Lord Dioncrotin

Name: Lord Dioncrotin Goldsol

Age: Late 30s

Birthdate: Unknown

Birthplace: Gronawei

Weapon: Long Sword

Magic: Earth and Shapeshifting


Quake Avenger: Creates a powerful earthquake with his daggers that causes all enemies to fall.

Shapeshift: Shapeshifts into a red and gold pheonix.

Natural Barrier: Summons his earth powers to form a protective barrier that sheilds him from everything.


Lord Dioncrotin Goldsol comes from the planet Gronawei and was the planet's best general. Gronawei and Seaturnia were always at war and naturally he hates Lord Ognyan. Niterion happened to pick up Dioncrotin from one of his many victories, but he learned soon after Ognyan joined that his beloved planet was destroyed. That was when he began hate Ognyan to the bone and is always picking a fight with him at the worst possible time. Being Niterion's first crony, he is the most powerful of them all after Niterion himself.
