About My Rants/Fics

by t h r e a d s

about my rants okay people, this is a little introduction as to why i write my essays/rants/fics about the x-files, and more importantly, why i am not a smart-ass that deserves a good flaming.

my tastes lie differently with each fandom- with sailormoon (oh, shut up- i hear you laughing) i'm really into the fan-fiction aspect of it (but only about the shitennou), with utena, it's more to the symbolism and themes of the series (since it makes the show damn confusing) and lastly, there is x-files. I want to write fan-fiction for the show, i really do. season 8 sparked a renwed interest in the show, that season 7 nearly killed off. my only problem was that there is far too much fan-fiction out there, and to be perfectly honest, when i write a story, i want to know at least somebody is reading it. there are hundreds of archives out there, and i didn't know where to start.

My second problem is due to the fact that there is so many fics out there, it's pretty hard to come up with something uniquely original. i used to be a shipper (i still am in certain respects) but there are so many MSR fics out there that everything has probably been done at least once. i think that's likely why i became somewhat of a dipper sympathizer. doggett is my favorite character, and before he came along, it was a toss between scully and krycek (but who cares about him now, thank you very much mr. carter ...) anyway, the dipper population is fairly scant, so i had a good chance of writing something remotely original. my only problem was, for whatever reason, i couldn't bring myself to write one (it's explored more in everyones dirty little secret) anyway, my x-files fandom was unfortunately lost until the season finale where i finally got fed up with my lack of creative output for the show and wrote a big old rant-essay about why i think the x-files is circling the drain.

and that's how i got into writing essays. i doubt many people will actually read them, but at least i know i'm being original. i do intend to write more fan fics, just don't expect a frequent deluge of them from me, and they (hopefully) won't be those tacky, gratuitiously-direct romance fics. that's not to say i will never write M/DSR fics, but they're likely to also examine the human condition or be plotted in a unique situation. (but remember, i'm also pretty lazy so the above is likely not going to happen. and that's also not to say that i have anything against overly-MSR fics ^.^)

now, to the second purpose of this little notice. i know for a fact i can come off a little strong in my essays, either overly sarcastic, or overly pissed-off. i can't defend my sarcasm, but i may seem more annoyed than usual is because i've been a debater for a number of years, and if you don't sound offended during your speeches, you're not going to win. it adds effect, and i'm twice as likely to drive the point i'm trying to make home. when i say that i thought "existence" was a pretty poor episode, yes, i do think it was bad, but not terrible- i'll still watch it. remember, i will rarely use the word "hate", so until i use that word in an essay, don't assume the worst.

so anyway, got a question, got a beef, wanna flame me? please do, i love feedback of any shape or form.

