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Sailor Venus

English Name: Mina Aino
Japanese Name: Minako Aino("Beautiful Little Child of Love")
Element of Influence: Love(Metal)
Associted Name Day: None(should probably be Friday)
Age(Season 1, 1992): 13-14
Birth Date: October 22, 1978
Astrological Sign: Libra
Height: 5' 0"
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Shopping, acting, chasing idols
Favorite Colour: Yellow and red
Favorite Gemstone: Topaz
Favorite Food: Gyouza(stuffed dumplings), ramen noodles, and curry
Least Favorite Food: Shiitake mushrooms
Favorite School Subject: Physical Education
Least Favorite School Subject: Everything else
Strengths: Relaxing, idolizing others
Weaknesses: The Police
Goal: To become an idol
Sailor Venus's Powers + Attacks

1. Venus Power Make-Up (Venus Power): Minako's
transformation into Sailor Venus in the first season.

2. Crescent Beam (Crescent Beam Smash/Venus Crescent Beam Smash):
Sailor Venus uses two crescent moons to fire an energy
beam from her finger.

3. Crescent Beam Shower (Venus Meteor Shower): Sailor
Venus uses two crescent moons to fire multiple energy
beams from her finger in the first half of Sailormoon R.

4. Venus Star Power Make-Up (Venus Star Power):
Minako's transformation into Sailor Venus in
Sailormoon R and Sailormoon S.

5. Venus Love Me Chain (Venus Love Chain Encircle):
Sailor Venus directs a chain of hearts torward an

6. Venus Crystal Power Make-Up (Venus Crystal Power):
Minako's transformation into Super Sailor Venus in
Sailormoon SuperS and Sailormoon Sailorstars.

7. Venus Love And Beauty Shock: Super Sailor Venus's
attack in which she blows a kiss and throws a heart at
the enemy.

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