Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete Characters

((all Images on this page are SBM))

Hiro- Hiro is an adventurous youth who has been greatly influenced by his grandfather Gwyn's love of archaelogy. Legends of the Four Dragons, the Dragonmasters, and the Goddess Althena facinate him. Hiro hopes that by unlocking the secrets of the past, he will be able to understand the future. Although Hiro isn't supposted to explore the ancient ruins near his home without Gwyn's supervision, he frequently breaks this rule, taking Ruby with him into the most dangerous ares he can fine. Fortunately, he's pretty handy with a boomerang!

Fuby-Ruby has been Hiro's companion for as long as anyone can remember, and she is very protective of her lifelong friend. (Actually, she thinks Hiro as somewhat more then a friend, but her affections go unrequited.) Ruby claims to be a baby Red Dragon, but nobody believes her, not even Hiro. Ruby has a constant craving for fish, and a bad habit of speaking her mind at the wrong time-just like a certian other "flying cat." Sooner or later, this little wisecracker is about to get Hiro into more trouble than he can get himself out of.

Gywn-Gwyn is an aging scholar who dreams about making his mark in the field of archaeology before he dies. He has devoted his entire life to the study of the Blue Spire and similar ruins, and has become a notable expert. Gwyn has taught Hiro and Ruby how to explore the ancient ruins near their home, though he's warned them never to go there without him. (Being an impetuous youth, Hiro disregards his grandfather's warnings, and frequently sneaks out of the house with Ruby to engage in late-night tomb-raiding.)

Lucia-Lucia is a mysterious young lady with incerdible magical powers, who is haunted by recurring nightmares about the horrible future of Lunar. She also seems troubled by a terrible secret she cannot share. Lucia is woefully naive when it comes to dealing with other people; she has trouble expressing (and containing) her emotions, and looks to Hiro for guidance and protection. She is obsessed with contacting Althena, and begs Hiro to help her find the Goddess. Will her mission cause the ruination of the world?

Ronfar- Ronfar was once a priest in the service of the Goddess Althena, and he posses impressive healing abilities-but when he was unable to save his true love from an evil spell, he swore never to use his magical powers again. He currently resides in Larpa, where he spends his time gambling and drinking. His lucky dice have never let him down, and neither has his considerable charm. Ronfar is a womanizar who's always conserned about the fairer sex, and all the ladies are all too eager to return his affections!

Jean-Jean is a fan dancer in a caravan of nomadic preformers, and the star attraction of the Mandoria Carnival. She's a tomboy who tends to be a bit overbearing at times, and she dosen't often devolp strong relationships with other people. Jean is an extermely talented fighter, but she has yet to tell her fellow preformers of her martial-arts skills. Jean's dark past is about to catch up with her, and it won't be a pretty sight!

Lemina-Lemina is the Junior Premier of the Magic Guild of Vane. Unlike her mother, Miria, she dosen't seem to understand the legacy of the great magicians who once inhabited this ancient city, and she dosen't seem to possess any of their noble qualities. Insted, she seems to be a very selfish and arrogent brat whose only convern is money. Yet, at times, she does allow people to see her softer side. Despite her greedy demeanor, her magic skills are exteremly powerful-but can Hiro afford to have her in his party?

Leo-This noble Beastman is the leader of Althena's Guard, a group of elite soldiers sworn to uphold the orders of the Goddess. Althena has granted Lord Leo the use of the Dragonship Destiny, which allows him to roam the world of LUNAR and protect its inhapitants from danger. Leo's skill as a swordsmas is unmatched by any human. Leo is currently searching for a Destoyer that has come to LUNAR. Can Hiro help him find it?

((all summarys come from the Offical Lunar 2 Eternal Blue COMPLETE Stragety Guide))
