysterious people, Haruka Tenou and Michiru Kaiou. Haruka is the tomboyish one, with a passion for race car driving, where as Michiru is the exact opposite. She is the elegant, graceful one, who excels in the world of arts and music. They later find out that these two mysterious people are none other than Sailors Uranus and Neptune. They are also in search of heart crystals with the talismans inside and want no involvement with the Inner Senshi whatsoever. They also meet Hotaru Tomoe, the frail daughter of Professor Tomoe, who befriended Chibi Usa, who returned to the past to train with the others as the senshi of the future.

The Witches 5 also make their debut in this series, as they search for the three pure crystals that hold a talisman and later on a crystal that would be powerful enough to awaken Mistress Nine. The first witch that comes into the picture is Eudial, who died as her car flew off a cliff after the brakes were cut. Then Mimet came into the scene, but she was killed when Teruru pulled the plug of her computer with her still inside it. Teruru then gives a shot at it, but dies when her plant destroys her, since she was near the heart crystals. Viluy and Cyprine/Puchirol come into the scene, but alas, they die too.

The Senshi later find out the carriers of the pure heart crystals were the Outer Senshi themselves (Uranus-Space Sword, Neptune-Deep Aqua Mirror, Pluto-Garnet Orb). The Holy Grail appears and Sailor Moon uses it to transform into Super Sailor Moon. They believed that she must be the Messiah, but change their mind when she reverts back to Sailor Moon, tired. They believed that the Messiah has unsurpassing power and since she was tired, they know felt they now were on a mission to search for the Messiah.

Everyone finds out later that Hotaru was possessed by a force that was awakened by Chibi Usa's pure heart crystal (obviously it was taken away from her). It was this dark force that took over Hotaru and transformed her into Mistress Nine. Believing that Hotaru was still alive inside, Sailor Moon continued to fight to save her, despite what the Outers said. She even gave her the chalice, hoping to revive Hotaru. Unfortunately, she gave it to Pharoah 90, who began to grow with strong powers. The Outers fell in despair, all they had fought for was gone.

Professor Tomoe, who was no longer possessed, called out to his daughter. Finally, Hotaru broke out, saying she wouldn't let this happen to the people she loved and the symbol of Saturn emerged from Mistress Nine's forehead and Mistess Nine was gone, Sailor Saturn in its place. She is about to go inside Pharoah 90 and destroy him from within, until Sailor Moon tries to join her. She refuses to let her and she continues on. Sailor Moon didn't want to let her die and she continuously tried to transform into Super Sailor Moon. Without the chalice though, it seemed impossible. Sailor Moon continued on, and finally, after gaining enough power, was able to transform into Super Sailor Moon and go inside to help Hotaru. Seeing this, Uranus and Neptune realized the identity of the true Messiah, the one who would preserve peace.

After the battle, Sailor Moon emerged, holding a baby in her arms. It was none other than Hotaru. By this time, Chibi Usa gets a letter from her mother telling her to return home. She returns to the future, but comes back because she misses the others, and once again, peace is restored for the time being.

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS

This series revolves around Chibi Usa and dreams.

"Dream, Dream, Do not wonder about dream, A child with dreams, a Dream within a Dream."

The series opens with Chibi Usa's dream of encountering a flying horse, named Pegasus. Around the same time it happens, a new enemy shows up in Tokyo. They are called the Dead Moon Circus and it is headed by Queen Neherenia and Zirconia (although the Queen is the ultimate leader in the plan) . She, along with her henchmen, are in search of Pegasus, the horse in Chibi Usa's dreams. Apparently, Pegasus hid in someone's beautiful dream and in order for them to find him, they have to extract a dream mirror inside of the victim and look into their dreams. The sailor senshi meet enemies such as the Amazon Trio (consisting of Tiger's Eye, Hawk's Eye and Fish Eye) and later on the Amazoness Quartet (consisting of Ves Ves, Palla Palla, Jun Jun and Cere Cere).

It is also discovered in this series that the Dead Moon Circus is in search of the Golden Crystal, the only source of power that could seal the Dead Moon Circus once again if used properly. Pegasus has this crystal, which is why is is sought after. They later find where it is and in order to prevent the death of Chibi Usa (who is trapped in a mirror by Zirconia) releases the crystal. After Queen Neherenia gets the Golden Crystal, her powers have escalated to high points. She finds no more use for her henchmen.

Within the Dead Moon Circus Tent, the senshi encounter Neherenia. Unfortunately, with the crystal in Neherenia's posession, their attacks are found to be useless. But just when the Queen goes to demonstrate her power with the crystal, she discovers she's holding a pineapple. Even though the Amazoness Quartet lost their powers after Neherenia took them, they still had other certain skills. They made the switch and tosses the crystal to Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon tries to use it, but it didn't do anything. The Queen explains that it can only be used only through her own evil power or with the power of people's beautiful dreams (which unfortunately there wasn't enough power left in). It seemed as if it was over, until Chibi Moon comes up and calls upon everyone with beautiful dreams to call out "Moon Crisis Power." Everywhere, many people are calling out, and the crystal begins to glow and an energy beams are emerging from the tent.

The tent begins to disintegrate and Sailor Moon begins to chase after Neherenia, who is carrying the unconscious Chibi Moon. At the top, Sailor Moon finds Neherenia turned gray and old, a contrast to her earlier appearance. It is explained that when Neherenia was a young and beautiful queen, she was told by a magic mirror that she will eventually lose her beauty and youth someday. Horrified by the idea of it, she began to devour the dreams of her servants and subjects in order to stay beautiful. Those servants and subjects became the Dead Moon Circus. Just before she is to go into the mirror world again, she throws Chibi Moon over the high pile of debris, which is really high. Sailor Moon goes after her and catches up with her. Only the Golden Crystal can save them, but Chibi Moon is the only one that can use it and unfortunately, she's unconscious at the moment. But, everyone knows that they do survive (or there wouldn't be a Sailor Stars series, much more a Crystal Tokyo, don't you think?) and they have a happy ending.

Neherenia is seen going back into the mirror, young and beautiful once again, heading back to the Dead Moon, content with the idea that Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon are dead.

Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailorstars

This series revolves around the battles of many senshi, and a conclusion to the series of Sailormoon.

"Around the galaxy are star seeds. The holder of the purest star seed will save the Earth from perishing."

Sailorstars is the 5th and final season to the Sailormoon legacy. The series starts off with the reawakening of Queen Neherenia by this one voice. When Queen Neherenia awakens, she is angered to find out that Usagi and Chibi-Usa are still alive. In fury, she shattered her mirror, the pieces come falling down to earth. A piece flies into Mamoru's eye. Even though he says he's OK, a gleam shines from his eye. The other pieces become monsters and the Outer Senshi come to save the day, pretty much. Not after Baby Hotaru gives them a power up though. Then it's the end of Baby Hotaru. No, she doesn't die. She just becomes a girl around the age of four or five.

Meanwhile, Mamoru is going throught his own problems, which affect Usagi and the other senshi. It becomes evident when Neherenia appears in his mirror. The senshi realize this and before they could do anything, Neherenia kidnaps Mamoru by pulling him into the mirror. Now, not only does Mamoru have a slight problem, Chibi Usa is going through hers, genetically. If Mamoru doesn't come back, well, that's sayonara for her other half of genes.

Usagi, in despair, tranforms into Eternal Sailor Moon. Before, she needed to be powered up by the senshi in order to do it, but not in this scene. She flies off in pursuit. Anyway, the senshi go after Moon and eventually, they all end up in a mirror, even the Outer Scouts. Chibi Usa is fading fast now. After Usagi sees Mamoru, who is now a pretty sad sight, if you ask me, Chibi Usa went bye-bye. Now Usagi is on her own again, and she only has one weapon against Neherenia, her own goodness. Eventually, she wins the battle and Neherenia goes bye-bye too, but not in a bad way. This is really the ending to Sailor Moon SuperS, with everything going back to normal.

BUT!!!!!! Remember the voice that awakened Neherenia to begin with? Well, somewhere in space, she's laughing and it is evidents that there is still a more powerful person than Neherenia.

Now, we go on to the second part of the Stars season. The Galaxian Arc. It starts out with the leaving of Mamoru to America to study abroad and the introduction of the famed Three Lights, which consist of Seiya Kou, Taiki Kou and Yaten Kou. Chibi Usa has already gone to the future to stay . . . permanantly. Many of the episodes start off with Usagi writing a letter to Mamoru, but never receiving any reply. This is a big change from before, now that there is no one to save Sailor Moon in the jams she gets in.

Now that Mamoru is out of the scene, there is an opening for romance. The Three Lights have become students in Tenth Street High, the school Usagi goes to. One Light in articular, Seiya, falls in love with Usagi and is very persistent, not taking no for an answer. He pretty much substitutes in Mamoru's place. Usagi still loves Mamoru, but then there are times when Usagi even wavers a time or two.

Bad guys show up, starting out with Sailor Iron Mouse, who is in search for pure star seeds. She's unsuccessful, ending up with black seeds but she turns them into monsters to fight Sailor Moon and the senshi. Instead of turning them into moondust, Sailor Moon heals them with her Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss attack. Other enemies they encounter are Sailor Aluminum Siren, Sailor Lead Crow and Sailor Tin Nyanko (Tin Cat).

Later on in the series, Usagi meets up with Chibi Chibi, a mysterious girl who flew down to Tokyo in an umbrella. She follows Usagi home and like Chibi Usa, puts her family into a spell, making them think Chibi Chibi is Usagi's sister. No one knows where she came from and why, but Usagi has a strong feeling for this girl and protects her, despite the warnings of Sailor Pluto. It is also this girl that gave Sailor Moon another power up in the series.

During the first battle in Stars episode 173, Moon is all alone, fighting Iron Mouse's first monster. The Starlights (Sailors Starfighter, Starhealer, Starmaker) come into the scene and fight the monster. Their appearance surprises Moon, because now there are more senshi. The bad guys were senshi and the good are senshi, now she's in a mental jam. Throughout most of the episodes, it seems that the main characters are really Moon and the Starlights. Everytime there is a battle, it mostly only has Moon fighting it for the first few seconds and then the Starlights coming in to help her . . . kinda. But, the Starlights are on their own mission, to find their princess, and they don't want to have to do with anything going on with Earth. Conflicts show up later on when the Outer Scouts also want nothing to do with the Starlights. The Inner senshi are jelaous of Usagi, wishing they were in her position (Seiya still has a crush on Usagi, going with her everywhere, going out on a date with her, being her bodyguard for a night).

Eventually, Sailor Iron Mouse goes bye bye just when she finds out Seiya's identity. In comes Sailors Lead Crow and Aluminum Siren. These two are a bunch. Aluminum Siren is a bit of a dimwit and an eater, while Lead Crow is more of an agressive type who work together. Eventually, while Aluminum Siren and Lead Crow are in the picture, a lof of things are discovered. One is when Chibi Chibi transformed into Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon. A drastic turn of events happen when Aluminum Siren discovers Sailor Moon's identity. She then tries to get her star seed in an airplane, episode 188 and in that same episode, the Inners and Starlights find out each other's identity. Aluminum Siren also dies in this episode, leaving Lead Crow to deal with Tin Nyanko (Tin Cat).

Lead Crow also finds out Sailor Moon's identity and tries to get her star seed too. Something happens and Lead Crow is killed. Tin Nyanko shows up and she tries to get the star seed, but Usagi, along with Chibi Chibi are engulfed in the black hole which killed Lead Crow. Suddenly, a light errupts from the black hole and Chibi Chibi is shown, holding something and Usagi is floating high in the sky. Someone appears to be carrying her as the star seed returns to Usagi. That person is revealed to be Princess Kakyuu, the Starlights' princess that they've been searching for.

Eventually, the Starlights and Outers are still in conflict with each other. Seiya is in a bunch of confusion as he thinks of Usagi and Princess Kakyuu. Seiya later gets the point that Usagi will always lover her boyfriend. Later on, in the Three Lights's final concert, Tin Nyanko shows up and attacks. Galaxia shows up and eventually gets the Princess's star seed and she dies.

The Starlights think they have failed in their mission and they don't have anything to live for anymore so they go off to fight Galaxia on their own. Right before Galaxia could get rid of them, the Inner Senshi jump in and take the blast and their star seeds are taken. The Outer Senshi go and battle Galaxia as the Starlights, Moon and Chibi Chibi Moon leave. The Starlights still seem to think that they have nothing to live for until Chibi Chibi Moon talks to them and they realize that they still have something, which is Sailor Moon.

You probably know this part by now, Uranus and Neptune become evil, they exchanged their star seeds for those bracelets and they fought against Pluto and Saturn. Anyway, the Starlights and the Moons come back. Sailor Moon tries to persude Neptune and Uranus that they'e not evil and they become good again and fight Galaxia. No star seed from Galaxia though.

Final battle here people. Moon becomes Princess Serenity and tries to go against Galaxia but she doesn't really want to fight her. She's trying to bring the good Galaxia back. Chibi Chibi's history is shown here, that she is Galaxia's star seed, etc etc. A sword comes in front of Serenity and a voice says to fight Galaxia. Still, she wouldn't fight and Galaxia destroys the sword and Chibi Chibi shows up and she went bye bye too.

Eventually, Serenity brings out the good in Galaxia. End of battle here. Chaos went bye bye too. Then all the senshi, the Inners, Outers and even Mamoru and Chibi Chibi returned. The Starlights are seeing all this and they think Sailor Moon is really something, being able to do all that, even though their Princess is gone. The Princess comes back too and they're really happy about it.

Eventually, they (as in the Starlights, Princess Kakyuu, Mamoru, the cats and the Inner senshi) are on the school roof. Seiya tells Usagi he'll always remember her and Usagi says they'll be friends forever. So much for understanding it. Seiya also tells Mamoru to take care of her. Eventually, the Starlights leave.

Everything is back to normal. Mamoru and Usagi are outside at night under the moon and they kiss. Usagi finally ends the series saying she's Usagi Tsukino, 16 years old, she's klutzy, and that she's the fighter for love and justice, Sailor Moon.

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