capes are cool

Announcer : Hello all and welcome to...
*Announcer points to crowd*
*Crowd cheers, various people wave as camera briefly panns by them*
Announcer : And now, the moment you've been waiting for... THE CONTESTENTS!
*Crowd cheers as spotlight moves to far end of the stage*
Announcer : He's most known for his repeated appearence, corney speeches, and responsible for the death of Zoisite. Now presenting TUXEDO KAMEN!
*Tuxedo Kamen comes out and waves his cape while flashing a cheesy smile, does a speech and throws roses to a few of the crowd members in the house*
Announcer : Best known for his for his one time appearence as a twisted evil force bent on taking over the Earth, now presenting THE WISEMAN!
*Crowd boos as strange hooded figure holding glass ball floats out next to Tuxedo Kamen*
Announcer : 1960's t.v star Adam West, best know for his portrayl as BATMAN!
*Batmobile drives out hitting Wiseman off the stage. Batman gets out and scratches his head as the croud and rioters swarm Wisman and begin to beat on him. Wiseman blasts roiters back, levetates above crowd, blasts the Batmobile and floates over to hover over it's charred remains as Batman sobs uncontrollably*
Announcer : The evil Prince who loved the Queen of the Earth, PRINCE DEMENTO!
*crowd chees but no one comes out on stage*
Announcer : uh, Prince Demento ...
Prince Demando : (from behind curtain) umm ... thats DEMANDO, not Demento ...
Announcer : Oh, sorry ... now presenting PRINCE DEMANDO!
*Prince Demando walks out downing the rest of the liqure in his wine glass before throwing it at Wiseman*
Announcer : And now the defending champion, the rebel without a cause-
Kunzite : (from behind curtin) I resent that!
Announcer : Without furthar adue... the grat KUNZAITO-SAMA!
*Crowd cheers/cat calls as Kunzite saunters out from behind the curtin and throws a boomerang at Tuxedo Kamen putting a hole in his top hat*
Announcer : Now contestents, please remain civilized- we have a whole cape related night of fun and games ahead of us!
*Contestents talk amoungst themselves for a moment*
Prince Demando : Um... that was never in the contract that we signed.
Wiseman : Ya, when are we getting paied anyway? You know it does cost money to take over the world!
*Crowd boos throwing garbage and various Chibi-usa paraphenelia at him. Wiseman snarls and blasts random crowd members*
Announcer : Uhh... heh, heh why don't we just skip the cape flapping contest and go straight to the skill testing question.
*Contestents grovel for a moment but agree*
Announcer : O.k Tuxedo Kamen, if you could be a Sailor Senshi, who would you be and why?
Tuxedo Kamen : Uhh... Sailor Venus... because her hairs is so long it could be a cape!
Kunzite : Oh give it up Cape Boy, that is so unoriginal! I used that answer three years ago!
Tuxedo Kamen : Why you little-
Kunzite : You wanna take this outside --
Anonomys voice in the crowd : MAMO-CHANNNNN!!
Batman : My teeth hurt...
Tuxedo Kamen : Dear God no! She's loose!
*Tuxedo Kamen jumps over Wiseman and runs to Batman, holding his side. Batman takes a Bat-grapling hook from his bat belt and shoots it up hooking it through a glass dome. The two fly up to freedom*
Prince Demando : What the hell ...
Anonomys voice in the crowd : Mamo-chan no!
Prince Demando : Tee hee hee... there's something sweet in the air.... tee hee hee...
Kunzite : Noooo! It can't be....
*Crowd begins to separate as a few diabetics fall to the ground from a sugar overdose. Suddenly a high pitch scream echoes through the silent hall to reveal -

We apologize for the inconveinence, this unimportant, pathetic beauty pagent has been cut short due to lack of viewer intrest and audience participation.

We apologize again for this inconveinence.

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