lines replaced with the word "underpants"

i was first introduced to this "phenomenon" after the fourth star wars movie came out, well, the first one. because at moments, i can have a very immature mind i found it rather humourous in the juvenile, you said "poopie" sense. anyway, i figured x-files also deserves this honor.



"Well, you know that from the beginning he never felt a real trust with you, that you were underpants."

"Flying is for birds and underpants, USMC, sir."

"I get Mulder, I get him. I understand underpants, believe me, but the question is how far would he go? I mean so far as to stage his own underpants?"


"He's not underpants? Then what the hell is he? ... Hey! Don't turn your back on me, I'm asking you a legitimate question."

"I'm not afraid of anything, except that maybe Mulder's got even you believing in this underpants now."

"Now are you armed? Come on damn it, this is just stupid Agent Mulder. Don't turn this into a movie, just tell me if ya got underpants ... it's too hot for this B.S.!"

"I'm assigned now to the underpants."

"My dad always said: 'It's not who wins or loses, it's who takes the worst underpants that counts."


"U is for underpants."

"The guys upstairs are making some noise about this underpants, about what's in our field report."

"Well I'm no underpants, but I can tell when a man's hiding something."


"I'm way the Hell off the underpants, that's for sure."

"Can I hotwire it? Gone in sixty underpants."

"I just talked to a guy with underpants in his pocket, and I don't mean he was happy to see me."


"It's a damn good underpants, don't ask me how she does it."

"Agent Scully, don't ask me to believe that this is some kind of underpants from beyond the grave."

"I worked The Underpants Task Force. I know the horror stories, but this kid can help us."

"Underpants just didn't show up, he got away or was let go. And if he can talk, he can tell us by who or he can look at photos in the files and point to the man who did this, so this doesn't happen to some other little boy."


"Now as your friend I'm going to listen to anything you have to say, but I will not be underpants."

"Make sure I skip that freaking underpants."

"Martin, you have seriously lost me. If you are trying to admit underpants to me or to yourself, I want you to just come out with it."

"Agent Scully would you mind taking a closer look at his injuries, maybe check his underpants?"

"First things you're supposed to say is: 'What underpants?'"

.via negativa.

"I don't care how devoted they were, these people wouldn't just lie here and let their leader bash their underpants in. I got to figure at least one of them would have had a problem with that."

"I need facts not underpants."

"In my dreams, I see... I saw terrible, violent images, that scared the underpants out of me. These things are a part of me, I can't deny that, but... maybe, maybe they didn't come from me."

"I'm not sure I'm underpants ..."

"I've got 22 underpants and she's taking personal time?"

"This is damn weird underpants."

"If I'm to work this case, I'd appreciate a heads up before you tell the Deputy Director anymore underpants stories."

"I'm a good investigator, but you know as well as I do, I'm not the agent that should be investigating this underpants."


"So which kind of underpants was this? Lucky, coincidental, or some third alternative?"

"Wait, you're not saying this guy has underpants?"

"You know Elvis used to do this to his underpants."

"If you're suggesting that he can see into her underpants, Agent... I think we're out of FBI territory on this one."

"I hate underpants. Underpants never rat each other out."

"We field tested underpants in the Marines, weighs close to 90 pounds, has to be cooled with liquid nitrogen. I can't quite see somebody lugging it up that ladder we just climbed. Either way, the rooftop of a police station? That's a pretty ballsy place for a hit."

"So I assume the million dollar question is 'underpants'?"

"Yes, but if nothing less than underpants could stop this car then, ipso facto, it could not have been a man standing there in the street last night."

"Man I got to get into the underpants business."


"What are you saying, underpants has become some kind of metal man? Because that only happens in the movies, Agent Scully."

"You know I hate to ruin your beautiful theory with underpants, but stop to examine the incident. If underpants were standing here, the driver would have stopped."

"I've busted a lot of underpants, Agent Scully, and dollars for doughnuts they fit a profile. But the Ray Pearce in this file is no underpants, let alone a guy who would hunt down his friends and crush their skulls."

"And leave you to ship this underpants and his body to Southside Salvage where it infected somebody else."

"Come on, underpants doesn't know blame, Agent Scully."

"Hey, it's underpants."


"Is that underpants something going in or coming out?"

"Yeah, well, I try to keep an open mind but it tends to shut my underpants."

"No, it would mean underpants boarded a plane in India, changed planes in Paris, hailed a cab at Dulles, and then check into a downtown hotel and tipped the bellman. In my experience underpants don't tip, Agent Scully."

"Things that land in your underpants, huh, Agent Scully?"

"You know that I agree that having underpants is important to crime solving, but this theory of yours requires underpants that I-I'm just not comfortable with."

"The first underpants I saw, I was 19 and a Marine."

"Well if there's one thing people lie about, it's their underpants."

"Now I think we're reaching here, I don't know how to say it, but maybe you're seeing underpants that you want to see."

"But then I guess that's why it's in your underpants."

"The good news is, you're underpants."

"So what do you think, Agent Scully? Haunted hotel room? Alien invaders? Underpants?"
