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New Star or...?

*A large sphere-shaped craft hurtles towards earth. Written on it: Capsule Corp.*

Usagi was sleeping soundly (very LOUD soundly), when there was a large rumble and a boom. This failed to awaken the unconscious Usagi. She merely rolled over and mumbled "Go boom." Luna, however, had leaped onto the dresser, every strand of fur on end. "This can't be good."

The next day it was all over the news. An unidentified craft had landed, causing a crater 1 mile wide and 1/2 a mile deep. The scouts gathered around with the crowd. "You guys," said Ami. "I can't get a reading with all these people here."

"We'll have to come back tonight," replied Luna.

"There is no way Haruka and I can come," objected Michiru. "We have a concert."

"Yeah," added Hotaru. "Setsuna and I promised we'd go."

"Oh well," Luna sighed. "I guess it's just us."


"Did anyone hear something?" Luna asked. All the girls shrugged.


"I must be imagining things. Let's go." They all started to walk past an indignant Taiki.


"Oh, hi Taiki."

"I just wanted to mention that us stars will be able to meet you here tonight."

"Shouldn't we be checking with Seiya or Yaten?"

"Uh, well...." He looked over to a giant throng of girls. "They seem a little busy at the moment."

"How come you don't have a swarm of girls?"

"I just remembered I left a dentist in my oven and it's on and I have an appointment and something and bye!" He ran off down the street.


Later that night,