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Problems, Part III: The Four Sisters

Author: Hold on a second. I think it would be cuter if the Four Sisters were part IV. Now I have to think of who to make this part about. Hmm. Aha! Or is it eureka? Who cares. The new part III:

Problems, Part III: The Extras

Author: By extras I mean people who really don't do anything, like Molly, and, uh, Molly. Oh well.

My name is Molly, and I-

Alan: Oh no you don't. Those stupid Negaverse generals took over my part, so I'm taking over this one.

Zoycite: Who are you calling stupid?

Jedite: I'm a little teapot, short and stout......

Zoycite: Never mind.

Alan: I meant what I said and I said what I meant, you all are stupid, 100%!

Malachite: That was in Vicky's story!

Author: I changed it a little!

Mina: Besides, copycats are very flattering!

Author: You aren't supposed be here! And anyway, it's imitation is the highest form of flattery. (Mina disappears.)

Nephlite: What if she didn't want to disappear?

Author: Well, it was less messy than you chopping her up.

Zoycite: Hey! Alan called me stupid! I'm telling my mom!

Malachite: It seems that as time goes on, Jedite gets dumber, Zoycite thinks slower, I become the bland guy, Nephlite insults more, Alan gets ignored more, the author got rid of the original objective, and the plot fades.

Author: Plot? Has anyone seen a plot around anywhere? I kind of lost it in part II. Hello? Plot? Come out come out wherever you are!

Zoycite: (Dialing the phone.) Ha! It's a good thing I remember Mom's number!

Tlelphone Operator: The fingers you have used to dial are too fat. To obtain a special dialing wand, mash the keyboard with your fist.

Nephlite: Wasn't that on the Simpsons yesterday?

Malachite: What's a tlelphone? Which reminds me, what's a lollipoo?

Jedite: (Who was singing the teapot song this entire time.) Tip me over and pour me-WAAA!!!! (He trips and falls out the window again.) SPLUT!!!!

Zoycite: Splut's a new sound.

Malachite: His brain got mushier. Wait a minute. Window? I thought we were in Hawaii.

Author: Hawaii is too good for you.

Zoycite: Hey, Malachite, you called me slow!

Nephlite: Gee, I wonder why. (A "G" and a "Y" appear in his hands.) What in the world? (A globe appears in his hands.)

Jedite: (Dying on the pavement below.) He's got the whole world, in his hands!

Zoycite: Hmm, I wonder. Philly cheesesteak! (Nothing happens.) How come it works for Neffy?!

Author: Hello-o! Plo-ot! Where are you?

Zoycite: My friend Jedite acts like he's three. He thinks this power pole's a tree! He doesn't know he shouldn't fly a kite with power lines nearby! He doesn't listen when I say a substation's no place to play!

Nephlite: You know, author, if you publish this, you'll be in trouble.

Rei: The great fire shows lawsuits in your future.