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{I will edit that image sometime. Don't worry.}

Now that I have had the opputunity to fully experience an anime convention, I want to share that with anoyone who needs some pointers or just like hearing about what other people do......O.o In this section, I will do many things:

1) Give some tips for those going to a con.

2) Share some interesting things that happened.

3) Possibly put little pictorial interperetations of certain things.

{Okay, so it's not quite that many things. Oh well.}

Things to Remember

*In no particular order*

1) Take a lot of money. You will die in the Dealer's room otherwise.

2) Just because you think you will hate something doesn't mean you should avoid seeing it. I thought I would hate Lupin III {I don't know exactly why} then I sat down and watched it, and now I can't stop singing the theme song.

3) Avoid the game room if there is one. There will be an inevitably long line, and some chick was pulled out of it unconcious at Otakon.

4) Don't be afraid to talk to people or ask for pictures. I met a really fun guy at Otakon, and the people who wanted pictures of me but were too wimpy to ask pissed me off. One guy got lucky that my boyfriend noticed him, otherwise he would've been screwed.

5) Go with someone. Otherwise, it's really easy to get bored. Especially when there's nothing going on but bad dubs. *shudder*

6) ARRANGE SOMEWHERE TO MEET IF YOU GET SPLIT UP! We almost didn't, and I almost got completely screwed. I was freaking out, and I would've lost my ride home. These places are big, and it only takes a minute to pick a spot. IT'S WORTH IT!

7) Dress up! It's worth it. This will be one of the only places you can wear certain things. And your ego will bulge if you dress good enough to get your picture taken 145 times {like me}. It also makes it easier for people to pick you out if they're looking for you.

8) When choosing an outfit, be aware of everything about it. Don't just throw stuff on and go, make sure you have a chance to wear everything before the convention. This way you will know if anything in going to dig into your brain, be a pain in the ass to keep on, trip you, ram into other people, be a pain in the ass to carry, make your feet hurt, etc. And some places will supposedly kick you out if you don't wear shoes, though I was told this by 2 different Otakon staff members and never once was spoken to by anyone from the Center. However, you also won't be able to go get sodas or anything in the surrounding area. Also, be completely aware that going half-nude will result in you not being able to take more than 5 steps without being mobbed for photos. Even if you like the attention, when it hits about 1 am you'll get sick of it. If this happens, hide in a video room.

9) I would not recommend trying to survive on peanuts and water. It is possible {apparently} but it will really do a number on your bowels. Be aware that the food provided will be VERY overpriced {$2.25 for a PREZTEL??!!} and bring something decent. Money is better spent on the dealer's wonderful wares.

10) Random people may bonk you in the head on purpose. They aren't trying to kill you {I think} but it happened to me twice. I think they're saying hi.

11) No matter what, this will be you at the end of the weekend. Also, do not attempt to just stop watching anime after a full weekend in the video rooms. Wean yourself off in the days after.

Considering that it is storming heavily and I keep getting kicked off, I'll resume the Otakon section another time. Maybe by then I'll have the pictorial interperetations done!
