Voices Inside My Head, Echoes of What You Said
Authors Notes- Before You Begin ^.^
©2000 T h r e a d s
Okay, this was originally posted about a year and a half ago I’m guessing. I was never entirely happy with it, but for some reason, I still sent it in to various places hastily. Anyway, this is the rewrite of Voices Inside my Head, Echoes of what you Said. As I said before, I never liked the original, but I do like the idea, or concept behind it. Anyway, here it is- the Kings play a bigger role in it, Kyanite isn’t quite as wussy, most of the lame parts have been edited or removed. The story is also a little stranger now (the way it was always intended to be.)
Also, to avoid any misconceptions or inquiries- this is not a gratuitous self-insertion fic. I simply made up Kyanite because the “Zoisite returning from death” concept is frequently reused and I wanted to be creative.
I also thought it would be more effective if I separated the flashback and labeled it “Prelude”- because that’s what it is anyway ^_^
Well, anyway, here it is, Voices Inside My Head, the 2000 version. I hope it is more successful than it’s original. I hope you like it, and remember to keep an open mind; it’s not that bad - really! Please send any comment to the address below (don’t bother with the sd_kunzy, that died over a year ago…)
E-mail: ghost_inthe_threads@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.angelfire.com/anime2/threads/
And a note: shitennou refers to the “four heavenly kings”, while tennou refers to them individually. At that, “shi” is Japanese for 4.
back? // yes?