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The Zoycite Dilemma

This story takes place in the first series, just after Malachite leaves Zoycite's dead body. After you read this, read "Problems, Part I" for an explanation of Jed's behavior.

Zoycite sat up, blinked, and looked around. I guess I'm not dead after all, she thought. But I definitely don't want to work for someone who wants to kill me. She transported herself to the Negaverse Unemployment Office. "Just fill out this simple form," the receptionist said. Sounds easy enough. Zoycite sat down and started to fill out the form, until she came to a question that said, "Circle one: Male Female." She had no idea what she should put, so she asked the receptionist. "Let me get the manager," the lady behind the desk replied. The manager didn't understand the problem either, so he asked Zoycite into his office. "What seems to be the problem again?"

"I don't know whether I'm a man or a woman, because originally, when I was in Japan, I was a guy. But when I came to America, they said, 'Oh no, you are in love with a guy, and children will be watching, so we have to make a girl.' Is that fair?"

"You sound like a girl."

"I know that! They changed my voice! I mean, come on, do I look like a girl to you?"







"I don't get it."

"ARRRRGGHH!!!!!!" Zoycite stormed out of the office, slammed the form into the trash can, and stomped outside. Stupid Dic, look what they've done to me. I can't even get a new job! Maybe It would be better if I just died. Hmm. Think, Zoy, think. Jump off a bridge? No, too messy. A knife? No, I might stain the uniform, and one of my fans might want it. Oh well, poison it is. She bought some and went back to where this story began. "Malachite, I'll miss you." Then she drank the poison and died, only to find Malachite waiting for her in the afterlife.

"Where have you been? I thought you'd be here."

"I wasn't dead, but I finished the job for Beryl. What happened to you?"

"Scouts." He leaned against Zoycite. "At least no one can interfere now." Just then Jedite came bounding up and hugged Zoycite. "Mommy!" he yelled. "I-zzzzz."